Monday, December 18, 2006

The Weblog Awards: A Photo Essay

It's finally official: for whatever reason, the Weblog Awards people didn't strip us of our title, so you can expect another 12 months or so of us referring to ourselves as "award-winning" and the "Best Sports Blog." I'm sure it won't get old at all.

Some people seem to be opposed to our victory in the bullshit election process, probably because after Deadspin, the #1 referrer to KSK is usually a Google search of "bukkake."

I take umbrage to that. We provide a vital service to people looking for important information. For example, last night, while looking through our site referrals, I found that someone came to KSK by conducting the following Google search (and I quote):

how big should my dick be im 15

And there are people who think TrueHoop's a better blog. Pfff.

With that, here's our self-congratulatory victory lap, as told in images.

(The answer, of course, is no fewer than 10 inches fully erect. Less than that and you'll never write for KSK. Although if you're under three inches, is hiring.)


PUNTE said...

I attribute our victory to us being 7% Jewish. Mazel Tov!

The Dude said...

Congrats gentlemen! Well deserved.

Mevs said...

I love your blog, but to say you guys could even carry Deadspin's jock is a bit of a stretch. They've been around for years, while you've been around for what? A few minutes.... Congrats on the award, but Deadspin is obviously what you aspire to be.

BJ said...

No clothes on that Cat? CC, I'm high disappointed.

BJ said...

*higly; but I'm also a little high from the weekend.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I heard that's how Gregg Doyel got in there

Unsilent Majority said...

country clint, we don't actually claim to be deadspin's superior, this is in jest. however deadspin has been around for less than a year and a half. just shows how quickly a site can take off when it's that good.

gone said...

"The Catch"

Fuck. Why'd you have to use that? Now I'm in a bad fucking mood. Stupid Montana throwing it to dumb Clark...fucking 49ers. Now I'm gonna have to watch a mess of youtube videos that show the 49ers get beaten...oh wait, not even the Seahawks at home can beat the 49ers.

I need a hug...

8hrdrive said...

country clint likes to fuck his country sister

Captain Caveman said...

Deadspin is obviously what you aspire to be.

I'm not even going to list the different ways that this statement is wildly incorrect. You may want to fine-tune your irony detector.

Or kill yourself.

Suss said...

Aw, why can't I be Everson Walls?

'Least I'm not Craig Ehlo.

Unknown said...

For the love of god..did you have to use that pic of the fat wrestler? I will have to find the eye wash dammit, their burning bad..

Hey, I like Deadspin, but I stop here first..You guys right long posts..Deadspin, not so much.

Unknown said...

Christ.."write", not "right"..wake and bake this am does wonders for our spelling ability.

swing4 said...

I kind of always suspected that the KSK blogger wardrobe included a pink singlet.

Unsilent Majority said...

even the ref is bowing down to lobsterman!

PUNTE said...

Teabagging your opponent while pinning him AND flashing the "Live Long And Prosper" to the crowd?

That's multitasking. Hey, he should get that tumor looked at.

Unsilent Majority said...

mmp, those are lobster claws...HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT???

Basshole said...

MMP, I'd say that there is solid 6-inch layer of fat between lobsterman's nuts and the other guy's face, so he's not really teabagging him.

Trader Rick said...

Diecast Dude got gunted. Indaface!

PUNTE said...

UM, find me a lobster with thumbs and we'll talk.

Bass, still very unpleasant.

And when did Bret Hart start performing as Lobsterman? He has certainly let himself go.

gone said...

You KSK guys should send LobsterMan posters to everyone who voted for the others.

Unsilent Majority said...

It looks like Kramer from Mad Money after ten thousand trips to the buffet line

whimsical brainpan said...

Congratulations you deserve it!

Unsilent Majority said...

Congratulations you deserve it!


BoSox Siobhan said...

BigT - Unsilent Majority is (gasp) only half Jewish. I was shocked to find that out.

Unsilent Majority said...

born half raised full

Walklett said...

I didn't vote for a web log contest cause that's gay (and I just discovered KSK about 2 weeks ago). But I love your site. Congrats.

Cunty Clit, get over yourself.

PUNTE said...

Like all Jews, UM rounds up.

Anonymous said...

fupa, there it is!

EPS said...

That looks like my cat, maybe they all look alike though. And, um, er, is the Ref praying to the lobster vulcan man or trying to find his happy place?

Oh and Ocho Cincos pictoral on his shoes, that's sweet.

Unsilent Majority said...

espknows- I almost wet myself when i saw those

RSE said...

congrats. i've been reading ever since the hand of god (deadspin) was gracious enough to drop a KSK link. now i like you guys better than deadspin. but, you better keep writing good stuff and don't be like some (simmons) who begin to mail it in, write lame shit and name-drop lame celebrities so that people will think they're cool and famous now. if you start doing this then i will revoke your fucking weblog award by prying it out of your cold, dead hands after i murder all of you.

gone said...'ve not spent much time on the internet, huh?