New Shirts
Please Do Not Consider This A Condemnation Of Public Nudity
We've just put up some new shirts for Eli, Marmalard, and even our dawg Norv. We'll be adding more over the next couple weeks (Wade and Jerry, Purple Jesus, and a special Matt Ufford shirt, for example), along with some other hotness. Give the new designs a look, and don't be afraid to request something that we haven't thought of. Thanks.
The Ufford shirt comes with a free thrift store sports jacket
I want some ed "guns" hochuli shirts!
The Marmalard shirt is the winner.
I heard the Ufford shirt was treated with special chemicals that drain the pigmentation right out of your skin.
@otto man
Plus you can make fun of people then put on your Ufford shirt and pussy out while taking goofy-ass starstruck photographs with them.
Does the Ufford shirt also run three sizes too small?
Psshhh, you want a preview of the Ufford shirt? You gotta know where to to get it.
You know what would be a sweet prize for having won a KSK Suicide League this season? A KSK t-shirt of your choice...
/trying to get free shit
where is the silky garrard line of pocket squares and thongs?
Purple Jesus shirt: Just a purple outline of the Lord? I think it'd be sweet if it were word-less.
I hope someone buys that NE Gaytriots shirt... That's quite a steal.
That word verification's a bitch...
Anyway, I'm almost ready to purchase the "Eli" shirt even though I'm completely indifferent regarding Eli or the Giants. That's how sweet the shirt is. Marmalard's a damn fine shirt as well. Hell they're all sweet-ass sweet.
Don't drop the ball on the Purple Jesus shirt though. I expect a classic...I'm sure you all have it in you.
I tried to purchase the New England
shirt, but alas, I only had $4,999.00
on my card.
Great. Now I'm gonna have to buy an engagement ring to carry around with me on the off chance that while taking off some lucky young lady's pants, she happens to be wearing Norv! panties. Ah well, it's worth it.
I think a shirt that simply says "[Door flies open]" across the front would be most excellent.
It's two birds with one stone - "Wade & Jerry" and Marmalard.
...It would provoke people to ask the wearer what it means, though. I hate that shit.
I think a shirt that simply says "[Door flies open]" across the front would be most excellent.
That's just eerie, stitchface. Said tee-shirt has been in development since last week.
"get in on the pockmarked fun" = outstanding marketing.
Will the eli logo be available on a set of squash gloves soon?
The [Door flies open] shirt is up.
@fallex: They wear gloves in squash?
My girlfriend got me a purple jesus shirt for christmas. It instantly became my favorite shirt.
Football and blasphemy... a match made in.. uhh..
Yeah, great idea with that [Door flies open] shirt. Like anyone is gonna know what the fuck that means.
Sorry, I had a bad experience with my Homsar shirt from, and I'm not going through that shit again.
I'm waiting in anticipation for the special Ufford shirt. I'd make some crack about it being the whitest of white t-shirts ever, but it seems others have beat me to it with the comments.
A t-shirt with Jerry Jones' face (with horns) and the words "I AM FUCKIN’ CRAZY!!!!!" would sell like C4 cakes in the Middle East.
Of course, you'd have to give Jerry his cut.
The Eli shirt is nice, but I'd prefer something with a squash racket.
nice call on the "[Door flies open]" t-shirt. I was going to suggest, "Ya betta ask somebodddaaaaaayyyyyyyy"
I should have given the new designs a look first before commenting.
You gotta have one that just says
I agree with the above suggestion for some kind of Silky Garrard-related underwear. For the ladies. Maybe it could say "This goes on your bill."
honestly, I have no idea. How's bout kneepads? I'm sure Eli wears those.
Anyway I've got one word(?) to ponder for your next round of KSK Kouture:
The Norv t-shirt in Silver & Black is most brilliant. It makes me want to hurt people, but it's still brilliant.
[door flies open] is my favorite, though.
@futuremrs: I second the "this goes on your bill" suggestion.
Also, can we get a ladies version of the [door flies open] and marmalard shirts? They are magnificent.
Volektricity please?
I'd like one with a photo of Peter King's daughter.
I would go for the "YEEHAW I AM FUCKING CRAZY!" I say that shit on a daily basis anyway.
I'd like some of those pants/shorts/underwere chicks where with words on the ass, it could say: "The BS Report"
I'd buy like 5 for my fiancee.
Also, I like the [Door Flies Open] but it'd be better if Ya betta ask somebodddayyyy!!! was on the back.
Just my $0.02 American.
Nice! I will most definitely be making a purchase.
<--eagerly awaiting the Purple Jesus threads
How about a...
Najeh's Composting, Inc.
Est. 2002 know, in honor of everything going green these days. It would even make those gay looking natural cotton tees wearable.
You need to make a [door flies open] in women's underwear. Preferably on the back door... if you know what I mean.
I don't want to be a dick; but if you're buying 'norv' underwear, you're pretty serious about it, no?
I mean--you guys have an awesome blog. However, I sincerely hope no one is buying KSK themed underwear.
People can't be that lame, can they?
I don't want to be a dick
Then stop.
I can't believe there have been 41 comments, and not one mention of Slappy titties.
A powder blue Marmalard shirt?
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