His Name Is Not Adrian Peterson. His Name Is Purple Jesus.
Learn it. Live it. Love it. Purple Jesus is here to unite all people in the name of treating oncoming linebackers like foster children.
It is a new day.
Learn it. Live it. Love it. Purple Jesus is here to unite all people in the name of treating oncoming linebackers like foster children.
It is a new day.
Big Daddy Drew
tags: Big Daddy Drew, Homerism, purple jesus, yes i know the vikings are going 13-3 this year
Glaring omission of "homerism" tag.
yea, and lets not forget just how highly ranked the jets D was last year. let alone their fifth stringer preseason players.... though he did look good, i just hope he stays healthy - i drafted him in my FFBall league too.
and yea he shall lead us to the promised land of 5-11. Just kidding...6-10.
Drew's right. This guy could be the next Mewelde Moore.
I, too, noticed that the other team seemed to be wearing Jets' uniforms. But I'm sure that didn't matter, and there's no reason to think it should keep you from bearing Purple Jesus babies.
dont be hating on the jets, chad pennington has enough super laser 5 yard screen passes to lead us to the super bowl!
The Vikes are the Bizarro Broncos. Instead of being able to take a new running back each year, plug them into the system and have success...
I, too, enjoyed watching Adrian Peterson deliver punishing blows to unknowing defensive backs as he head out of bounds, but how long can that last for an injury prone player?
It was like watching a new version of Emmitt Smith.
But you, better believe Peterson is the running back on my Madden franchise, injuries off.
Postings at 8:11 AM on weekends, what the hell is wrong with you BDD? Please get drunk or something tonight. If Peterson is Purple Jesus, Pat Williams must be all 12 Apostles.
Foster children should be loved, not smashed by mutants from Oklahoma.
I for one hope he is at least the Purple John the Baptist, because I own him in three different fantasy leagues.
Even as a Bears fan, I thought Adrian Peterson looked real good. OUR Adrian Peterson that is, HAHA! Adrian Peterson couldn't hold Adrian Peterson's jockstrap. Which Adrian Peterson am I talking about? I don't even know!!
Postings at 8:11 AM on weekends, what the hell is wrong with you BDD?
Having a kid means I wake at 7 every morning. It'll happen to YOU.
Please get drunk or something tonight.
Just because I get up early doesn't mean I'm not hungover.
If Peterson is Purple Jesus, Pat Williams must be all 12 Apostles.
That's disciples, but well played nonetheless.
Oddly enough, "Purple Jesus" is the nickname I've given my penis. Even more odd, it looks much like Adrian Peterson.
No, wait, Mewelde Moore. It definately looks like Mewelde Moore.
No, he's right, it's the 12 Apostles, all of whom were disciples.
Holy shit, this religious high school education comes into play at the oddest moments...
13 apostles, 12 disciples...
They lost one disciple and added two apostles in the switch.
Peterson might be Purple Jesus, but despite Jackson's roots in Alabama, he could be purple Judas.
As a Clevelander and by default browns fan...i think i died more today than i did yesterday...can't wait to see my franchise left tackle 'thomas' wiff and let 'brady quinn' get decapitated...fun times.
Hey, I've got 2 kids and I didn't get up till 8. Of course I also had nothing else too do today. I also only had a couple beverages.
after having gone to catholic school from when i was 5 until i graduated college, i'd like to point out that you're all wrong. there is no god, sorry and none of those people ever existed... except purple jesus, except the real purple jesus goes by a different name... PRINCE
As a Jets fan, I can say with confidence that this play went exactly as Mangini planned.
While you Vikes fans celebrated, Mangini rubbed his hands together and muttered "it's all falling into place."
Since it's Sunday morn,
I'd say the original twelve could be designated as both apostles and disciples.
Jason Campbell's knee is indestructible!!!
Fuck you Steeler queers.
Watching the NFL Network replay here in Texas of Campbell's knee, I am forced to conclude that it has the properties of saltwater taffy in order for him to survive that hit.
Fuck you, Brett Keisel. Next time you best bring some kryptonite.
Clearly Keisel was a downgrade in the injuring QBs role so aptly performed by Kimo.
However, it was good to see Todd Collins outperform Campbell. Update your MVP tally, Maj.
I was at that game, but I got there like an hour late, so I didn't even see Campbell play. I was, however, pleasantly surprised to find out that Mark Brunell is still on the Redskins (and that he still sucks).
Brady Quinn debut > Purple Jesus debut
They shouldn't have traded the disciple, those two Apostles were total busts.
I just hope nobody at the airport finds his Wizzinator.
Also, if that same run happens during the season, it ends with AP's first NFL separated shoulder.
Wow. So you get all of that for 8, maybe 9 games each season. For the next 3 seasons. Tell the other backs to stay loose on the sideline.
I'm late to the party, but I think I figured out what to do with my 4th round pick. Injury-prone my ass, that's why there's a waiver-wire.
I'll see you an Apostle and raise you two Disciples.
13-3? Dude.
Try 15-1.
where do we get our purple jesus t shirts?
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