Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Eating at the Y in Jax

This Jacksonville fan reminds us that there are alternatives to watching this ass-whipping. Certainly, Colonel Angus would be proud.

Crazy good pull by Chris at Mister Irrelevant.


Big Daddy Drew said...

They should hand out Thunderlabia at all sporting events.

brad said...

Can't blame the guy. When your team is getting pounded on national TV, you have to think of things you'd rather be doing than watching this. It's the fan's way of keeping sane.

Fortunately, most of us have the good sense to do this in the privacy of our own homes rather than on national TV.

Chris(BessMervinGirlDetective) said...

That was a lot better than that silly zapruder film.

Upstate Underdog said...

That was pretty cool. Original if not anything else. Most yahoos at games would have given the middle finger or something else stupid.

JAMMQ said...

Never has so much white trash been congregated in one place than last night at the stadium.

Every shot of the crowd seemed to show thirty more living in dirt, crocodiles in the yard, smells like swamp, trailer trash.

It was great!

Vee said...

clit / clack

brad said...

+150 big jim slade XD

gone said...

I bet his girlfriend saw him do that on national TV.

Jarrett said...

I bet his girlfriend now knows he can, and is pissed that he's pretended all this time.

Ian said...

I bet he doesn't have a girlfriend.

TurleyGirlie said...

The INSTANT I saw that last night, I KNEW y'all would have something about it here.

Well done.

mamacita said...

Thanks for the slo-mo. I'm gonna superglue my thighs together now.

Seamus Furr said...

Funny, I thought Jacksonville would have been classier.

Foxxy Brown said...


that is SO going to be my next commenter name. Many thanks.

Otto Man said...

My wife actually caught this, while I was in the kitchen. I knew something was up when, for the first time ever, it was her trying to rewind the TiVo during MNF and not me.

Hard to believe a team with a classy teal-and-leopard-print color scheme has fans so crude, but there you go.

Stay classy, J-ville.

Jeremy Egner said...

They're not booing, they're saying 'coooooooze' ...

TTomb said...

Obviously the residents of this great town can think on their feet.