Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It Would Be Funny If He Didn't Really Mean It

Oh Roddy, you are very very stupid. Mike Vick lied about slaughtering a bunch of dogs. Then he sort of admitted it. Then he lied about it again...on a polygraph. The guy plead to jail and that's where he belongs for now. Everybody knows this, even Mike fucking Vick knows this! All of this escaped Roddy, but this is nothing new. You should see the rest of Roddy's opinionated T-shirt collection!

Repeal Free Speech

End Suffrage Now!

George Wallace Was Right

More Land Mines

Give Eugenics a Chance

Cats Rule

Stalin Was Misunderstood

My Other T-Shirt Is Covered In Dog Blood

This Shirt Was Tested On Animals

Fur Is Murder...On My Bankroll

Vote For Pedro Lopez

Nixon '72

Andrea Yates Is My Homegirl

I Donate Dogs to Kill Shelters

Finishing What Barker Started

Imprison Tibet

Roddy, you must realize that Vick is not Nelson Mandela or Rubin Carter. His imprisonment is, you know, justified.

Check out our friend Chris Mottram's take over at his new digs, The Sporting Blogs.


Upstate Underdog said...

I'm willing to bet he also owns a "O.J. is innocent" t-shirt.

Moof! said...

Is it right to take away someones freedom for killing some dogs? We kill other animals all the time, for food and pleasure. Fuck it, Free Mike Vick.

sides said...

Ron Paul '08

f that...


Phony Gwynn said...

Dahmer Just Had the Munchies

Autism Rules if You Can Do Something Cool, Like Make Realistic Shit Really Fast Out of Clay or Figure out Which Day September 14, 2837 Falls On

Save a Fist, Shoot A Bitch

Charlie Green said...

Hey Moof!, take that argument in the other direction.

(ducks flying lamb shank)

Chris said...

Why has no one posted this on these internets yet?

OJ's 11

WV: ojojgdh


Porky1 said...

All this support for a convicted animal torturer simply because he can throw a football really well. Oh wait, no he can't.

Porky1 said...

But if the shirt had said "FREE BYRON LEFTWICH" it would have been hilarious.

Steve said...

"Free Charles Taylor"
"Club baby seals"
"Kill the whales"
"Garth Brooks: Ropin' the Wind Tour"
"Fuck PETA"

Gotta say - he'd have a point on the last one.

Gourmet Spud said...

Sebastian Bach thinks White pussed out.

Upstate Underdog said...

Suicide...Do It !

Ken Dynamo said...

i love animals. theyre delicious.

Anonymous said...

Waterboarding 4 Jesus

Marcus Vick is a very good quarterback

yeah, that's about all i got. in the spirit of yesterday's music post, i suppose vick could have been listening to "zombie woof" by zappa.

Ken Dynamo said...

Gary Glitter for Troop 17 Scoutmaster

Anonymous said...

Instead of fining Roddy White (which the NFL will absolutely do)they should make him be Jamaal Tinsley's bodyguard...

MDZ said...

Anyone else find it strange that Roddy White wants Vick back, even though this is the first season he's done anything but be a colossal bust?

Leaking Geek said...

Anyone else notice how many fans were sporting #7 jerseys in the crowd at the GA Dome last night?

Maybe Falcons fams should stick to peaches and lay off the paint chips...

drozz said...

I would like to point out the colossal ignorance of every post on this subject. The shirt in no way supports michael vick. Blank made White wear this shirt as an advertisement, more like a craigslist post. The back of the shirt read, "To any interested party: mediocre, stoned, morally lacking, short quarterback with legal problems available for removal in three years by anyone interested. Interested parties are responsible for pickup."

Unknown said...

But Stalin really was Misunderstood. His last name meant "Man of Steel" for fuck's sake. What are you trying to get at Maj?

MyBoysAreMyLife said...

Ballad of convict Ookie
"I'm just a soul whose intentions are good

Oh lord please don't let me be misunderstood..."

Ricky said...

I heard he was a Human Rights major at college, so it makes sense.

Otto Man said...

The original selection was a "BIG FUN" t-shirt.

Ken Dynamo said...

Let R Kelly date your daughter

Anonymous said...

Am I horrible human being for wanting most of those shirts? Because they're damn funny.

Will Reid said...

Finish the job in Vietnam

Anonymous said...

must have more land mines

jbo said...

As long as Leonard Little is allowed to play football I can't support Vick spending two years in prison.

Will Reid said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cayceecal said...

Unsilent forgot to add "Bill Simmons is Hilarious" on that list

Steve said...

In honor of Mr. Little (via jim):
Drunk Drivers Against Mothers

And while on the subject, I agree. Let's let everyone out of prison because Leonard Little can play football. No one should have to be punished for their crimes because Little is a dick. Scott Peterson? Run back to Amber Frey buddy. Scooter Libby? You're pardoned! Guantanamo Bay people? Run home. At least until that bastard Little goes to jail. Will justice never be served??

I hate that fucking argument.

The Humanist said...

More Blankets for the Injuns

Club My Lai

Belsen Was A Gas (oops, that's an actual Sex Pistols shirt)

Free James Brown (and by "Free", I mean dig his carcass up and skull fuck him)

"If the Rape of Nanking is inevitable, sit back and enjoy it"

Bataan Death March of the Penguins

Upstate Underdog said...

"we are not equating Vick to a serial killer"

however, PETA will be more than happy to do so.

Grimey said...

Bill Cullen was a serial killer? But he was so personable on Hot Potato

Stuttering Moses said...

i would pay good money for a fur is murder...on my bankroll tshirt

Anonymous said...

Bob Barker is my Homeboy

Ken Dynamo said...

Renew Millen's Contract

shouldBworkin said...

Tom Brady is underated.

Dick jokes are NOT funny.

Spud Randall said...

Sex Pea-Shooter

pain-ther fan said...

Did you know that you can use, used motor oil to fertilize your lawn.

fight club

Jason Kirk said...

This would only fit on Grady Jackson:

The Same Gov't That Fucked Up Iraq Should Decide Which Animals It's OK To Slaughter

Anonymous said...

Bring Back Art Schlichter!

What Would Elijah Dukes Do?

Nuke the Whales

Rae Carruth Should Be Allow to Hire Someone to Murder His Pregnant Girlfriend

I Raped a Katrina Victim and All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt

Joe the Cable Geek said...

Am I the only one who saw this?


ben said...

Petrino is a total asshole.

Unsilent Majority said...

Petrino is a total genius.

Unsilent Majority said...

Unsilent forgot to add "Bill Simmons is Hilarious" on that list

to be fair, it should read "Bill Simmons Was Hilarious"

Sho said...

Sorry, but I don't see anything wrong with the t-shirt. He didn't say "Mike Vick Was Right" or "F*ck the U.S."

I mean seriously, what he did was wrong and vile, but it didn't deserve 23 months. Free Mike Vick.

Cayceecal said...

to be fair, it should read "Bill Simmons Was Hilarious"

agreed. i've been corrected.

Unsilent Majority said...

no, i'm retarded, it should say "Bill Simmons Is Still Hilarious"

jackin'4beats said...

My coach is a pussified quitter.

allie said...

so sho, you're saying he should've been sentenced to 3 weeks instead? because that's the logical implication of wearing a "free mick vick" shirt right now...