Friday, December 15, 2006

The Blogosphere Raves About KSK; KSK Raves About Cheerleaders

As we near the end of the Best Sports Blog election process, and the likelihod of self-congratulatory circle-jerking becomes ever more freakishly possible, I thought I'd take a look around the Interwebs to see what was being said about our little corner of the sports blogosphere.

No matter what happens with the Weblog Awards or -- in the grander scheme of things -- the future of this site, thanks, everybody, for taking notice of us. We're here only to have fun and share a few laughs about the NFL.

"The only NFL site worth reading." - Deadspin

"Hilarious deviants." - Dan Shanoff

"Kissing Suzy Kolber's upside potential [is] pretty much limitless." - Mister Irrelevant

"I strongly urge you to check out Kissing Suzy Kolber. Easily the funniest NFL-related site on the interwebs." - Marcel Mutoni

"'Is it OK to poke fun at [the T.O. pill overdose]?' I couldn’t do it myself, but… if you’re familiar at all with the Kissing Suzy Kolber blog, you can probably guess where they came down on the issue. Big. Fucking. Green light." - the mighty mjd

"Kissing Suzy Kolber is the funniest sportswriting on the Internet, now that The Sports Guy is in the business of reader responses and web chats." - Harvard Independent

"Warning - some comments may be offensive." - Scoopwatch

"One of the most sarcastic, meanest and -- yes -- funniest NFL blogs around." - Eye on Foxborough

"We're not sure if the blog name is ironic or not." - Sports Column Blog

"Either the guys [at KSK] are wonderful writers, or most sportswriting is bad... I'm going with the latter." - Two Guys Who Never Agree

"I won't include a link [to KSK], lest I be accused of peddling family-unfriendly material on this site." - Red State Sports

"If you all at KSK were even within striking distance of [Bill Simmons's] entertainment value, I would read you regularly. But you are not. So I do not. So fuck off. And please, please hold on tightly to your day jobs." - A commenter

"These people could care less about NASCAR, and they believe all of its fans are brainless inbreds with Confederate flag tattoos." - The Diecast Dude

"Kissing Suzy Kolber takes the low road in using a picture of a beautiful woman to entice readers to vote for them for best sports blog." - Baseball Musings

Ahhh, good times. Here's Janette from the Eagles, most recently seen at With Leather. Vote for us.


doug_plank said...


You guys must be sporting a huge milkshake.

4giantsfans said...

suck me beautiful!!!

8hrdrive said...

When I found out you were winning the "Best Sports Blog" award, I spit milkshake all over my mother!

8hrdrive said...

"These people could care less about NASCAR, and they believe all of its fans are brainless inbreds with Confederate flag tattoos." - The Diecast Dude

we also think Nascar fans:

1. have small penises;inversely, big vaginas

2. have sex with relatives; namely uncles and sisters.

3. say "git-r-dun"

BoSox Siobhan said...

I continue to pray to the saint of naked bloggers to get a little christmas present from you boys.

becky said...

Happy Scattered Ass Friday, everyone!!!

The Last Unitard said...

I've come full circle. Not gay at all anymore. Thanks guys!

The Last Unitard said...

"Simply delightful!" - Peter King

Becky said...

The girl in the back, however, has the ass.

Anonymous said...

Those are some bitter, bitter pills that Baseball Musings is choking on.

Steve said...

"These people could care less about NASCAR, and they believe all of its fans are brainless inbreds with Confederate flag tattoos." - The Diecast Dude And?

"Kissing Suzy Kolber takes the low road in using a picture of a beautiful woman to entice readers to vote for them for best sports blog." - Baseball Musings

Baseball is gay...that's it. No punchline.

Suss said...

"SICK is a good way of describing Kissing Suzy Kolber."

--Dee Mirich

Landru said...

The number of complete fucktards in that list is simply astonishing.

Ten Second Movie Reviewer said...

Okay, I can officially die happy now, I have been quoted at KSK. You guys are awesome.

You'll notice we haven't been able to keep our "no links to KSK" policy for more than.. oh.. a day:

Unsilent Majority said...

I appreciate baseball musings and their assessment is not untrue. oh and those two guys who don't agree seem to be on to something...

whowillsexmutombo? said...

I find it hard to believe that you can win a sports writing award without weekly mention of your coffee preferences, your daughter's SAT scores, or your colons.

More colon talk in '07!
And I'm talking to you, Ufford.

twoeightnine said...

KSK plays longer than they really are.