Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Ya gutta be fackin jokin, right? You mean to tell me Dr. Underneath and his 1,000 yards receiving and, most importantly, his luscious white skin isn't good enough for your precious Pro Bowl squad, NFL? Somebody get Goodell on the phone. I feel like bellyachin'.

What'd I only buy two versions of his fackin jersey for, then? Because I was saving room for the Wes Wel-kah Pro Bowl jersey. My regular rotation goes: Papelbon All-Star jersey, Scalabrine jersey, my "Charles River Not Charles Drew River" shirt, " and my "Celtic Green Not Pumpsie Green" hoodie. This woulda fit in perfect.

Three of the Pats eight Pro Bowlers are coloreds. That's almost half! That ain't right, I tell ya. I got half a mind to go back to not giving a damn about this team. Did me okay from 1960 until 2001.


Big Daddy Drew said...

Maybe we can name a fackin' tunnel after him! He's our guy!

DeezeNutz said...

Its a funny enough post, and this site is fackin sweet, but New England must be like on the 10th percentile for racists places in the US.

There is simply no truth in it. I guess you gotta make something up.

DeezeNutz said...

Ok, nevermind, I just read the comments section of the article you cited. Holy motherfucker, am I embarrassed to have just defended those assholes.

Rip away, KSK!

twoeightnine said...

Yeah! Next time offer some proof like the percentile racist ranking. Everyone knows that study doesn't lie. Cold hard facts baby.

lecollye said...

Christopher dear, have you actually been to New England? Do you actually know what racism is? This isn't that back of the bus shit they taught you in your 90% white high school.

smurphette said...

Mmmm I love the taste of haterade in the evening . . .

Steve said...

I grew up in Pennsylvania and then went to grad school in Alabama for 3 years. Which is more racist: North or South? Couldn't tell ya. Depends if you like your racism out in the open or just much much more repressed.

Welker is good and all but who would you yank to put him in?

eh? fack you in the ear, mass-hole

ColeTrain said...


nate said...

boston can suck my left white nut you racists fu***

Toothie14 said...

Where are the racist comments in the article? Can someone quote them please? If they were there, they must have been deleted. Most of the comments there seem to be ecxited about Wilfork and Warren being selected (aren't both of those guys black?)

I've been all around the country and I cant tell you, there may be subverted racism in the MA but it's the same everywhere (even your state). Trust me, when massachussets doesn't seem racist at all when you've spent time in Mississippi and Kentucky. MA has a black governor for crying out loud.

Anyone who says the Patriots have no black fans clearly has not been to the following towns:

West Sprinfield

Christmas Ape said...

You gotta be pretty damn racist if you can narrow down a specific set of areas where black people dwell.

I bet you keep an exact count of how many have been in your house.

Toothie14 said...

oops! my bad. Warren didn't make it. that was a comment complaining about that he didn't make it.

John said...

For the record, Marshfield is about the least black town on the planet. I mean, it's blacker than neighboring Duxbury, but it sure as hell ain't Compton. Perhaps Peter means there is a black Pats fan residing there?

And yeah, this is all funny. And true. And depressing because I'm a Pats fan. Fucking Pats fans.

Toothie14 said...


those are just the towns that have the strongest black communities, statistically.

nice try though ;)

Toothie14 said...

that's incorrect, john. There is a strong black community in marshfield. not saying the town doesn't have mostly white neighborhoods as well

Foxxy Brown said...

@Xmas Ape: word. he can reel that shit off because that's his list of places not to go. based, of course, on statistics.

John said...

Pete - I grew up in aforementioned neighboring Duxbury.

Here are some stats for Marshfield:

"As of the census² of 2000...[t]he racial makeup of the town was 97.69% White, 0.54% Black or African American, 0.11% Native American, 0.37% Asian, 0.02% Pacific Islander, 0.52% from other races, and 0.76% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.67% of the population."

A strong black population (unless you mean they are all physically strong, which I can't confirm or disconfirm) that does not make.

As to Christopher, above - what do any of those comments on the Boston.com page have to do with racism? Just because numerous Boston douchnozzles would drink Welker spouge for breakfast doesn't mean they're racist.

Christmas Ape said...

None of the comments on the article are derogatory or necessarily racist. It's just indicative of what's typical among many Boston fans - not all - that they will root disproportionately for a slightly above average white player rather than a great black one.

