Friday, March 23, 2007

Your Peyton Manning SNL Open Thread

As you may or may not know, Peyton Manning is hosting SNL this weekend. Personally, I was really looking forward to him appearing in that "Mad About Shoe!" sketch (and the "NYPD Shoe!" one as well). Alas, as a parent, I now usually go to sleep earlier than Tony Kornheiser. You crazy kids up past 5PM are up to no good!

As such, I leave this thread open to you, the reader. If you catch Peyton trading smug looks with Amy Poehler, or slogging through a 15-minute sketch with Seth Meyers that doesn't seem to have any purpose, or wistfully looking at musical guest Carrie Underwood and wishing she were skinnier, balder, and had a penis, let us know. To tide you over, I'm saluting the first overall pick of our nation draft, Brazil, with a Brazilian cheerleader:

And here's a bonus pick of Carrie Underwood for all you aspiring Rick Majeruses (Majeri?). Happy weekend, everyone.


cameltrader said...

BDD, always thinking of our needs.

Signal to Noise said...

Re: Brazilian cheerleader: GOOOOOOOOOL!

Unknown said...

Here's hoping Josh Brown shows up on SNL to protest his undying love for Carrie.

wv: rublvg - The Majeri approve.

Unknown said...

One more reason I wish the Bears had won........the Sex Cannon hosting SNL

BeaverFever said...

as another father of a 2 yr old, currently with an ear infection, i will also be asleep by 11:30pm. i'm stll shocked manning agreed to do this without kenny chesney as the musical guest. maybe he will wear a kenny chesney t-shirt during the opening monolouge. as some sort of protest.

also, thanks for the pic of the brazillian cheerleader. i would love to see a picture of at least one hot girl from every country drafted today. then you guys could have a draft with all 18 lovely ladies representing todays draft. just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord,

Please let Eli and Archie join Peyton during his opening monalogue because only you can forsee the hilarity that would ensue. And please let him be as awful as we all expect, knowing that he'll be even dryer and more awkward than the Charles Barkley and Mugsy Bogues train wreck in a early 90s Stuart Smalley sketch.

jackin'4beats said...

Just one more reason why Brazil HAD to be picked 1st in the draft. And she's TAKING THOSE RESTRICTIVE CLOTHES OFF!!!!

BDD - you are truly the tits and ass.

Happy Majerussing to all and to all a good night.

Micah said...

i'm expecting a tony romo guest appearance.

Anonymous said...

The Barkley/Mugsy "train wreck" was freakin' awesome (though it also featured Nirvana on that night, I could be biased)...

"shut up you little midget!"

Anonymous said...

you might want to talk to rob riggle seinor medical correspondent for the daily show because you might have a cure for gay..

and i just repeated that sentence outloud and realized how it came out (danm another one) and i am not gay, not that there is anything wrong with it.

I like girls

Hugh B. Brown said...

A thin, bald Underwood...with a penis?!?

Sorry, Sinead O'Connor was banned from SNL long ago.

gone said...

That is one damned fine ass. I'm in awe.

Anonymous said...

off topic alert/////////

do you like billy packer?

vote at


Anonymous said...

idea for mock draft...

3 girls and 3 guys to have a meal with....

however you can only sleep with one of the girsl
so you can;t take like three hot girls
rule 2 one of the people has to be crazy

should i stop because these ideas are terrible?

Laser Rocket Arm said...

I may be getting to witness this in person--my friend and I have standby tickets. We know they'll get Peyton in drag and mock Eli.

Chuckles said...


Take it easy champ. Maybe sit this one out for a while.

Anonymous said...


lauren said...

payton said ass!!!

hee hee!

and the whole family is there. aww.

I Know we suck said...

That was a quality opener with united way

One of Many Lisas said...


I Know we suck said...

Bad part is thats probably gonna end up being the high point

Big Daddy Drew said...

Monologue sucked. UW parody was execellent.

lauren said...

payton dance???

and then a payton commercial...ENOUGH

cameltrader said...

Not so bad so far. And that Carrie Underwood is one fine piece of country fried chicken.

lauren said...

he has weird nipples...payton put your shirt on

Brian said...

With the exception of the monologue, that was fucking hilarious. That pains me so much to say.

Dave said...

throw the rock, mitch!

a.c. said...

This was hilarious and people will be talking about it all week. It will change the common perception of Peyton Manning. He was unexpectedly and wonderfully human, and funny, and so much more than the pussy-ass nerd we all took him for.

Anonymous said...

Seeing Peyton shirtless has left me scarred for life.

But apart from that, it was pretty good. I've only seen the three clips on the SNL website though - we don't get the show here.

Unknown said...

I nominate Carrie Underwood for best stems I've seen in a while

Laser Rocket Arm said...

Well, didn't make it into the live show, unfortunately (per NBC peons Peyton apparently bogarted a lot of the tickets for his own use, damn him), but it was a great show. The locker room sketch should go down as one of the best ever.

Anonymous said...

I cant find the locker room sketch online? is it on you tube?

Martha Van Bork said...


BeaverFever said...

stems means legs. gams and pins were can also be used as nicknamnes for legs. i wasn't aware anyone used those terms anymore.

Laser Rocket Arm said...

drdoom, I've been looking on YouTube but I haven't seen it yet. I keep hoping, though!

Anonymous said...

locker room sketch is up on YouTube - better hurry though - they're being taken down fast

LJ said...

This must have been the talk of the water cooler today. The views on my blog doubled the usual today with a majority of them coming from Google search. I have to admit that United Way bit cracked me up!