In just one short year we've become quite popular within the world of sports. On this, the anniversary of our birth, we are honored to share with you the love we've received from our most famous friends.
Thanks Adam!
Stay tuned, we've got more to come throughout the evening
Unsilent Majority
tags: happy birthday KSK, ksk birthday messages, Pacman Jones, Unsilent Majority
And by "we cool", he means "I'll bash your fucking heads into the ground if I don't have $81000 in this garbage bag at the end of the night".
I'm curious to see if CC will beat PacMan to some good ol' fashioned pistol waving.
KSK is makin' it rain posts today.
Y'all better have something left for tomorrow.
Pacman seems to be enjoying the celebration, until Ape looks at him funny, and Pacman has his bodyguard shoot him in the spine.
Pac is bringing a bag of nickels so as to make it hail. Times are tough.
After seeing the birthday greeting, Roger Goodell added two games to Jones' suspension.
Then, after reading a little bit more of KSK, Goodell threw up a little in his mouth.
Ya'll be careful, I don't want to hear of Adam rollin by to drop a cap or two on ya after he gets mad at you kids.
wv: smenita - what Rexy calls a lady he just Sex Cannoned all over.
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