Monday, December 3, 2007

And Now, A Ninth Priceless Pep Talk From Peyton Manning!

Looking to spice things up in the bedroom? Try bagpiping. She'll never look at you the same way again.


Stephen said...

bagpiping - ha!

shouldBworkin said...

Secret, strong enough for a man.........?

SlideShow Bob said...

wow it sounds so much better than Auxilary sex.

Charlie Green said...

Reminds me of a joke:

A guy goes into a bar with his pet octopus and says "I bet $50 that no one here has a musical instrument that this octopus can't play."

The people in the bar look around and someone fetches an old guitar.

The octopus has a look, picks it up, tunes up the strings and starts playing the guitar. The octopus's owner pockets the fifty bucks.

Next guy comes up with a trumpet, octopus takes the horn, loosens up the keys, licks its lips and starts playing a jazz solo. The guy hands over another fifty bucks to the octopus's owner.

The bar owner has been watching all this and disappears out back, coming back in a few moments later with a set of bagpipes under his arm. He puts them on the bar and says to the guy and his octopus, "Now, if your octopus can play that I'll give you a hundred dollars."

The octopus takes a look at the bagpipes, lifts it up, turns it over, has another look from another angle. Puzzled, the octopus's owner comes up and says "What are you fooling around for? Hurry up and play the damn thing!"

The octopus says "Play it? If I can figure out how to get its pyjamas off I'm gonna make love to it!"

bcj said...

please drew, keep doing it all day

Chuckles said...

Jeez tom, that sounded wildly gay.

I bet Mrs. Drew never said that to him.

Rant_Casey said...

This blog continues to enlighten. To think, it was only days ago that i didn't even know what an icy mike was. Thanks KSK.

Jeff said...

I always wondered if that had a name.

I mean, my friend wondered...

Anonymous said...

Every time I start to think I'm getting too sexually depraved, I find something here that makes me feel normal again.

Clock Cleaner said...

try a "rodeo."

That'll spice things up. For you anyway. And your friends.

Awkward Boner said...

forget the video, just listen to the song....

Wormfather said...

Wow, when I started reading this site I had never heard the term "Bear", now, I've learned various sextual delinquent acts a few dozen ways of warfare and that MuFlaWa is nothing to be toyed with.

mamacita said...

No "axillary intercourse" tag?

Unknown said...

Your armpits make me hot lets have axillary intercourse.-Any guy that enjoys that type of activity would NOT know the word axillary.

lost said...

dusty- If the internet and the Senate have only one lesson to offer it's this: Geeks is freaks!

wingman said...

Peyton is PriceLess!