Saturday, November 17, 2007

Crunchy, Raw, Unboned, Real, Dead Frog!

In case you hadn't noticed, Bear Grylls is back. Grylls, who gave us an entire offseason of useful YuTube videos, has rejiggered his show so that it's more truthful and less, you know, bullshitty. And that's okay with me, because I still think he's just dreamy. He ate a frog in the Sahara last night. But that ain't the first time. Bear is obviously a fan of the Whizzo Chocolate Assortment. Enjoy!


Farthammer said...

He also took a nice lil nap inside a hollowed-out camel after squeezing the water out of its digested shit. He is not taking these charges of faking the show lightly.

T Dizzle said...

On my blog I said that in the re-edited ones he mentions someone on the crew caught the salmon he still ate the damn thing raw! If I remember from my military survival training they recommend cooking them. That still takes stones. I agree he is pulling out all the stops this season.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Military survival training or common fuckin' sense, tdizzle?

Rich said...

He's no Les fucking Stroud...

gone said...

I love you kill, kill, kill tag.

T Dizzle said...

Amphibian: It is a little of both. Of course common fking sense plays a large roll in it. If you are behind enemy lines or in an environment where it is impossible to start a fire you do not.

jackin'4beats said...

I still enjoy Bear Grylls' show much better than that bullshit Survivorman - fuckin' pansy Canadians.

And the kill, kill, kill tag needs to make more appearances.

Cowboys 9-1 bitches!!!