Thursday, February 15, 2007

Vote For The Meast Of The Year!

We've been trying to decide if we should continue the Meast of the Week award all through the offseason, but I think it's probably a feature best left to when football is present in our lives and not leaving a gaping void in the pit of our souls.

Besides, the MOW posts were largely used for us to talk about whatever the fuck we wanted, and now we have 6 whole months to do that anyway. And now here is the illustrious roll call of all the KSK Meast honorees. From this batch you must pick one player, the player we at KSK shall bestow the title of Meast of the Year upon. Making your work even harder is the fact that Sean Taylor, the original Meast himself, isn’t even on this list! Oh, the ironing.

Here we go. Make your picks in the comments. Coronation next week.

Week 1 – Shawne Merriman

Week 2 – Mike Peterson

Week 3 – Panthers defense

Week 4 – Santana Moss

Week 5 – Bears defense

Week 6 – Alan Faneca/Josh Brown

Week 7 – Steve Hutchinson

Week 8 – Mike Vrabel and Tully Banta-Cain

Week 9 - Jason Taylor

Week 10 - LaDainian Tomlinson

Week 11 - Chad Johnson

Week 12 - Bart Scott

Week 13 - Lorenzo Neal

Week 14 - Drew Brees

Week 15 - Pacman Jones

Week 16 - Steven Jackson

Week 17 - Darrent Williams

Wild Card Round – Shawn Andrews

Divisional Playoffs - Deuce McAllister

NFC Title Game – The Sex Cannon That Is Rex Grossman

AFC Title Game – Bob Sanders

Super Bowl XLI - Prince

Vote now!


  1. NFC Title Game MOW should win MOY. After all, he won the Super Bowl's Most Important Player award.

    Second Place goes to Andy Reid's sons.

  2. Yeah, I love Grimby.

    And Alan Faneca, of course.

  3. Jason Taylor.

    Second place: Eli Manning's pimp hand.

  4. give it to prince, second place to my boy darrent

  5. I'm sorry but it has to be Josh Brown, solely because that was the post where Drew killed the mouse and so did that fucking tarantula. BADASS.

  6. Bob Sanders killed a man... with his big toe.

  7. Shawne Merriman since his head is shaped like a shark fin.

    Bob Sanders - 2nd place since he hits like a freakin' sledgehammer.

    Isn't one of the prerequisites for having a "Pimp Hand" not being an inbred redneck that likes playing squash?

  8. Going from MOW to suspension to serious consideration of DPOY has to get Shawne Merriman my vote... if we're limiting this to former MOWs.

    If not, though, I'd like to write in Brian Moorman, for taking the killshot of the year from Sean Taylor on a play that was basically designed to kill him in AN EXHIBITION GAME, and then getting up and patting Taylor on the helmet before walking off the field with his head still attached.

    If that's not Measty I dunno what is.

  9. I should also add that if it's possible to pass on the Meast by osmosis, Taylor did it with that hit. The Meast now resides someplace between Moorman's sternum and spleen.

  10. Sean Taylor should be MOW for the Pro Bowl... a technicality, but you can't leave out the namesake.

    Then again, I vote for Rextacy no matter what.

  11. D-Will. Holla!

    I used some Banta-Cain on a nasty rash and it cleared right up.

  12. My vote goes to LDT.

    2nd: Prince
    3rd: Sex Cannon

  13. Sex Cannon, Cum Slinging Gross-man (rex)

  14. Bob Sanders. Never before has a little ball of hate wreaked so much havoc.

    As we all know 75% of the world is covered in water. The other 25% is coverd by Bob Sanders.

    Sex Cannon 2nd place, as I never imagined hearing the words :Fisting the ball downfield" in any kind of remotely meaningful manner.

  15. Pacman. He bought his own car back at auction. A police auction. AND, he's friends with George Jones.

    A second place vote must go to Prince. The man rocked in high heels in a rain storm. That's definitely measty.

  16. I vote Rextacy, if only to recoup the $59 dollars I paid for his jersey for my kid. If I can't get a SB win, I might as tell him he's wearing the jersey of the Meast.

