Getting Vicktimized By the Master
Yesterday I had the distinct displeasure of sitting through Washington's Shitapalooza. After a dominating first quarter (it's a start!) the Redskins succumbed to Mike Vick (that just sounds dirty) and ended up getting their asses kicked hard. Of course after the game they realized they were wearing "Kick Me Hard" signs on their collective back, it did seem as if they were being kicked especially hard.
Needless to say I began losing interest in all of the men running around on the field, instead I focused on the brilliance of the Atlanta fan sitting in front of me. After Deadspin featured the Mike Vick "HERPES" jersey we now have the Mike Vick "VICKTIMIZER" jersey. Of course I spent the next two hours reeling off all of Vick's potential victims.

Thanks to OutSports we know all the naughty words that we can't see on the back of an Atlanta jersey (I'm not sure how that guy gut away with the Herpes jersey...probably custom). Hold on! I can put "SHULER" on the back of a jersey but not "BACKDOOR MAN"...what a fucking country.
So what would you put on the back of your official NFL jersey? Don't limit yourself to Ron Mexico, there's a whole league full of people ripe for mockery.
Here's a suggestion to get you started: Washington Redskins #7 "SNAP"
So what would you put on the back of your official NFL jersey? Don't limit yourself to Ron Mexico, there's a whole league full of people ripe for mockery.
Here's a suggestion to get you started: Washington Redskins #7 "SNAP"
Chicago Bears #18 "J. DANIELS"
My buddy has a Steelers "Van Halen" #84 jersey. No lie.
Bengals, #20 TO LIFE
Cowboys, #88, Powder
#81 Cowboys either "Attempted" or "Drops"
#10 NY Giants "Short Bus"
#25 Houston Texans "BUSH"
i like that
Redskins #29 - "Rumph?"
Chargers #17 - "Thank you LT"
Giants #10 "Last Name Redacted"
Throwback Packers #44: ClosetDeuce
Steelers #44: DormDumper
My NYG #92 "CUMDUMPSTER" will never be.
Bears #8
Matt Millen #55 jersey w/a nameplate of "DickwithEars"
Browns #80: POW
Cardinals #7: LACHEY
Saints #25 "37th best ROY"
Cowboys #13 "Vandercut"
Chiefs #27 "White People Suck"
Steelers #44 "The Dump Truck"
Eagles #7 "I Bang T.O."
Cowboys #81 "Rat"
Ravens #31 "Mule"
Oakland #18 "Paxil"
rams throwback #11 "chrissy"
carolina #17 "Bojangles"
Indy #18 - Cro-Mag #1
NYG #10 - Cro-Mag #2
NYG #80 - White Trash
Den #16 or Indy #44 - Porn-Star in Training
Minn #21 - Captain
SD #21 - Jesus
ARZ #7 - Babydaddy
Shit, how could I forget...
ARZ #32 - Dulled
CIN #15 - Boot 'N Rally
prada and cecil get my imaginary votes.
Redskins #72: Gzzytsx
Miami #34 "Stoned"
#9 Cowboys - MOX
#8 Seahawks - L. Harbor
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