Lousy Smarch Weather
Holy shit, tomorrow's December? Thanksgiving was last week? Where the hell did my NFL season go?
The Bengals didn't even flirt with .500 and a playoff run before shitting the bed. Nobody wrote about the Madden Curse coming to fruition 500 times. I feel cheated.
But there's a little bit of the season left to enjoy. The Patriots have that whole "Will they do it?" thing going on, a couple teams will put together late playoff runs, and a handful of games will be played in the snow, and snow automatically makes any game the best game on TV.
The one bad thing about cold weather games? The cheerleaders get all bundled up and stand on the sidelines in ear warmers and windbreakers. It's like getting a handjob. You put up with it for a few minutes, then you're like, "Goddammit, don't bother."
That's why I applaud the Jets Flight Crew for pulling off cold weather sexy. You don't have to show skin if you keep the clothing tighter than the little girl from the DLP commercials with the elephant and mirrors and crap.

Although there's still something to be said for football in warmer locales...

tighter than the little girl from the DLP commercials
Wow. I feel dirty.
Didn't know the shores of the Potomac could look so ..........sceneic?!?
(touches self)
Is it wrong that immediately I zoomed in for a quick "moose knuckle check" on the Flight Crew babe?
How nice that the Jets cheerleader has an easy to open, pull string on the front of her uniform pants.
I wanna sell the Jets cheerleader my ketchup popsicle.
And by that, I mean my penis covered in ketchup.
My penis would look so small in that left hand of hers.
So you like your women dressed like men, football players at that. Very hetero. Although I bet you wish she was wearing an Eli jersey.
"You don't have to show skin if you keep the clothing tighter than the little girl from the DLP commercials with the elephant and mirrors and crap."
I hope Tom Brady is on the cover of madden next year and his knee actually does break into a million pieces.
"Didn't know the shores of the Potomac could look so ..........sceneic?!?"
It does after Snyder cuts down all the trees.
Gotta love the legs, and tits and camel toe on those Cowboys cheerleaders.
C'mere girl let me show you something...
jets flight crew is a good name...
i propose we force the name 'flipper babies' on the dolphins' cheerleaders.
"You don't have to show skin if you keep the clothing tighter than the little girl from the DLP commercials with the elephant and mirrors and crap."
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