Friday, September 1, 2006

See You At The Polls, And Hope To Not Hear Any Squishy Noises From Behind The Curtain

Given the debatable lack of talent we've seen to stretch our democratic legs, we here at KSK thought it wouldn't be a bad time to have a little election of our own.

Yes, you are voting on cheerleaders today.

This is an FHM spread of the if-you-haven't-seen-it-it's-still-new variety. And we have nine young women eagerly awaiting a decision. Your decision. Decisions, really.

I need a choice from all of you, including the females (especially the females) for first, second, and third. Any information or insight about your selection is most welcome; include it in the comments, following your selections. The three women you select should say something about you. Take your time, there's no butterfly ballot to fuck you up here (click the image to enlarge).

Remember, you're voting for first, second, and third. We'll score it 3 pts. for first, 2 for second, 1 for third, and announce the winner next week. Good luck.


Unsilent Majority said...

first place: 8
second place: 9
third place: 1

Anonymous said...

1st: 9
2nd: 8
3rd: 3

Anonymous said...

1st: 8
2nd: 6
3rd: 7

Unsilent Majority said...

richard...3's face is like four feet long!

RadamR said...


Anonymous said...

As a female, I offer my insight (as requested)
First Place: 7 From what little I can really see, she seems like the most natural--good pose, not trying too hard
Second Place: 8 No fake tan like the others
Third Place: 6, just because we need a brunette!

I have to point out that some of the facial expressions on these womens' faces disturb me. A bit too intense, or false-toothy-smiley, or wanna be Penthouse (this could be good in male perspective).

Anonymous said...

1st: 9
2nd: 7
3rd: 6

Captain Caveman said...

1st: 8
2nd: 9
3rd: 2

Also receiving votes: Barbaro, burritos.

Unsilent Majority said...

#1 has the ass

Anonymous said...

1st: 8
2nd: 9
3rd: 3

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

FIRST - 4: Coy half smile, boobs to weep for and she's thick enough to handle the weight of a Don...

SECOND - 8: Already lying down! I just like where her head's at.

FIRST - 9: With an ass like that I'd eat the corn out of her shit.

Anonymous said...

1st: 8
2nd: 9
3rd: 7

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First: #1, based solely on the fact that she's sneering.
Second: #6, because the cornered-animal look on her face made me giggle.
Third: #7. Pirate flag.

Ruthless Gravity said...

first: 9
second: 1
third: 2

Anonymous said...

1st - 9
2nd - 2
3rd - 5

Tea Blogger said...

1st: 9
2nd: 7
3rd: 8

1-6 look like guys faces photoshopped on nice ladies bodies.

Becky said...

First Place - #7 Cute, and the most natural looking.

Second - #9 - Easily the prettiest face to me (for girls, yes, that matters)

Third - #6 - She's too tan, but has kind of a Rachel Bilson thing going.

#3 & #4 are scary man-women. No likey.

Rob I said...

first place: 7
second place: 8
third place: no vote

KaLiBLeeK said...

1st: 2
2nd: 8
3rd: 9

KaLiBLeeK said...

"richard...3's face is like four feet long!"

I'm willing to bet all these people voting for #3 also have a thing for Ann Coulter.

Anonymous said...

1st- #7; the only one that actually has a pretty face

2nd- #9; why they gave us a better shot of #1's ass than this girl's is beyond me

3rd- #2; she's taking initiative

honestly I feel the overall quality of the contestants really could and should have been a LOT higher...

Anonymous said...

xiholy shit, when did there get to be 2 beckys

The Last Unitard said...

Those fake-ass, airbrushed bitches make me want to puke.

It's either that or the 4 pounds of raw hamburger I ate a little while ago.

Anonymous said...

1) #9
2) #2
3) #6

Anonymous said...


What's wrong with 4's tits?

Anonymous said...

8, 7, 9

Anonymous said...

First place: 9-beautiful brunette, great ass, nice rack

Second place: 1-beautiflu brunetter, ass of a goddess

Third place: 7- had to inlcude a blonde, natural body, and based on the logo on her bikini bottom, has not been touched by Chris Simms

UIUC-Chief(too lazy and distraught by burrito's loss, to start an account)

Anonymous said...


Becky said...

Been around many moons, other Becky. Must be something to this awesome name.

RadamR said...

#4 is #1 in flap-jack boobies category.

Anonymous said...

#9 great butt, cute face
#6 very coy looking
#8 nice lines

Suss said...

I'll have a Number 1 and a Diet Pepsi.

peytonloveskenny said...


Anonymous said...

it's like you're better at being me than me...except for all the detroit fandom

Unsilent Majority said...

2 becky's?
just like my dream last night!

Anonymous said...

There is no second or third place.

There is only #9.

EPS said...

1st: 7 (bottom boob popping out, any chick and show some side boob)
2nd: 8
3rd: 4

Anonymous said...

Jesus, the photographer was amazingly talented to capture ALL of them looking like a pig's ass at the same moment, none of these women are very attractive so I'm afraid I can't vote for any of them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1st:#4-No contest, Jugs
2nd:#8-Nice blond, and again Jugs

BoSox Siobhan said...

I'll just continue to look at my own tits till the sport comes back. Happens every Friday.

Anonymous said...

1st: 7
2nd: 9
3rd: 6

Unsilent Majority said...


Anonymous said...


RadamR said...

thebigo: excellent.

UM: two Beckys? Were you dreaming about Roseanne? Original Becky was heinous. I think I'd rather DJ, never Darlene.

Engineer Sighted said...


Anonymous said...

They are all gorgeous. There are no losers here.

1st: #4
2nd: #8
3rd: #9

Spectacular Sam said...


