Friday, February 16, 2007

Najeh's Dump Import

Welcome to what we hope will be the first of many installments of Najeh's Dump Import. We scour the eBays for the latest NFL skinny because you don't have time-- what with your mounting credit card debt and that scorching case of herpes. As always, we will pretend to be interested in your comments (which is more than will do).

  • His self-esteem is Schott? According to Steve Czaban, Marty Schottenheimer has the confidence of an insecure twelve year old girl. (via Larry Brown Sports)

  • Prayers to Black Jesus answered? Michael Irvin may soon have a pink slip to go with his fat ties. (NY Post via Shanoff)

  • Speaking of Dan Shanoff , he delivers the state of the sports blogosphere in his interview with The Big Picture: him talk good, him have pretty wordhole.


  1. So essentially we are about 2 months away from another infamous Micheal Irvin-Hotel Room-Hooker-Blow story. Just imagine what happens in he loses his job too?

  2. Why can't I shake the feeling that despite being a stand-up guy and the winningest D1 football coach, Bobby Bowden's true legacy will end up being his warnings on the danger of the ebays.

    This better not be the only post we get today, even if it's title does makes me swell with Steeler Pride.

  3. Bowden's a hypocrite and a douchebag.

  4. UM, I bet you wouldn't feel the same way if you had spent any time sitting on his lap with him dressed as Santa Claus when you were a child.

  5. How did you know about my scorching case of herpes?

    I demand answers.

  6. Steagles I think UM is bitter because Bowden would not allow him sit on his lap when he played Santa. The only difference was that UM was a grown man at the time.

  7. Is this what the off-season is going to be like around here? You-tubes, clip shows, and coverage of the coverage? I suggest more nascar content, just b/c its easy to make fun of

  8. thats a great and original najeh davenport reference too.

  9. I hope the Michael Irvin story involves Nate Newton, a pickup full of weed, a dead hooker and a donkey show. Maybe something similar to the time when the Strike Team went to Mexico except they have to recreate the Apache Dance from The Fresh Prince to get out of trouble with the cartel and get home... Ah whatever. I just hope they replace him with Eric Dickerson.

  10. I was hoping for a slightly more hilarious post about the Dump Truck, but I guess it's hard to up the ante when you're Najeh.

    Irvin's Induction = "Trapped in the Closet"

    Just think of how amazing his xcommentary on that dvd would be!

  11. i am not supposed to leak this information but... regarding the whole Michael Irvin thing.

    I have it on good information that the Playmaker will be holding a press conference early next week to announce that he i stepping down from his position as an ESPN "analyst" to take on full time duties as Lieutenant Winslow's new full-time yayo connec (and part-time wing man, as needed).

    Oh & something about him being the new wide receivers coach at Miami. you heard it here first kids
