Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Classics Major Illustrates How Titans And Citizens Of Tennessee Are So Alike

All history should be taught like this. It's good learnin'. Big ups to Texasfanhouse for this video. It's most excellent. Ufford only wishes it included Miss Gossip somewhere so that he could masturbate to it.


Pemulis said...

i like doll incest

Crapass said...

Let me get this straight.

What you're telling me is that the Silly Blue Hippo and the Floppy Doggy are doing the nasty while Floppy Doggy is also boinking the Thrilla Gorilla?

Sounds like a Maury episode to me.

Upstate Underdog said...

if they wanted aliteration they should have gone with Tennessee Tuxedos.

Anonymous said...

This commenter suggested "Tennessee Football-Playing Guys," but was shouted down at the press club.

Upstate Underdog said...

Remember the Titans. Apparently not.

Biggus Rickus said...

My vote is for the Tennessee Ernie Fords.

Anonymous said...

People from Tennessee aren't mother-brother-sister fornicating inbreds who eat children.

News to me.

Anonymous said...

You almost call this a chickenpox.

Otto Man said...

This commenter suggested "Tennessee Football-Playing Guys," but was shouted down at the press club.

Well played.

And remember -- Tennessean is Tennebelievin'!

Chris(BessMervinGirlDetective) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chris(BessMervinGirlDetective) said...

I have lived in Nashville all my life, and that video speaks the truth.

Shit. I gotta go my damn wiener kids are listening.

futuremrsrickankiel said...

So, as Titans, it is Tennessee's fate to fall victim to a power-hungry bastard child of incest who is only still alive because his mother saved him from being eaten by his sister-impregnating father?

It's a damn shame there's no one amusing enough on the Texans for me to make a joke about next week's game with that.

twoeightnine said...

Isn't your daughter too young for you to already have Barbies laying around the house?

Colin Wyers said...

So, let me get this straight. You're saying that Ufford can't jerk off to two Barbie dolls dry humping each other?

Nice try, BDD. But I'm not fucking buying it.

Permanent4 said...

futuremrsrickankiel: That could have happened this year, but the Panthers signed David Carr first.

brad said...

"People from Tennessee aren't mother-brother-sister fornicating inbreds who eat children."

That's right. They don't eat children. That ain't good eatin'.

Pemulis said...

all this southern talk and good eatin talk makes me really want some motherfuckin hush puppies. but the video also makes me want to play with my lil' muffy doll, so i dont know what to think

Chris(BessMervinGirlDetective) said...

Might I also remind everyone the river that they filmed deliverance on is about 15 miles from where I grew up.

Turtle Town, TN - I am not making that up. Only in Tennessee.

mamacita said...

What, no Bratz?

Wes said...

I too was pulling (not in an Ufford way, for the record) for the Tennessee Ernie Fords.