Any objective fan will concede Welker is a good slot receiver but one doesn't put up numbers half as good on any other team.

Toothie14 said...

ah yes. my mistake on Marshfield. I read the decimal wrong in the census, but I'm right about the other towns and in general, you will agree that MA is more diverse and progressive than it is given credit for. The folks who are still overt racists folks are mostly elderly people who live in the wealthier communities (as well as some poorer old folks who never had much education).

And Foxxy Brown, quite the contrary is true. While I have not spent extended time in ALL those towns, I have worked and/or lived in Worcester, Salem, Lynn, Revere, Chelsea, Lowell and Attleboro and still have good friends in all those towns of all colors. :)

John said...

Ape - you're entirely right (and Bill Simmons, Beantown's most famous sports fan, hasn't done anything to disprove this) - I was just curious as to Christopher's reaction. Boston's full of boneheads, but only some of them are racist boneheads.

John said...

Peter - briefly, I disagree. I think most people give Mass a lot of credit for being diverse and progressive (see any number of conservative folks bashing Massachusetts). I also think that you can find plenty of racist assholes in Mass, in rich and poor communities. Many of said racist assholes also aren't old. Boston's better than it used to be, but there are still a lot of ignorant dipshits.

And yeah, Welker gets a lot more positive publicity and sells a lot more jerseys than, say, Kevin Faulk, who's done much more for the Patriots over the last number of years without anywhere near the hype.

Toothie14 said...

yes. good white players in Boston tend to get more props than black players of equal talent, but like I said, you find that to be even truer in parts of the south. but anyway that statement ignores the fact that there are and have been countless minority athletes to play in Boston that have been beloved every bit as much as their white counterparts.

John, I think you will agree with me that the most fervantly beloved Boston athlete of the last decade was not Tom Brady (yet), not wes welker, not nomar garciaparra (used to be loved but hated since 2001), not johnny Damon, not kevin youkillis, not jonathan papelbon but Pedro Martinez.

Pedro's not black...but he's not white either

SlideShow Bob said...

This is the most boring group of comments i ever read, guess im off to go read the census.

No Longer Active said...

Firstly, I see the humor in the post, I mean for god sake Boston is a place where Brian Scalabrine is a god. But honestly, as a black season ticket holder to the Patriots, I have never encountered one bit of racism. Actually, it's safe to say that the group of season ticket holders I go to the games with, a total of six or more black people, are always greeted with smiles and handshakes when we arrive at our seats. It was pointed out before and I agree, Boston has its fair share of boneheads, but it's not the capital of racial strife that everyone seems to think it is.

Christmas Ape said...

And, yes, other teams have racist fans. I'll admit the Steelers have a few. They're the ones who, when the team loses, point at Tomlin and say he was only hired by the ownership to give weight to the Rooney Rule.

But the culture of fandom is much different. Heath Miller is never going to be more beloved than Hines Ward or Troy Polamalu.

Anyway: dick joke, dick joke, dick joke

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

as someone who grew up in central california and started working in boston a year ago.. this town is as fucking racist as birmingham. i'm guessing if you grew up here then you think it's normal to, i dont know, ask a black couple if they know how to read a sign. it ain't. deal with it, new england.

/shits pants

Toothie14 said...

i apologize christmas ape for stearing this in such a serious direction. :(

I thought the post was funny too and i love this blog. I just felt obliged to educate some of the folks who talk about but may never have been to new england.

I guess the real truth is: every place has good folks and dickheads and if we try to generalize a place as if it has only one of the two, we'll only be right if we discount those who are evidence to the contrary.

Anonymous said...

Remember kids, Boston's not segregated, it's organized.

Somehow, Boston escaped the main stream hatred that the southern states got during the 60s when this area was just as bad. Don't forget about the whole busing the students thing in the 70s. "Oh no, some black kids want a better education in the city! Better not let the darkies in!" I mean honestly, we're more tolerant of the gays than the kneegrows, which is pretty assbackwards in comparison to the rest of the country.

Also, to further show that Peter is a crack addict, Taunton and Attleboro are completely fucking white towns too.

But Welker still deserved the Pro Bowl.

Unknown said...

Actually, it's safe to say that the group of season ticket holders I go to the games with, a total of six or more black people, are always greeted with smiles and handshakes when we arrive at our seats.

