The Offseason Adventures Of Michael Vick Ookie! Episode 8: Indictment!
Vick: Oh, man.
Hoo boy.
Good Lord.
Well, this is it, man. I’m not getting any more stoned than this. I mean, holy fuck.
I might be dead.
(phone rings)
I guess I’m not dead.
(picks up phone)
Lawyer: Michael, it’s your lawyer.
Vick: What’s going on, Mr. Perry Mason?
Lawyer: Michael, you’ve been indicted.
Vick: Indicted? Really? Who’s throwing a party? Ookie loves a good party.
Lawyer: No, no, you’ve been indicted., not invited. An indictment is when you are charged with a crime.
Vick: Well, what crime did I do?
Lawyer: Conspiracy to travel in interstate commerce in aid of unlawful activities and to sponsor a dog in an animal fighting venture in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District in Richmond, Va.
Vick: Uh… wha… I was in a commercial?
Lawyer: You’re being charged with dog fighting, Michael.
Vick: Oh, snap! Really? Well, fuck me blind.
Lawyer: This is serious, Michael. It says that Bad Newz Kennels…
Vick: You like that name? I think the Z makes it even fucking nastier.
Lawyer: It’s a very nice name. It says you ran a dog fighting outfit out of Smithfield, VA.
Vick: Well, what’s so bad about that? Know what else they do in Smithfield? Make ham. And I don’t see any charging any farmers out there with pig fighting.
Lawyer: Well, they don't make them fight.
Vick: Well, they should. That would be fucking sweet.
Lawyer: Slaughtering pigs is legal because it’s for commerce.
Vick: But you just said I was being booked for commerce! I made $50,000 off that shit!
Lawyer: It’s just… It’s just not the same.
Vick: (takes bong hit) Well then, that’s fucked up.
Lawyer: It’s says you performed electrocutions. True?
Vick: Hell, yes! I’m the most electrocuting player in the NFL!Lawyer: And that you drowned them? Hung them? Slammed them to the ground?
Vick: No way, man! I was just being playful. No, wait! That was, like, obedience training and shit. Yeah! I had to drown a bitch or two because they fought TOO MUCH! I prevented them from fighting AGAIN! So, in many ways, I am a hero. How you like that?!
Lawyer: I just... I think you should prepare for the fallout, okay?
Vick: Eh, whatever. Fuck that. (hangs up) I think I better kill the rest of those dogs. I’m tired of these dogs snitching. Priscilla! Come here, girl!
(enter Priscilla)
Vick: Now, you know Ookie loves you, right?
Priscilla: WOOF!
Vick: In fact, he loves you so much, he wants to show you around doggie heaven! You interested?
Priscilla: WOOF!
Vick: I’ll take that as a hell yes!
(grabs cattle prod)
Photo courtesy of The Onion.
UPDATE: This is brutal.
UPDATE #2: PFT explains the origins of Ookie:
One of the strangest aspects of the Tuesday indictment of Falcons quarterback Mike Vick is that, in addition to "Ron Mexico," he also is known as "Ookie."
So where does the Ookie come from?
Apparently, it was given to him by his mother. And, apparently, he only lets close friends refer to him by that moniker.
"Man, if they called me Ookie it would really be on," Vick told's Page 2 several years ago. "I would really be upset, because nobody else can call me by my nickname but my mom. Unless I give you permission because you really know me, but none of the guys know me real good so they can't do it. But yeah, that would really get me going."
Nicely done Drew.
Vick's still fucked though.
I bet Vick wishes he could speak Dog.
imma crawl under a rock now..........holy fuck!.........Joey Harrington?!?!!.........FUCK ME..........
Ookie? Is that anything like an ookie cookie? Because that's....not something Vick wants to be in prison. No siree bob.
Uh… wha… I was in a commercial?
Very nice. Great job, Drew, as usual.
That is fucking fantastic work for something that was obviously thrown together post haste after the indictment. kudos. Especially the end, brutal to imagine. What a dumbass.
Fuck me if this logic isn't sound, but in what way could weed and dogfighting ever associate? They just don't go together at all.
Maybe grasshopper fighting like they do elsewhere, but I believe Vick or he's smoked himself retarded.
Nice work. The Z makes that shit so fucking nasty. 4 realz.
I don't understand. ESPN told me that he wasn't getting indicted.
ESPN wrong? Fuck! Here I was blowing Yankees and Red Sox players like there's no tomorrow, and ESPN isn't right all the time? Fuck. I'm trying to get Cory Lidle to leave, and that fucker just keeps laying there.
my name isn't really rick muscles
Fuck him and his friends and partners if even one of those charges is true.
I know serious comments get slammed here - and I get that, I really do - but I just cannot see the humor or the "badass" in any of this.
