Sunday, November 12, 2006

Just Pretend It's Friday

Hi, everyone. We didn't give you a cheerleader post on Friday, and that's bullshit. You'd think that with six and a half dudes writing a blog, somebody would be able to post a picture of an NFL cheerleader once a week. Hell, I have a folder under My Documents entitled "cheerleaders." With laziness like that, we should be writing scripts for the Wayans brothers.

Anyway, now I'm all guilt-ridden. I've barely been able to sleep the last two nights knowing that you've gone cheerleaderless.

So here's two hot pieces of ass. For some reason I find myself rooting for the Pats and Bucs today.

Feel free to discuss today's games in the comments. For example, I've seen Tom Brady slammed into the turf by the Jets a couple times today, and now his jersey's so muddy you can barely make out his jersey number. Muddy Tom Brady: hilarious or sexy? You decide.


peytonloveskenny said...

I hate the Patriots slightly less than usual as of now.

Unsilent Majority said...

I've gotta check out those Tampa strip clubs

Unsilent Majority said...

and for the record, i consider Suzmen Sandiolber to be one sexy piece in her own right.

E Buzz said...

I should go into navel reconstruction surgery.

Signal to Noise said...

Jake the Fake has thrown two INTs already and is helping the Broncos lose to the goddamned Raiders.

I wish CBS had given me the Bengals-Chargers shootout rather than this suckfest.

Anonymous said...

Leonard Little just recorded his second sack and has several hurries on Seneca Wallace. Did an overzealous Rams fan soak Wallace's jersey in Jack Daniels? is Leonard borrowing Mo C's Goose Juice?

TroubleHelix said...

and Brown screws St. Louis again...
(*wisper*) "it's the mirrors"
God help me I love a kicker

Signal to Noise said...

The Broncos are the most fraudulent 7-2 team I've ever had the displeasure of watching.

Captain Caveman said...

For the record, I'm digging the Seahawks love in these comments. Josh Brown isn't just strong; he's ARMY strong.

WV: cacee -- isn't she a Playmate?

Becky said...

Stupid pictures really make me feel the need to go work out tonight.

But then I remember, I'm not getting Tom Brady anyway, so I may as well have beer.