Thursday, July 20, 2006

Peter King's Outlook Calendar

If you happen to speak English, you may realize that Peter King is the best NFL writer in the United States, and therefore, the world. In fact, his NFL prowess is so renowned that it has earned him an analyst's spot on the NFL Sunday Night Football studio team, premiering this fall. He is an Afroed god among mere mortal, straight-haired sportswriters.

So how does this elite journalist get into condition for the season? Certainly the work of covering 32 teams requires a strong preseason regimen. We like to know these things, so we here at KSK obtained a page of Peter King’s Outlook Calendar for an upcoming day, as many teams will already be in camp. While he sits on top of the mountain for now, to us it seems clear: Peter King is not ready for some football.

Don’t worry, Pete. That’s why they call it the preseason. Just keep your chin…up.


Captain Caveman said...

I thought 9:00 p.m. was when he watched a television show for the first time that everyone else has watched for last two years.

Captain Caveman said...

p.s. Stay outta my city you Jersey fuck.

Unsilent Majority said...

hofc, you are correct sir.

fuck peter king...and dr. z

Anonymous said...

wait a second, where's the time dedicated to finding the next Jake Plummer/Danny Wuerffel to advocate selecting in round 3 of your league's upcoming fantasy draft?

Anonymous said...

Good call on the Shiner Boch, good times right there.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to put in the three hour block of time where he spanks it to tivo'd episodes of House MD.

Then another hour thinking of which Sopranos spoilers to put in his column.

Ruthless Gravity said...

Fuck Dr. Z. Where is his calander with his daily foot in the ass from Dan Snyder? Nothing like getting punked right in front of your columnist buddies. Reminds me of the revenge skit from Chappelle Show.

The Fan's Attic said...

"chin...up" -- I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

The bias of the Redskins by SI writers is ridiculous. The Dr Z quote "You don't make the HOF by catching 8 yard hooks" is disgusting. You do when it's 3rd and five.

Unsilent Majority said...

he retired with the most catches ever, that's all that needs to be said.

Mr. B. said...

Most catches in the history of the game, and not in the HOF. Why, oh why, did you have to bet on baseball Art Monk. We believed in you.

RadamR said...

Peter King is a penis kabob.

Anonymous said...

> Certainly the work of covering 31 professional football teams (and the Texans) requires a strong preseason regimen.

There, I fixed it for you.

Captain Caveman said...

goto11: Excellent work.

I've left a copy of that KSK memo on MMP's desk.

Craig Barker said...
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pmk3 said...

And I love you, Lou Gosset Jr.

Anonymous said...

Art Monk has a higher career YPC than Marvin Harrison.

It needs to be said.

Anonymous said...

All I wanna know is...WTF does this have to do with burritos? ;)

Unsilent Majority said...

little known fact: peter king survives on a diet consisting entirely of bean and cheese frozen burritos there's that

Mac said...

This is obviously a fake, as there is no mention of Brett Favre and King couldn't go a day without his BFF.

Drew said...

I keep trying to click Louis Gossett Jr so I can see if we're still on for dinner (at that revolving restaurant) and a showing of "Little Man."

Anonymous said...

"How to annoy readers about Katrina while taking black manseed on my face"?

Both completely shocking, and completely hillarious. Well done, MMP. Keep it up.