Wednesday, September 26, 2007

NFL PostSecret Week 3

As we've learned over the course of this short season, the NFL is filled with subterfuge and skullduggery, where nothing personal or professional can be revealed lest it be used for bulletin board material or in a scouting report. For those troubled souls in need of release, NFL PostSecret is here.

-----Email Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 10:03 AM
Subject: Lil' Help

So any chance Iran could help us shore up our defense?.

-----Email Message-----
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 5:43 PM
Subject: Bench

You should go to the Redskins. They keep their good players on the sidelines.

-----Email Message-----
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 5:43 PM
Subject: Trade

Thanks for the two points this season, fucknuts.


Unsilent Majority said...


twoeightnine said...


Upstate Underdog said...

I thought Lee Evans played his college ball in the Big 10 not the Ivy League.

Christmas Ape said...

He did. But Ahmadinejad's speech was at Columbia, not that I really need a reason to spew invective about the Ivies.

Upstate Underdog said...

I got you Ape, I was just trying to be a wise ass. I should have added a /sarcasm to my comment. I fully support your invective spewing at the Ivies, especially Brown since Berman is an alum.

jackin'4beats said...

Can I join the kill Lee Evans party? That guy scores fantasy points like Mike Vick nurses injured dogs back to health...pretty f*ckin' badly.

What a waste of talent. Guess I should trade for Kevin Curtis while he value is at its peak...then go kiss my season goodbye.

jackin'4beats said...

I just realized that UM switched the order of the ksk staff up top there to make him first, hence the FIRST!!!! post.

I was about to ridicule you like our good buddy who always comes to this site to complain...those of which we do not speak...

The Last Unitard said...

I think your murderous rage toward Lee Evans is misplaced.

Shouldn't you be blaming Buffalo's god-awful quarterbacks.

Or perhaps you could blame Marv Levy for being so old he forgot to get a decent quarterback.

Let Lee be.

The Last Unitard said...

Oh. And I'm going to be in DC Friday night. Where should I get plastered?

And none of that Adams-Morgan hip-douchery.

Anonymous said...

I had the option to choose Lee Evans or Randy Moss. I flipped a coin. (translation - I picked Lee because Straight Cash Homey burned me the last two years.)

Fuck you, Lee Evans. Right in the ear.

Upstate Underdog said...

@Unitard, there are usually a number of decent looking chicks in Georgetown. don't go looking for a good strip joint, there aren't any in D.C.

My Insignificant Life said...

@ UM


Unsilent Majority said...

do not go out in Georgetown aka Popped Collar Paradise

twoeightnine said...

do not go out in Georgetown aka Popped Collar Paradise

Exactly. It's only cool to live there.

Upstate Underdog said...

that's too bad about G'town. I'll admit it's been a year or so since I've been there, but when I would visit my buddys down there it was always a good time and me and my buddys aren't collar popping d-bags.

Daniel said...

I traded Evans for DeAngelo Williams this week. I figured that was the best I could do. Of course now he'll take off and DeAngelo won't take any carries away from Foster.

The Last Unitard said...

Looks like, instead of spending $50, and barely getting drunk in a DC bar, I'm going to spend half that much, and get utterly annihilated on someone's roof which apparently has a great view. Score!