@dcd: there's a joke in there about being nice and maintaining eye contact so as to avoid getting your shit fucked up, but I'm not going any closer to it than I already have. All I'll say is that 99.9999% of Massachusetts believes Uncle Ruckus to be the real model minority, a prophet and a voice of truth educating the people. The other 0.0001%? That's apparently the group of guys you go to Gay-triots games with. How you like them census numbers?

Unknown said...

ok enough with the dumb racist talk!

PRO BOWLER Logan Mankins from Fresno St.!! Representing the WAC.

-Ed in Nevada (the so-called Mississippi of the West)

p.s.- Be sure to watch the New Mexico Bowl on ESPN Saturday afternoon everyone!

Jelly B. Good said...

Christmas Ape you are such a pathetic winey bitch. You forgot to put some mention about how Boston made Larry Bird out to be a bigger star than he deserved, stole the spotlight from Robert Parrish. You better be careful if you ever show your face up my way, I'll send my blackies out to kick your fackin' azz....

Unknown said...

@ed all we make at fresno st are NFL players. pat hill is seriously one of the best college coaches around. (our basketball players, however, are another story... although we can take credit for rafer alston!)

Christmas Ape said...

Jelly B. Good takes all the fun out of a RaFlaWa

Jelly B. Good said...

...hey dcd, Brian Scalabrine is NOT considered a god in Boston, Scot Pollard is the real man, Scalabrine isn't worthy to pick the twinky crumbs outta his cromag beard...

BTW, the only people from New England that like Scalabrine are all the douchebags from Southy that relate to him cause he's got red hair when he's probably got more in common with his black team-mates since he was born in Long Beach (that is da lbc, baby).

Toothie14 said...


I actually agree with your post ecxept for one key thing (well, two if you count the crack part).

Attleboro is an extremely diverse community. There are many african americans, latinos, and (interestingly enough) a good number of cambodians that live there.

Unknown said...

What's with all the discussion about this? The author is from Pittsburg. In addition to being an absolute shithole, it's not exactly a model of diversity.

Unknown said...

Whoops, my bad. Born in Allentown and raised in the D.C. suburbs. I'm sure your class at Sidwell Friends was a virtual UN. Tool.

Christmas Ape said...

Yeah, I'd imagine Pittsburg, Kansas is pretty white. But the Steelers are based in Pittsburgh.

naptown drew said...

People, people, people...
Five hours of arguing about Masshole race relations and yet no Bill Simmons-based vitriol? I'm a little disappointed in you all.

Christmas Ape said...

My high school was 45 percent black and 15 percent white, actually.

No Longer Active said...

miamidiesel@ I actually find it funny that someone potentially from Miami is the resident race relationship expert of Massachusetts. I'd also like to remind you that Massachusetts is currently the only state in the country with a black governor, and considering how seriously we take our politics, that's saying something...Boston is like any other urban city, race is not necessarily the issue, success and socio-economic status is...

@Jelly B. Good: You may be right about Scal...but have you been to the Garden recently? It's takes more than 500 guys from Southie to make that kind of noise...

Unknown said...

From D.C. Steeler Nation:

Born in Allentown, Pa. and raised in the D.C. 'burbs, yet a lifelong Steelers fan. How bullshit is that?

Get your shit straight and know your target before you attack. That said, I agree that Shittsburg is a total shithole and isn't exactly... err... I have no idea how to finish that. What place exactly qualifies as a model of racial harmony? Anyways, as a minority, I'd still feel a helluva lot safer banging a white woman (or 2... or 3... or god-willing as many as I could handle at once until my nutsack cried "No more!") in Pittsburgh than in Boston; statistics indicate I'd be 8798% less likely to have a shotgun shoved in my face in Pittsburgh for socializing with a white woman, and 12979% less likely to have a shotgun shoved in my face for being a minority in general. So go suck out that Brady-Belichick-Welker "chowdah" left in the shag of your carpet from last Sunday and shut your cankhole...

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, you like, TOTALLY got me. The best part about this article is that it is just residual whining from the Pats wiping their asses with the Steelers last week and OWNING them for the last six years.

I'd check the census to see what percentage of Pittsburgh is black, but since people are moving out of the city so quickly there probably isn't an accurate one available.

Unknown said...

And of course by the time my slow-ass types, the point's already been addressed. Guhhhh...

