Thursday, February 28, 2008

Kill Kill Kill: Why Did the Gazelle Cross the River?

Oh no! That petite coed is trying to leave the frat party, but Jerramy Stevens and his friends are there!


Chris(BessMervinGirlDetective) said...

Oh Snap!

The death roll at the end was a nice touch.

The Last Unitard said...

I may have been really drunk that time on safari, but I'm pretty sure the answer to that question is, "to suck my dick".

Otto Man said...

LU, I believe you're thinking of the question "Why Did Gisele Cross the River?"

The Last Unitard said...

I may have more issues than I thought.

JAMMQ said...

Actually, wouldn't have Jerramy Stevens drawn a penalty or found some other way to fuck up the play?

gone said...

I didn't see any Gentle Dental going on there.

Anonymous said...

Now that is more like it. Swallow that mother fucker whole, not like that bitch ass tiger playing grab ass with a cow.

JakesAlterEgo said...

@ Pirate

Then you aren't doing it right.

Punch Rockgroin said...

The best part is when the crocs eat the gazelle.

That, and the ominous orchestral background is awesome.

futuremrsrickankiel said...

Pirate Sloth, you may have just made my afternoon...

Anonymous said...

Oh no! That petite coed is trying to leave the frat party, but Jerramy Stevens and his friends are there!

It was just too much and my sense of humor overloaded. I don't think anything will ever be funny again. Oh God. What have I done?

...this morning, I even saw a little girl get her fingers caught in a car door and... I couldn't laugh. I mean I... I knew it was funny, but I couldn't laugh

Marmatard said...

I came.

gone said...

oh yeah, CC a +1 on the Stevens play.

@Mrs. - It's the least I can do for giving me such a wonderful new reference. I'm gonna try that line on the lady this weekend.

dick_gozinia said...

Todays Crocodiles > Yesterday's Tiger

BEHM777 said...

The perfect capper would have been for the croc to let out a mammoth, bloody belch.

BEHM777 said...

Oh, and did you hear the little gazelle yelp? It was enough to make a vegan weep.

zetternutz said...

Does this earn a kill kill kill tag? My only complaint is the lack of video. But I still can't think of a better way to get rid of a shitballed chihuahua.

Rich said...

Sometimes the best posts are the short, sweet ones...1.) show wanton animal carnage? check 2.) compare it hilariously to a shitty, rapist player? check

Good one...

brad said...

+1 dick_gozinia

+1,000,000 behm777