Half a smile for the lightning bolt - but then I remembered what I was smiling about. Fuck.
- Barney
First visit to this blog, and I can't stop laughing! Good luck Bobby Petrino. Maybe Alabama will hire you in a few years.
God Loves The Gators!
isn't esskay hotdogs a smithfield brand? as in k esskay? vick, electrocuted dogs, ksk...if there was a conspiracy in any of this, it would be fucking solved.
got to love the "this is not good" tag. fuck vick, he is a scumbag.
Mr. Vick, at anytime did you "construda" any of these dogs?
Wonder how Atlanta feels about trading Schaub to Houston now.
Rot in Hell Micheal
Makes me want to go rescue a second pitbull. Sorry to get so seriously but that hits a little too close to home.
So, once Vick ends up in the 'pen, any odds for how long until Bubba puts him on the Brady Quinn Special, and makes Vick bark the whole way home?
marcus did it!!!!
Big Daddy Drew, will you marry me?
I wonder if he's gonna ressurect Johnnie Cochran and use the chewbacca defense....ya know Ookie is so high right now that it might actually work.....
@chris, no need to apologize. dogs are awesome. especially the ones you rescue from the pound. they seem to love you even more.
Ron's going to be switching from dank chron to rancid toilet wine. I can't wait.
I don't pity Bobby Petrino at all - this is exactly what he wants. Trade Schaub - get Vick indicted, sign Harrington, go 1-15, get the first pick - and get to coach Brohm next year. All according to plan.
Drew - This is solid, just like if we were listening in on the call - cannot wait to read the transcript of Vick's court appearance.
Pig Fighting (I got $20 on Porky) - Presented on ESPN 2 - More like Vick meeting his cell mate - 'C'mon Michael - squeal like a pig for me'let's see how fast you run bent over the bottom bunk....
WV - fffyx - The sound Vick will be making his first night in a cell (if convicted of course).
Your move, Marcus.
Your move, Marcuz
It may interest someone to know that that awesome Sports Illustrated issue with Vick on the cover is available on eBay for the (for now) low, low price of $4.50.
I thought maybe it was a fake cover since you credited The Onion, but no, it's real. Real sad.
Mr. Electric, sparking a revolution at quarterback. Don't worry, Michael. Indicted is not the same as convicted. OJ is still on the Pro Football Hall of Fame website, so if you got a good enough lawyer, your legacy is probably safe.
"Bad Newz Kennels" - jesus, Mike, that's too fucking subtle - use Dog Fightz Inc., or something like that. You got to make sure that people know what the product is... more money in it. After all, people love dogfighting.
I would rather think that Pig Cage Fighting would be shown on ESPN 8, The Ocho - instead of The Duece.
But thats just me.
And for those who get a little serious with this, don't apologize. While we are having a laugh at Vicks dumbfuck expense, the shit that is brought up in the indictment is fucking disturbing, inhumane, and sick. If those are true in the slightest bit, they should all be done to Vick himself.
You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead.
I pity the Ookie if Julius Peppers owns a shih-tzu.
That last picture on Grimey's site actually hurt to look at.
Vick: Indicted? Really? Who’s throwing a party? Ookie loves a good party.
Lawyer: No, no, you’ve been indicted, not invited.
Now that's comedy.
Makes me think: They have eVites for invitations. Would it be possible to create "eDicts" for criminal charges?
Vick: Shit, I better not open this.
In other news, Pacman Jones has been named official spokesperson for PETA.
Just goes to show, you can take the thug out of the hood, but . . . oh wait, he moved to Atlanta
maybe the water bottle was used for doggie ashes.
I love dogs, so much that I'm actually allergic to cats.
I would love to get up and be really, really, (high pitch voice) really upset about this...but...
I live for kill kill kill thursday. So I've got no problem with an animal killing another animal. Next if they brough enslaved gladiator fights back tomorrow it'd have it's own paid cable channel by friday. And I for one will not put dogs above humans.
"fuck vick, he is a scumbag"
I know right anyone who isn't guilty of anything yet is a scumbag. Dumbass.
Oh wait, my bad, I forgot I'm on Kill Some Koloreds.
Fucking hell Drew, I had just eaten a whole pizza before I see mutilated dog faces and a giant turd on this site. I'll be in front of the toilet all night.
as a diehard FALCONS fan, who now can i rely on to take the team upon his shoulders all the way to a 7-9 season?............FUCK.............
Yeah right stak. Everybody knows that diehard Falcons fans are make believe.
BDD hat tip to you on the post. Great work showing the ignorance of this fuckwit extraordinare.
As for Ookie, I hope he knows the pain of getting fucked long and hard with a chainsaw..wait..that's too good for him.
HYSTERICAL. OMG. Can't...breathe...laughing...too...hard!
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