Monday, August 28, 2006

What More Can I Say?


The Oakland Raiders have just signed Jeffrey Scott George to an NFL contract. I don't have anything funny to add to this news, it would be like performing unnecessary plastic surgery on Jessica Alba. That's all for now, I have to get back to bashing my head against a wall.

Update: In case you don't believe me (hell, i wouldn't believe me) here's the story from a reputable news source....then a again those guys did hire Skip Bayless...


Anonymous said...

Jeff George back in the L... Jason Whitlock must be happier than a pig in shit.

Rob I said...

My waiver priority is too low. Curses!

Anonymous said...

Jason Whitlock is in RAPTURES. RAPTURES, I say, RAPTURES.

Anonymous said...

That was Jason Whitlock's orgasm you hear. Now he's whimpering because he's in KC and his man is in the bay. Those Oak-KC games just can't come fast enough.

flubby said...

Beyond the pale, man. Beyond the fucking pale.

Unsilent Majority said...

it's breaking news like this that makes me glad to be a blogger

flubby said...

The Raiders are just figuring out what everyone else has known for years-- Aaron Brooks sucks.

Unsilent Majority said...

kerry collins was way too stable

Suss said...

That reminds me, I think Jim Druckenmiller is due for a comeback.

Anonymous said...

Those Oak-KC games just can't come fast enough.

Not as fast as Jason Whitlock anyway.

Becky said...

That cover is pure brilliance.

That guy is money and he doesn't even KNOW it.

Becky said...
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RadamR said...

Brad Johnson just flinched.

Anonymous said...

Who's next for these clowns, Todd Marinovich? Maybe they can dig up Plunkett's corpse and slap a helmet on it. He'd be about as mobile as George.

What a joke of a franchise.

Mayor McRib said...

Vince Evans is throwing passes in the back yard as we speak. Dan Fouts is throwing them back, and Ryan Leaf just went out and bought a cell phone.