Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Rex Grossman Jokes, Now In Convenient Spoken Word Form

I did an interview with Jamie Mottram over at Sports Bloggers Live today: You can listen to all the hot, sweet action here. If you need to visualize me as I speak, feel free to consult this picture of Tackleberry from the Police Academy movies. Everyone says I look like him. Which pains me greatly.

This interview went over much better than the last one I did, mainly because I was on a landline and could actually hear the questions. Hey Verizon Wireless, I can't hear shit now. Eat a dick. Some fun points about this soon-to-be-legendary-in-no-one's-mind interview:

-I have replaced my love of adverbs with my love of the word "like". I am a 15-year-old girl.
-I hope you also like the word "apparently". Because apparently, I do.
-My voice is still just jaw-droppingly sexy. I've got the timbre. Does Bill Simmons have the timbre? Fuck and no.

I also highly recommend you click on the link to Mottram's blog over on the right side of the page. He's got pictures of a fat, sweaty Chris Berman. As if there were any other kind. Enjoy.


MDG said...

I'm sorry BDD. But that Bears Superfan was hilarious today. I give him top ranking. But I did enjoy the cocaine question and the fact that you called Mottram a handsome man good times as well. Oh and you're about 1 million times better then The Spain Train.

swing4 said...

Is it significant that, given the option, Mottram repeatedly calls you "Big Daddy", instead of Drew?

Anonymous said...

mmmm, 15 yr old girls. wait. did i just say that out loud? fuck.

save the steagles said...

I don't thing talking like a teenage old girl deterred one bit from your coming across as a ruggedly masculine sports blogger.

Signal to Noise said...

You've got a voice made for radio. (Yeah, it's an insult given to people too ugly for T.V., but it's not meant to be in this case.) I thought more of Brian from Family Guy.

Drew, there's gotta be a Michael Irvin and cocaine post in your arsenal somewhere.

Unsilent Majority said...

Mottram has a thing for animated New Orleans mobsters.

Anonymous said...

Does Mamoola mean apparently in inuit?

dbvader said...

Some AOL blogger and Bill "Yeast infected vagina" Simmons talking about The Real World on Radio Row at the Super Bowl. Fuck me. A waste of ones and zeroes. Did they 69 or just give each other a tugjob?