GQ Gives Us the Photos We Want
As noted elsewhere yesterday, this month's GQ places its gay gaze upon six young quarterbacks tagged -- though not necessarily destined -- for stardom in the NFL.
These photos are not to be underestimated. GQ is the magazine that gave us Tom Brady hugging an adorable baby goat, which we bloggers appreciate, as years of goat-fucking jokes have helped us cope with Dreamboat's three Super Bowl rings and model-banging ways.
So, with Dreamgoat as our benchmark, let's take a look at the photos and see which ones will stand the comedic test of time.
Oh, Brady Quinn. It's not his fault he's this good-looking, you know. Here he evokes the classic brooding handsomeness of James Dean. Sadly, despite Cleveland's offensive line, football protective equipment is too effective for us to realistically expect a tragically premature death.
Am I the only one not sold on JaMarcus Russell? Here he is walking away from the jet he couldn't buy because he hasn't signed a contract yet. This picture won't be truly funny unless Russell is a colossal bust and ends up a pauper. And given the state of the Raiders, I like those odds.

Cowboy Tony Romo as a cowboy. This photo actually wasn't set up by GQ; Romo is a ranch hand in the offseason in order to maintain credibility with girlfriend/country star Carrie Whoever. It's also the best job a degree from Eastern Illinois can get you, unless you actually want to be a high school music teacher in Nauvoo.

Matt Leinart lounging at the pool with a hot chick? It's a little hard to believe, but I guess I can go along with it. Here's part of Leinart's interview with the magazine:
GQ: Okay, what’s the biggest perk of your job? And don’t be like, “I get to play in the NFL.”
Leinart: Well, you get a lot of free stuff. You get free clothes, and you get people who want to give you free suits.
GQ: Okay, but your suits are too big on you.
Leinart: You’re crazy.
GQ: I’m crazy? I work at GQ.
Leinart: No, you’re right. I’ll take your advice on that.
I love the way Leinart comes off as an easily swayed simpleton. It's part of his charm, I'm sure.
Ben, Ben, Ben.
Somehow I'm not buying into the smooth film noir private investigator image. Is it the drunk photos all over the Internet? Is it the Miami of Ohio background? The helmetless motorcycle crash? The too-carefully-groomed goatee? The organ failure? Yes. All of that. Plus I think this (surprisingly) not Photoshopped picture more accurately portrays the man who steers the Black and Gold:

I choose to disagree with your shirt, sir.
(Thanks for putting up with all the gayness in the post. Here's a cheerleader for your patience. Her name is Keela Harris, and it's best if you not try to figure out if her head has been superimposed on the picture.)
That's one sexy showercap/yarmulke hybrid.
Ooh Ooh... photoshop contest for VY. Wonder why he wasn't included in the GQ spread?
man, leinart's got some long shins.
and dont forget craplisberger's natalie gulbis stuffing.
Brady needs to roll a pack of cigarettes into his shirtsleeve if really wants to have the whole queer rockabilly look down pat.
Grimey's got some good captions on Loljocks
Brady called his preacher, he said "Give me strength for Round Five"
He said, "You don't need no strength, you need to grow up, son"
Morrissey fans are now in love with Brady Quinn after looking at that picture.
Regardless of his bust status, I have to admit JaMarcus look fucking pimp in that picture.
Oh, I didn't include VY because I didn't find the photo inherently funny. Plus VY is actually good.
JaMarcus looks like an ass bandit with a mink coat and a sweat suit.....
JaMarcus looks awesome
Did JaMarcus steal that coat from Elton John or Liberace?
UU, I believe it was Imelda Marcos.
@Upstate and Flubby
C'mon give JaMarcus a break, he doesnt look gay in that pic. He looks fucking hot, hell I'd fuck him....oh, hmmmmm, I see your point.
JR looks like he's the "tough one" in a boy band.
And that Michael Irvin is his personal stylist.
Sexy Rexy was supposed to be in the GQ spread, but the pictures were all X-Rated.
Lay off JaMarcus- he wears that coat all the time down in Baton Rouge. Helps him sweat off those extra pounds
Mmmmm, BQ.
I'd be the Judy to his Jim Stark.
After all of his problems with motor vehicles Ol' Ben continues to drive a car with no air bags...And I don't see a seatbelt. Apparently safety isn't sexy.
@Derrick: There is a picture of him in every issue, but his sexyness causes the pages to automatically stick together.
"Sexy Rexy was supposed to be in the GQ spread, but the pictures were all X-Rated."
In his defense, every photograph ever taken of him is X-rated unless he has a bag over his head.
After the haunting images of Michael Strahan's legs these pictures are much appreciated. We get a little lady porn to end the week and you guys get more hard evidence that every NFL quarterback is gay. Everyone wins.
Unbeknownst to Brady Quinn...
His photo reminds me more of (known bisexual) Marlon Brando. I'll bet anything GQ did that on purpose.
Jamarcus says that the bitch better have his money. Not some, not half, but all his cash. Or else he's gonna put a foot in her ass.
I'd put MY foot in her ass. If you know what I mean. I think you do. Aw yeah you do. Foot. Right up in her ass. You know. You know what I mean.
I hear lime green showercaps offer great protection in motorcycle crashes. That has to be why Ben is wearing one - right???
"Yes, yes, yes, yes (guy on horseback), yes, chick, yes, maybe, chick." -- Brady Quinn
goddamn right you didn't include vince.
A post with gay pictures of gay QBs, and not one mention of the new Brett Favre Wrangler commercial? I can't find the video online yet, so no link.
Wendi Nix just put my dick on swole during Sportscenter.
I will likely pay for sex tonight. Who wants to go pick up some strippers at Scores?
When did the Browns get Ponyboy to play quarterback?
The staging/posing/whatever in every one of these is gayer than a Playgirl pictorial. But even Brady looks pretty good. The Ponyboy thing works for him. And as for Jamarcus, only a black man could wear that and look so damn good. But my #1 pick is Ben. Even with that yellow thing on his head.
A virtual cornucopia of gay quarterback pix has got to make Peter King's knees buckle....well, more so than what is caused by his fat gut. I'm sure the Tony Romo/"Brokeback Mountain" concept is leading to sweet dreams and stained boxers somewhere in New Jersey tonight.
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