Christmas Ape said...

It has nothing to do with whining. The post was inspired by a Pats fan who sent us the link complaining about how embarrassed he was about all the Welker comments to the Globe post.

Yeah, the Pats have owned the Steelers since about 2000. Doesn't make any of the points addressed in the post or the comments any less true.

Unknown said...

@dcd: my moniker aside, I've lived in or around New York City pretty much my entire life. The only other place I've spent a significant amount of time is Philly, and while it has a shit-ton of other problems, I wouldn't say it's a racist city. I've had two close cousins go to Boston schools (Tufts and BU), and another who married a guy from Harvard. Not to get all Wilbon on you, but I've spent a good amount of time in Boston, I'm a minority, and... let's just say I didn't feel as welcome there as I do back home in NYC or in Philly, and that's regardless of whether or not I'm wearing anything indicating my Giants/Yankees/Knicks ties. As for electing the only black governor in the US right now, you know who else did that? Virginia in 1989. You know who else they elected? George Allen, a dipshit who unapologetically referred to a member of my community as "macaque" and still almost got re-elected. I don't look at politics - especially in the US - as an indicator of progress in race relations, because so much of politics in this country is about special interests and making the rich guys who pull the strings richer or keeping those in power in power to satisfy their ego trips (and I'm not just saying that because I've been binge-viewing Season 4 of The Wire on DVD). If Barack Obama were elected President, would that be a sign that the US is a more racially tolerant place than... err.. I don't know how to finish that sentence either. You get the point though. Sorry for veering off the normal course here at KSK...

/dick joke

Jelly B. Good said...

Now, now boys, if you can't get along we'll have to call BDD to come in and give you all a spanking. Or may the Major would like that better since he's finished his wack-off moratorium and could fully enjoy it.

Let me make it easy on you. You all suck, wherever you are from sucks, your families suck, all your teams suck, life sucks, this blog sucks.

That being said...

You're hilarious. Great post, and overall blog.

Would you be able to link on over to http://www.tittlemyweeney.com?

I'd really appreciate it.

(and oldy but a goody)

futuremrsrickankiel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
futuremrsrickankiel said...

I mean... having spent all of my 23 years in Boston I'd say it's safe to say that not everyone in Boston is racist in the same way that not everyone in Boston actually speaks with the much-caricatured accent. That being said, there are dumbasses everywhere, and I'm pretty sure I heard this exact conversation or something approximating it on the orange line this afternoon, AND I thought this was facking hilarious even though I sleep in a Patriots shirt. And that's what's important.

And the most frequently spotted sports jersey anywhere in Boston is that of Jason Varitek, who's awesome and is also a big fat white guy. So there ya go.

J. Ro said...

Well, that sucked.

Also, being born and having half my family live in Western Mass, I can attest to the fact that regardless of our sterling history (You are welcome for W.E.B. Dubois) There are about as many black faces around there now as in a Friends episode.

Oh and I haven't got any statiscal data to back that up as I am drunk and my Wiki searches right now are reserved for finding out the hometowns of my favorite pornstars.

J. Ro said...

On an unrelated note "Celtic Green not Pumpsie Green" and to an even greater extent "Charles River not Charles Drew River" are both fucking brilliant.

smurphette said...

@miamidiesel - +1 for the Boondocks reference. That show is the balls.

@xmas ape - I have always supposed that MoCo is basically like Fairfax County (where I grew up), but with greater diversity and fewer Republicans. Your high school numbers certainly seem to reflect that.

Christmas Ape said...

It depends what part of the county you're talking about, smurphette. MoCo is just like D.C. in that everything west of Rock Creek Park is all rich whiteytown. I grew up near the PG County border, which is pretty diverse and working to middle class.

Unknown said...

@smurphette: thanks. +1 for watching the Boondocks. And another +1 for being a chick that watches the Boondocks. I salute you.

dickey simpkins said...

Not to turn this into a rational discussion, but I think Pats fans should take much more pride in that 3 freaking offensive lineman got named to the team. Honestly, if Brady doesn't have 5 fucking minutes to pick apart teams, Welker wouldn't have those gaudy numbers as a slot receiver. The rest of the media is too busy circle jerking Brady and Belicheck, at least loyal Pats fans can give the O-line their due.

Grimey said...