There's a joke here but I haven't figured it out yet.

Anonymous said...

How do u not choose 9?!?

Landru said...

They all make it burn when I pee.

My wife agrees.

Anonymous said...

1st: Lucky #7 because she's the most naturally beautiful of the bunch, plus her smile implies that she just finished polishing Mike Alstott's helmet.

2nd: #6 because her huge melons shout out "Do me" and her eyes shout out "My cat's breath smells like cat food!"

3rd: #9 because she's so confident in her beauty that she doesn't mind having her ass-tan lines show. On top of that, she gets points for being ready to drop a Cleveland Steamer on #6.

#3 and #5 are disqualified although I do like their bravado at being the first pre-op Tranny set of Twins to be NFL cheerleaders.

WCT said...

1st - #7
2nd - #9
3rd - #1

WCT said...

and by the way guys, if u say that u would kick any of these girls out of bed ur lying

Anonymous said...

1st #8

2nd #8

3rd #8

Anonymous said...

1st: 2
2nd: 5
3rd: 3

Anonymous said...

1st: 6
2nd: 7
3rd: 1

Anonymous said...

you know why 6 is scared of 7?

cuz 7 ate 9!!!

bada bim, bada boom


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

4, 8, then 6. Anyone who disagrees is just plumb loco!!!!

Marcus T said...

First - 9
Second - 1
Third - 8

For cheerleaders, these girls aren't that attractive. I just chose my 3 cause they look like normal women. The others are a bit scary/freaky looking.

Anonymous said...

I went to HS with number 9. got dome from her little sister. score!

no the sister is not as good looking

cheswickthecat said...

1st: #4 (dark hair, huge rack)
2nd: #9 (dark hair, long legs)
3rd: #2 (a taste of chocolate)

cheswickthecat said...

hmmm...upon further review - I bet we couldn't go wrong with two beckys and a bosox siobhan. Just a thought....

Anonymous said...

8. Not just cause I'm an Iggles fan, either.

Anonymous said...

Mmm. Plastic.

Anonymous said...

1st: 8
2nd: 7
3rd: 4

Anonymous said...

first place:1 (I like that she already looks tired of my shit. Also appreciate that her britches are making like a ninja-sneaking up from behind and wiping 'er out.)

second place:8 (her relative thickness is a plus. she has what we call a take-home package.)

third place:9 (again, she seems hotly disinterested.)

Anonymous said...

1st: 9
2nd: 2
3rd: 1

Anonymous said...

More market research data for your female 18-34 demographic:

1) 9 -- Best overall package.
2) 7 -- Genuine smile instead of goofy, practiced, come-hither look.
3) 1 -- Ass like a train wreck. I just can't look away.

Rob said...

1st: 9
2nd: 6
3rd: 3

Anonymous said...

from a lady -

1st: 6
2nd: 7
3rd: 9

Anonymous said...

1st goes to number 7 because shes the only one who has a face that doesnt look like a gay mans.

2nd goes to 8 because I like the color green....... and I bet shes into all kinds of freaky sex

3rd goes to number 6 because I cant tell if shes white or black and I dont want anyone calling me a racist for just picking white girls.

Anonymous said...

1st: 7

2nd: 2

3rd: 9

Scrappled said...

1st: 4
2nd: 7
3rd: 8

Yay, democracy.

JH said...

1st: 7
2nd: 8
3rd: 9

Anonymous said...


I think 4 used to be a man.

Anonymous said...

first 7
second 6
third 9

Otto Man said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't #9 Vida Guerra, owner of the worlds best ass? The only way that I would kick any of them out of bed, is if they wanted to do it on the floor, but here are my votes.
1st - 9
2nd - 9
3rd - 9

Anonymous said...

boo ya

BoSox Siobhan said...

Big T - I believe you mean posteriors' sake.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

1st: 3
2nd: 2
3rd: 7

Anonymous said...

1st: 7. Cute face.
2nd: 9. Nice face, hot ass.
3rd: 2. Undefined generalized hotness.

Anonymous said...

Hope the voting extends past the long weekend.


Boston Chef said...

1st: #7
2nd: #8
3rd: #9

Anonymous said...

1st 8
2nd 6
3rd 9

Mr Furious said...

First place: 9. Not even close.

Everyone else is unworthy of the ink. I find it hard to believe that they are all that flawed or funny-looking, This has to be one of the editing room outtakes. Like a photo where everyone blinks...

Big AL said...

If you voted for 4 or 5 please report to the Pink Taco for re-education.

Unknown said...

1st - 9 I'm thinking really bad thoughts
2nd - 6 She looks tall...?
3rd - 4 cause they're real

Anonymous said...

1st: 4
2nd: 7
3rd: 8

Anonymous said...

I think I'm going with

That said, did No. 1 Volunteer for skank position? Was there a questionaire for the girls, like true or false: You have fellated a man in a New Jersey Highway Reststop?

And she answered True?

Anonymous said...


Damn there are some busted girls there

Anonymous said...

1st - 9
2nd - 7
3rd - 4

The Captain said...

1st - 7
2nd - 8
3rd - 9

but let's be honest here... they're all winners...

Anonymous said...

1st 4
2nd 8
3rd 9

Anonymous said...

Seriously, it takes some talent to make NFL freaking Cheerleaders look bad in a professional photograph. Bravo to the photographer for his work of anti-art.

1st place: 7 - the only one besides #9 without the mannish face, plus bonus points for the natural-looking smile.

2nd: 9

3rd: 1, uh, I guess, just for having the guts to get one crack in a major magazine and breaking out her best Bitchface.

PUNTE said...

The polls have just closed. Thanks to everyone who voted.