Friday, October 26, 2007

The Friday Cheerleader Post
Maids of the Missed?

While rumblings of a Buffalo Bills move to Toronto are hardly new, they certainly have gained traction since the team announced last week they were seeking league permission to play some of their games in the Great White North.

Sadly, the writing is on the wall for the upstanding people of upstate New York-- as soon as the old man buys the farm that team is his-toe-ree. Enjoy your Sunday afternoons at the Anchor Bar after you get Irsayed. Unless you are willing to do something about it, of course. Like maybe assembling at the border with pitchforks and torches and showing those Canadian fuckups what you're made of.

I wanted to dedicate this week's column entirely to the Buffalo Jills (yes, they actually call their cheerleaders the Jills). Problem is... they're not that attractive. Enjoy your weekend.

By popular demand, a different shot of a favorite Bronco honey from the past. Popular demand = me. I'm popular. No, really.

"Oh, eat my chair." - Rick Gassko

Maj hates to see them leave, but he loves to watch them go.


Vee said...

Hey, what do you expect? All the hot Buffalo women work accross the Falls at Mints.

Unsilent Majority said...

mmmmm quality.

all the hot buffalo women are at Marshawn's house

Vee said...

*both of them

JAMMQ said...

To be a Bills fan . . .


Matt said...

Oh well, at least we still have the Sabres, they've been winning....

....what do you mean they're 3-5??


Food Court Lunch said...

We Canadians already know what Buffalonians are made of: chicken wing grease, soot from Tonawanda fires, and failure.

Unsilent Majority said...

Careful, if I remember my taunters correctly, that Bronco cheerleader is the property of one Gregggg "Little Mermaid Was Too Violent" Easterbrook.

jackin'4beats said...

Travis Henry has all the hot women of Buffalo stashed away in his basement to be used as baby factories.

naptown drew said...

I now refuse to succumb to the belief that the Colts have the league's fugliest cheerleaders. Thanks, KSK!

Anonymous said...

Canada is only good for 3 things....Beer, Hockey, and hot, easy women. Seriously, My friends and I use to cross the border when we were home from college, and never failed in getting some hot ass. Apparently Canadian men are hung like Japanese boys.

Pemulis said...

that top picture is fucking nightmare fuel

ben said...

Initial reaction:

"Cheerleader post! YES!"

Delayed reaction:

"Wait, what...something's not right...something's horribly wrong here..."

JG said...

Buffalo - the only town where you have a chance to sleep with a professional cheerleader. Only because anyone with better than 20/50 vision won't.

/I love my town.

Gern said...

How about a new contest? Name the three trannies in the Bills Cheerleader pic. The winner gets a prickly lip blowjob.

Alex said...

Holy shit. Who is the linguistics major?

Unknown said...

after you get Irsayed.

That was a tad unnecessarily harsh dude. No one should have to go through that.

Phil said...

something tells me any of you would kill to have one of the Jills even look at you twice

Popeye Jones said...

Renee has been on my desktop for the last three years. Next to Dolph Lundgren's cinematic career, she is God's finest work.

Otto Man said...

something tells me any of you would kill to have one of the Jills even look at you twice

When the one with the lazy eye looks at me, does that count as once or twice?

Howie Feltersnatch said...

Buffalo: the town that time forgot. Where else can you see people wearing acid-washed jeans and Chip & Pepper or Vuarnet t-shirts in 2007?

And the Jills are not ugly. Personally I love their straight hair & curly teeth.