Thursday, January 31, 2008


What do YOU want for the Super Bowl, little boy?


Unsilent Majority said...

that sound you hear is children shrieking in fear.

Unsilent Majority said...


Cheap Cynicism said...

Your muscles, cramping frequently and painfully throughout the game on Sunday, beginning immediately after the ball is snapped and ending immediately after Brady is sacked.

Also, a pony!

SlideShow Bob said...

Osi to win the Brady Bounty, i mean he could use the cash his fetish is expensive.

Also a PS3.

Chuck Sweet said...

NOT to get dragged into the wilderness, murdered with an ax and left in a shallow grave.

Even though Santa might think that's what I want, it is not.

dick_gozinia said...

Where is his fucking blue ox?

twoeightnine said...

Mister, I love the way you wear that hat.

My Insignificant Life said...


We want HOs!!!!!

Kyle321N said...

Strahan to win the Brady Bounty because I hear he dabbles in homosexuality and might dabble with Brady as he lays on the field motionless...


Otto Man said...

Cut the guy some slack. He helped Bubbles get clean!

A Fly Moses said...

...and sang a mean theme song.

Tracer Bullet said...

That's not Santa, that's fucking Volstagg.

The Big Loganski said...

Alan Moore really let himself go.

Doje said...

"that's never been your problem bubs. it'd be a damn shaayme to make it one naaoohw!"

BEHM777 said...

Kinda looks like Charles Manson on 'roidz.

SlideShow Bob said...

+1 Otto

Moof! said...

Want some candy little boy? It's in the zippered pocket.

Grimey said...

Ryan Seacrest's beard is more impressive

Mevs said...


lmfao. that is fuckin' great!

larry b said...

The beard obscures the fact that he's got one of the widest faces in human history. Just look at the picture, and then cover up the bottom part of the beard with your hand or a piece of paper. It's like he's been beaten in the mouth with an oar.

And I want a remote controlled car!

Unknown said...

Reminds me of the viking dude in the Snickers commercial.

Popeye Jones said...

eugene robinson would have been ecstatic

dick_gozinia said...

Would he dance behind my car if I played European techno music?