Monday, October 8, 2007

Another Hollow Accomplishment that Means Nothing

Last week we published our 1000th post on this here blog. To commemorate the occasion, we talked about writing up a special post acknowledging the feat -- the kind of post that looks back on the fun we've had and counts up all the readers who have come by, yadda yadda yadda. Naturally, because we're all lazy and found the topic uninspiring, nobody actually followed through.

But y'know, with it being a second-tier holiday and all today, we thought we'd take a moment to say, "Yay, us!" and thank all you nice people for reading. We appreciate all of you, from the most devoted commenters to the casual readers who just skim for a Big Daddy Drew byline. The latter stings, but we understand.

We'll return to our regular programming tomorrow. Please drink responsibly at work.


Anonymous said...

You motherfuckers...taking a day dare you. It's fucking Monday. What the hell am I suppose to Ahh hell...I hope Trent Green jumps in front of your bitch asses

Wormfather said...

Well done gentlemen. 50,000 more posts to come.

"The names change but the tradition continues"

(That was me making my usual comment that makes no sense

a. you're all still here
b. That's the yankees slogan.)


whowillsexmutombo? said...

KSK: Now, More than ever.

gone said...

Yay you

Wormfather said...

Oh, I've got a better one.

Gays like these demand the Gay Mafia.


KSK...We know drama


Its not just internet its KSK.

Unknown said...

I just want to know if XMas Ape was the guy who died at the Chicago marathon.

Weed Against Speed said...

"KSK is the only blog proven to reduce the risk of spreading gential herpes to a partner. Read once daily."

Ken Dynamo said...

congrats on all the swearing.

Anonymous said...

"KSK: One Consonant slip up away from being protested against"

Slash said...

I enjoy all the posts, but especially the ones about football.

Hustler of Culture said...

There are writers other than BDD?

Trader Rick said...

Thanks for giving anonymous sports fans something to focus on while waiting for those casual encounters to come through.

Punch Rockgroin said...

This is a blog?

Pemulis said...

Cadillac, Tom Cruise and Feathers say congratulations. Shannon says "I'm gay goodbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeee"

mikeski said...

"Q: Are we not men?
A: We are KSK."

smurphette said...

Actually, I skim for Ape and flubby, too.

mamacita said...

I'd stay clear of that cake -- it looks like Drew confused it with a towel.

dick_gozinia said...

OK...seriously, was Ape killed at the Chicago Marathon? Did the "Stop Ape" shirt work its magic?

The only guys who finished that thing were Kenyans and Ethiopians.

Anonymous said...

Is it sad that I've gone back and read this whole damned thing?

It is?

Oh . . .

naptown drew said...

Thanks, Gay Mafia. I can't count how many times I've quoted some of your greatest hits in public while the people I'm with gradually distance themselves and later deny they know me at all.

I think we all know who the real winners are.

Vee said...

Congrats! Keep up the gayd work, fellas. Here's hoping Brett Favre never breaks your record.

JAMMQ said...


And stop with the "he gets more shine than me" shit.

That shit fucked up many a great thing, just look at The Beatles, or Wu-Tang.

Tuck your egos and let the KSK behemoth reign until ESPN, Peter King, and Tom Brady are all under its rule.