NFL PostSecret Returns for a Brand New... [ssshhhh!]
A regular feature toward the end of the last season, we're resurrecting the NFL PostSecret post as a weekly feature. Why? Because we can't bear to keep things from you, dear readers.
As always, thanks to the actual PostSecret blog.-----Email Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 3:36 PM
Subject: re: Antonio Gates
HUGH!-----Email Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 7:35 PM
Subject: Couch
I can't believe his comeback is done. What will my imaginary family say?
-----Email Message-----
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 7:35 PM
Subject: Begul shits
I hope U remember to wash HE ass!
I can't wait for McBeam's debut on Planet Unicorn
Are you saying my blog does steroids?
Hall's hair was actually supposed to say IOU 85 but his barber came down with a case of Tourette's in the middle of the cut.
The "... excuses" gets shaved in tomorrow.
Wow, I should have read this last night. I was all "What do syringes have to do with a couch?"
But Ape, don't make me think so hard in the morning. I don't do any work before 11am.
Bud Grant will start picking off LBs from his deer stand in the Metrodome if they dare to line up with 9 in the box versus Peterson.
The season needs to start already!!! I am even anticipating the Jacked Up segment after the long summer of nothing but baseball.
Away for a few days...has Clint finally been banned from the site?
Know who also put nine in a box? Travis Henry. beats.....jacked up no longer exists. it promotes concussions. call the concussion hotline if you have any questions.
@ gerry dorsey
That's too bad, I was so waiting to see Tom Jackson wearing those monoshomatic suits that The Playmaker bought for him.
Oh well, I'll have to get my big hits from that bong in the corner instead.
You mean I can't yell "Jacked Off!!" after I'm done masturbating anymore?
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