Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Final Kill Kill Kill Post Of The Year

Thank God for savage animals for providing endless clips to help us fill the offseason doldrums. Here’s a crocodile eating a raccoon. Stay out of my goddamn trash can, you little fucking varmint.

Thus far, the KsK Kares Charity Drive for Fisher House has raised over $400 for disabled veterans and their families. Not bad for a piddly shit site like ours. You can donate directly to FH here.


Signal to Noise said...

The "kill kill kill" tag has to get some further use when Chad Pennington is eventually snapped in half during the season, right?

The clip is even better because it's in Spanish.

Anonymous said...

now you've raised $450. queerbags.

Unsilent Majority said...

now you've raised $450. queerbags.


Grimey said...

Jesus... was that clip directed by Sam Raimi?

Wormfather said...

Why do we have to keep with the Pennington death premenitions?

The fucking coon had it comming stealing crock eggs, are you out of your fucking mind!?!

Alex said...

Technically thats an Alligator, but whatever...

dick_gozinia said...

If I could find a way to have crocs in my little chicago suburb I'd do that shit in a heartbeat. Raccoons are nasty motherfuckers and they patrol the dumpsters by my garage like the SS. That'd set those arrogant bastards straight...then we could move on to the tree rats (read: squirrels).

jackin'4beats said...

Squirrels are cute and cuddly and like hanging out on foul poles.