Saturday, January 19, 2008

Really? You Want ME To Coach Your Team?

Really? The HEAD coach? Holy shit. Even I don't know who I am.


The Cajun Boy said...

hopefully he will use this platform to give voice to the silent tragedy of coaches inflicted with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Anonymous said...

Are we certain the Ravens didn't think they were hiring Jim Harbaugh to both coach and play QB?

PUNTE said...

"You see, fellas: grabbing a woman's tit is like grabbing a bag of sand."


Christmas Ape said...

It's not Cowher! It's not Cowher!

/does a jig
/shits pants

Happy Fun Miles said...

I'm really torn as to whether or not this was better than that Constance Fry-singin' Princeton douchenozzle.

Why didn't Martz get consideration, damnit?

Jon said...

If Harbaugh does QB-Coach, it'll be the best movie about a player/coach since Slapshot.

I read this and said 'Secondary for the Eagles? Were they any good this year?'

peytonloveskenny said...

Here's hoping he's just as incompetent as the Bri.

Alan said...

New Ravens Coach is watching you auto-erotic asphyxiate.


Anonymous said...

over/under on the number of days until RayRay stabs his new HC?

I say 100.

Tracer Bullet said...

Let's hope he takes Rory Seagrist with him because the Eagles special teams were fucking awful this year.

PotsNPans said...

Is there some kind of contest in the AFC North to hire the least qualified coaches??

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else remember that episode of Night Court where Harry explains how he ended up being appointed a judge?