Monday, September 10, 2007

KSK 2007 NFL Season Prekkake: Seattle Seahawks






Captain Caveman said...

Works for me.

Wormfather said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wormfather said...

Well done, but you spelled "+" wronge.

There, that's better.

Martha Van Bork said...

Is Shaun Alexander shooting a Pepsi commercial there?

Anonymous said...

Is the 4th picture Chris Cornell circa Badmotorfinger?

Vincent Price said...

Thanks for the tip on Denver UM. You're fired.

Matt said...

Is it a "preview" if they've already played a game??

/being an asshole

Pemulis said...

i was moving up to westchester all weekend and dont have internet at the house yet, and i'm too lazy to read all the deadspin shit, would someone be kind enough to post a two paragraph (max) summary on here?

awesome thanks.

5150cd said...

You guys are getting lazy. WTF.

Anonymous said...

UM, I don't think Shaun Alexander listens to Nirvana CDs that often, nor does he watch reruns of Fraiser, nor drinks more Starbucks coffee than anyone else. You got the Jesus one nailed, though.

He went to Alabama, so you should probably replace 2 of those images with a booster sticking a wad of cash into his pocket, and the other with two relatives fucking.

Weed Against Speed said...

The Alexander photo is simply a pictorial representation of how Shaun felt on his wedding night when he lost his virginity.

Captain Caveman said...

You guys are getting lazy.


liquid_d said...

I thought that Shaun Alexander was black jesus.

Jay said...

Don't ever say those words again. Seriously, Bob Sanders only OK'd Adrian Peterson being named Purple Jesus because nobody would take him seriously; if he thought someone was trying to take his title, he would slap that person so hard their heads would explode like in Scanners.

He'd also break Trent Green's nose. Just because.

Wormfather said...

@peter king crowned my ass

Dont be an dolt, everyone knows Shaun Alexander ejaculates fireworks.

I mean seriously.

Slash said...

That's Cobain before the shotgun, not after, right?

jackin'4beats said...

That's how Shaun Alexander makes it rain my friend, with freaking sparks. The ho's never has a chance.

And Purple Jesus is attempting to get BDD to stop hugging him 12 hours after the game. What a great nickname.

Upstate Underdog said...

I'll be shocked if BDD doesn't have a Purple Jesus post up by the end of the day.

Matt said...


I was shocked yesterday.

Anonymous said...

We fucking kicked Tampa Bay's pubeless asses.

Man, we're goin' 16-0 this year, I can feel it.

/sarcasm off

Anonymous said...

Shaun Alexander wets his pants like Frasier?

dick_gozinia said...

- Frasier was from fucking Boston...get that no-talent drunk outta my Seahawks preview.

- Shaun Alexander = Sea Jesus

- Where the fuck are the SEA GALS???!?!!

- @wormfather..."Shaun Alexander ejaculates fireworks" would be my new username on here if I wasn't ksk-style lazy. Brilliant.