Special Birthday Greeting From Name Of The Year
NOTE: This is a special name breakdown from the great stw at Name Of the Year. Enjoy!Happy birthday, boys! Your names suck! None of you has it ``going both ways,'' as we like to say at NOTY. Though we're sure all of you go just one way: the way favored, by our count, by two NFL of the 20,482 players in NFL history (through 2005; unlike you, we do actual research), three if you count Jeff Garcia. Those are some tough hombres, eh? Did you know we recently elected a former New York Giant to the Hall of Name? Our man Moses Regular didn't have much game, but he has killer name. You pantywaists have nothing. Though we do love it when you post for us.
First Round
Unsilent Majority v. Christmas Ape: Great. A fucking Nixon reference. Just what we want to see at the bottom of another post about the Wizards. Oh, wait. Wrong blog. And Christmas Ape. From ``The Simpsons''? No way! Because we enjoy that television program as well!
Winner: Unsilent Majority
Captain Caveman v. Big Daddy Drew: Another cartoon! Your command of popular culture never ceases to amaze! We'd like to think Drew was tapping into the nicknames of some of America's greatest sportsmen. Or perhaps paying homage to Africa's greatest dictator. But we're guessing Drew just really likes that dumbass Adam Sandler movie and/or—wait for it—``The Simpsons.''
Winner: Big Daddy Drew
Flubby v. Monday Morning Punter: Which of the Urban Dictionary definitions is it? Our money is on wishful thinking for No. 3. ``Monday morning whatever'' entered the realm of lame when you guys were jerking off to Saturday-morning cartoons (and we don't mean last week). It also reminds us of Easterbrook. Which of course we're guessing it's supposed to. So clever! But the surname saves it. Kickers rock.
Winner: Monday Morning Punter
Second Round
Unsilent Majority over Big Daddy Drew: Because we're actually kind of amazed that any of you has a point of reference before 1991.
Monday Morning Punter over Bye: It's our fucking bracket.
Unsilent Majority v. Monday Morning Punter: We'll let the commenters decide.
Didn't pick a winner?
What a copout. Thanks, David Chase.
I'm gonna go with Lobster.
We'll let the commenters decide.
Obviously, Footsteps Falco wins.
And I thought Unsilent Majority was a Rocky IV reference
Oooh! Initials! What a daring and original alias!
Congrats boys. You leave Commissioner Goodell speachless. And we KNOW that's hard to do.
-jingoist @ Line Change
i'm going with MMP, for 2 reasons: he actually worked in a football reference to his name and UM's intitals reminds me of the U of Miami.
btw, NOTY great website. bookmark it.
I didn't submit definition #2, even though it is obviously the correct choice.
Punter. Because it actually means something in this context.
And the first person to say, "Silent. Because he said so." deserves a noogy.
BTW: Bloof would win this contest. See Urban Dictionary, but I came first. And I am not ashamed.
i assume that UM was making a Rocky IV reference. I guess i should study more history, so rocky IV would have more political meaning to me
and my vote is for UM, because MMP makes me think too much of peter king and the story about his sexual positions
UM for irony purposes, considering him being a talkative SOB.
Actually, it was MMP who went with the Urban Dictionary: Punter, combo of #2 and #3.
wow, and this whole time i thought a punter was a skinny guy on a football team that kicked the ball on 4th down.
you learn something new everyday.
Huh - I always thought flubby meant a not yet fully engorged penis. Given the...ummm..leaning of this site, this made perfect sense to me.
Unsilent Majority is from Rocky IV, but there's another back story as to how it became my name.
I always assumed it referred to punting as in puking because you drank so much on Sunday. Am I the only one that does that?
In that case, Monday Morning Punter is your winner!
"another back story" , "unsilent" = He's a screamer.
i'll get you stw...i'll get you gooood.
The Ladies are impressed with the format of this tournament.
Drew, good job of making NOTY think you linked to his site. Twice!
Falco leaves 'em in the dust.
UM wins, but only because the name "Monday Morning Punter" reminds me of Peter fucking King.
Big Daddy Drew--inspired by Big Daddy Kane? Even a little? Better than the Sandler movie, not as good as Idi Amin.
I vote for punter because I am anti-Semitic.
you really do have to go falco. he has something none of you have: a funeral. the dead guy always wins the award, just the way it works.
I vote for Montgomery Brewster!
Monty Brewster: What are you gonna vote?
Crowd: [in unison] None of the above!
OK, I'm dating myself...
I vote for Rex Grossman....we all know he has multiple personalities and writes this entire blog.
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