  17. We all know it's going to Rex, but my vote is for Jeff Reed's wang.

  18. Is there any other pick than the Cannon?

  19. even as a bears fan...And as much as the Sex Cannon deserves MOY...

    My vote is for BDD...cause there can be only one Meast...

  20. It was really really difficult to pick, but I have to go with Prince because he made a Foo Fighters song sound cool. Plus he got away with phallic imagery on national TV. That's a measty thing.

  21. Neal just for his sheer desire to end somebody's life on every single play.

    If that is not measty I don't know what is.

  22. Sex Cannon -hopefully he won't fuck that up too.

  23. First: Prince
    Second: The throwgasm machine

  24. Pac. And Man.

    Never again will I hate a player to that extent as a rookie, then fall almost gayly in love with him the following season.

  25. Bart Scott because

    1) You used the post to praise Rex Grossman and included my absolute all-time favorite KSK line "Go fuck your mother. Yeah, I said it. You just got Oedipus Rexed"

    2) Bart Scott laid one of the greatest hits in the history of the NFL on Ben Roethlisberger that week. I'm usually very calm and easy-going when watching the football (this past season anyway), but that hit made me whoop like a jack-ass

    3) Bob Mould IS better than god.

  26. As an Eagles fan, I wanna say Shawn Andrews, but was anyone REALLY meastier than Tomlinsin this year? I say no. Ladanian it is.

  27. 1st place: Bears Defense (back when they kicked ass, had tommie and mike, and refused to pay child support)

    2nd place: Since I know Bears Defense wont get enough votes, my real vote has to go to the Sex Cannon for providing hours upon hours of entertainment. NO PANTIES ARE SAFE NEXT YEAR REX!!!

  28. Sex Cannon. It's only fitting.

  29. When it is all said and done, no one will remember which how Kenny Chesney's anal plug won the Super Bowl, but we will all remember how the Sex Cannon lost it. As someone who has waited for the Bears to win the Super Bowl for most of my 26 years, I can honestly say I will never forget the first time I did Rextacy. I also can't wait to see him ride the bench next season.

    Meast of the Year is the Sex Cannon.

  30. 1st: Lo Neal - meastiest fullback ever?
    2nd: Mr. stay out the night before the super bowl himself The Sex Cannon
    3rd: Chad Johnson - greatn-HUGH

  31. My heart tells me Jason Taylor...but my MEAST tells me Panthers D. Fuckers killed Simms' SPLEEN.

  32. Steroids take Shawne Merriman, that's how measty he is.

    Then he wins DPOY after beating off all over the rules.

    Plus, I heard his favorite movie is Over the Top ("it's like a switch").

  33. It has got to be LT. With Prince not far behind.

  34. Write-in vote:

    Cincinnati Police Department

  35. How could it be anyone other than the Sex Cannon? The guy was the highlight of the blog and put it on Cold Pizza. Master of Meast - Sex Cannon!

  36. As a Vikings fan, I should say Steve Hutchinson. As a resident of Minnesota, I should say Prince. But God, if Rex Grossman isn't the single biggest thing to hit this blog this year, no one deserves the Meast. Oedipus Rex it is.

  37. 1st Place should go to Sexy Rexy

    2nd Place should go to Drew Brees's birthmark

  38. My vote is for the Great Cumslinger. Not only did he steal the virginity of many girls this season, but I think I speak for everyone when I say he also stole our hearts...

  39. the cum slingin' sex cannon should win this ho's i mean hands down.

  40. like there's even a chance on this website that the cumslinger loses.

  41. oh, here's the ego trip of the moment in the form of my take on this. I ripped you guys off plenty of accreditation. and sorry for putting this up, since it's the internet equivalent of "please, listen to my demo!"

  42. Shawne Fucking Merriman

  43. The "Lord of Cities and Oceans" deserves it, however, based on all the reading pleasure he brought to my corner of the internets, my vote goes to the Sex Cannon.

    Don't touch my Gold Bond.

  44. I'd like to vote for Bob Sanders. Hawkeyes represent!
