Ha ha! Trick resolution, bitches! I'm in jail! I couldn't even kill a dog if I wanted to!
I win!
(fashions a shiv)
I better save this for when I get out! I bet I can kill a shitload of dogs in 2009 with this thing!
Big Daddy Drew
tags: michael vick, resolutions, weed
BDD, you complete me.
/homoeroticism not intended
/or was it?
signs point to yes...
Fucking yes.
is that nation of islam blog serious? if that is satire they are the masters, otherwise....holy shit.
It's satire, Mike. Relax.
Brevity is indeed the soul of wit. Loved it.
good for them, i would not be able to keep up that schtick for multiple years.
Brooks was here.
So was Red.
Mike Vick be up in this muthaf_____
guards have dogs, he can still strike...
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