Monday, October 22, 2007

Bulger Holds It... Holds It... HOLDS IT!

Hooray, my preferred football squad was victorious on the field of play!


jackin'4beats said...

The much hated Rams got their comeuppance thanks to the gritty underdogs that are the Seattle Seahawks.

Niiiiice, berrry niiiice.

OD said...

How have his cracked ribs not punctured a major organ at this point?

AH said...

Shh...Narcoleptic Marc Bulger is collecting grass stains.


Martha Van Bork said...

Rams' suckage > Seahawks' suckage

swing4 said...

Nobody likes a gloater.

genius said...

best Simpsons reference ever.

Jarrett said...

Comeuppance is not as popular today has it has been in recent years.

Shame, too.

One of Many Lisas said...


Christmas Ape said...

Fuck Jason Elam for beating the Steelers and Ufford for killing me in the fantasy league.

brad said...

Please forgive my Homerism, but I might never get another chance.


I'm done now. That felt good.

Stephen said...

Mark Bulger once went 3 consecutive plays without being sacked. It's true. You can look it up on the internet.

Les Savy Ferd said...

Isn't it strange how happy a man can feel about his team winning its second game of the season in week 7? Go Bills!

Unknown said...

Same for me.

Go Saints! Yippee!

Falcons suckage>Saints suckage

Anonymous said...

Awesome sauce. It feels good to finally beat a winless team.