Monday, October 8, 2007

A KSK Exklusive! Michael Vick Arrested Yet Again!

Reader Marc H. sent us this picture (click to enlarge) and fills us in on the juicy details.

Took this picture while tailgating at the Lions @ Redskins game on Sunday. Found out later that he stole an old ladies purse during the tailgate. I thought it was ironic.

That lady's purse must have had a Drake's coffee cake in it. I'm not surprised Michael Vick has stooped this low. Dog fighting is one thing, but hanging out with Redskin fans? Ugh. Did you know you can actually hear your brain cells dying when you visit Fedex?

I swear this guy was partying with Osi Umenyiora just last week.


Anonymous said...


I'm not exactly the smallest guy on the block, but that guy is just freaky. It looks like someone took the lower half of a really, really fat guy and took a slightly less hideous fat guy on top.

naptown drew said...

With the old lady grinning smugly and the black cop laughing, I can't help but think some funny shit went down here. I bet Maj would put money on the old lady running Gary Coleman's stunt double down like Marion Jones with an assful of The Clear.

JAMMQ said...

How long until Unsilent Majority bucks at the Redskins comment.

F*ck the Redskins, Go Bills!

Remember 1992!!!

(Sorry, still suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome after watching that Super Bowl.

Ruthless Gravity said...

Wow, a Bills fan bringing up nostalgic tales of the early 90s. I thought that was the job of us Redskins fans. The last decade must have been extremely hard on you.

Ruthless Gravity said...

damn, I clicked to enlarge and I don't think I'll ever be the same. I see Vick still carries around his special weed water bottle.

P.S. - Fuck Maryland State Troopers

peytonloveskenny said...

Sorry, still suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome after watching that Super Bowl.

Really, just that one?

Unsilent Majority said...

I'm obviously not in agreement with Drew's opinion of Redskins fans in general but I'm the first to admit that FedEx attracts quite a few stupid people who know dick about football. And they always have to sit right behind me.

However, the worst of them just sit at the bar out in the concourse while watching the game on television sucking down $8 Buds and all the Smirnoff Ice their trashy lady-friends can handle (plus one and a half more).

Aside from that it's a lovely place...assuming you don't take things like "location" into consideration.

JAMMQ said...

Really, just that one?

Iracane says comments should be relevant to the post, so there you go . . .

JAMMQ said...

/plus mind may have been wiped of any memories of any other Super Bowls, like in Total Recall.

Trader Rick said...

All the shit I took wearing a Lions jersey at that gawd awful game made me wonder:
Do the Redskins consider the Lions to be their rival?
Because why else would you get all fired up about being a shitty team like the Lions?
W.R.T. the photo, I just wish those sweat pants had "SEXY" printed across the ass.

Austin said...

Whoa, dude, is that old lady getting arrested?

Suss said...

Those are actually Roger Goodell's personal bodyguards arresting him for wearing an unauthorized NFL jersey.

Unknown said...

that was a great fucking post.. about hanging out with redskins fans...

Boney said...

unsilent isn't too far off about the pansy yuppies that attend redskins games anymore... aside from the fact that I got a play by play that the nerd gave to his mom behind me.. I also got to witness a gaggle of douchebags around me in their fake gold framed ray-bans in all their drunken glory trying to break the seats in the "dream seat" area.

And another thing, the only thing dreamy about the dream seats is you don't have to pay for your cookies or soda. The view sucks if you're behind the bench with a bunch of 6'4 black guys blocking your view.