As a fantasy owner of Wes Welker for the weeks before he started blowing up and scoring 30 points a game, I say no, he doesn't deserve to go to the Pro Bowl.

As a fantasy owner who traded Wes Welker right after he started blowing up and scoring 30 points a game, I deserve to be forced to watch the Pro Bowl.

Now can we get some motherfuckin' Buccaneers on the NFC squad?

Charlie Green said...

Christmas Ape, go to bed. You can't please everybody.

(That said, I was going to go to bed and then read all of these fucking comments. Jebus. The whole fucking country is racist. You're right about New England. Mail Simmons a Moss jersey for Christmas. I'm going to bed.)

Eagle in Brighton said...

mmm... gotta love the obligatory, lets sh** on Boston because our own city/franchise is abysmal post.

/dick joke

Anonymous said...

Dude, I just read that article that was linked. First they talk about Welker, then a bunch of them praise Vrabel for making it. THEN to top that off, someone says something about Matt Light getting the respect he deserves, and then this gem.

"NO Urlacher! NO WAY"

Someone try and tell me that Boston sports fans aren't racist in their own way. Please.

rar288 said...

There's a guy on there that was pissed that Braylon Edwards got in. What a dipshit.

Bodjo said...

Everyone's a little bit racist. This is not exclusive to Boston area sports fans, or white people. Arguing over what places/cities are more racist...well, you're arguing about the worst part of the given place. It's not surprising that no one'll come out of that conversation happy.

Unknown said...

seriously, other than catches, there is no statistic that welker is even in the top 4 for. His touchdowns only happen cause moss is always doubled and tom brady has gets about 30 seconds of time from his line to complete a pass. possession receivers dont belong in the pro-bowl period.

Christmas Ape said...

Everyone's a little bit racist.

So Avenue Q didn't lie to me?

Bodjo said...

Avenue Q doesn't really lie about anything, actually.

And that includes being as loud as the hell you want when you're making love.

jackin'4beats said...

So the assumption that all Massengills use their real names on blogspot because they lack creativity and diversity in their lives is proven true once again.

Great job boys.

smurphette said...

Good to know, Ape. I guess I always just thought of both counties as having way better schools than the rest of their respective states, and that the main differences were political/racial demographics rather than economic.

@miamidiesel - Thanks :)

Christmas Ape said...

That's probably pretty accurate. MoCo is pretty blanketly liberal, but NoVA isn't all that conservative, y'know, considering it's part of Virginia.

smurphette said...

Fair point, Ape, but that's kinda like saying the Vikings aren't that bad, considering they're in the NFC. (No offense, Drew. No disrespect to Purple Jesus, of course.)

My Phenomenal Swag said...

@john john: western mass is basically just the woods though. Everything west of Worcester is basically North Connecticut.

the racism in Boston thing is a classic stereotype that nobody ever seems able to prove but people like Mike Wilbon love to throw around like an incend. grenade into any conversation and can never provide even anecdotal evidence. Oh those wily racists, never around when you need 'em!

Toothie14 said...

lol @ Miamidiesel

the notion of philly being less racist is hilarious. That city built a HUGE statue of a FICTIONAL CHARACTER in the middle of town when it was the city that raised one of the greatest boxers who ever lived just coz he's black and everyone in that town seems to just be fine with it!

twoeightnine said...

They built a huge statue of a fictional character in the middle of town? Really?

The "huge statue" barely stands 10' tall. The "huge statue" that they built is actually a movie prop that Stallone donated to the city to thank them for allowing him to film there. The "huge statue" in the middle of the town actually sat 6 miles south of the middle of the town, in the no-man's land of the sports complex for the past 23 years until the black mayor decided to move it to the Art Museum to use as a tourist attraction.

Philadelphia might have its race problems like all cities but using a statue as an example of that is quite possibly the stupidest argument that I've ever heard in my life.

The argument that Scalabrine relates better to his black teammates than the city of Boston was pretty good too. Just because someone was born in Long Beach doesn't mean that they grew up in the hood. Scalabrine grew up in Enumclaw, Washington with it's whopping .3% black population.

Ryan The Intern said...

It's why the Bruins don't have a single black player on their roster.

Bodjo said...

ryan - The NHL doesn't have very many black players to begin with...

Toothie14 said...

@ nhz

I think that was the joke :)

@ twoeightnine

10 feet is pretty fuckin huge. Could you lift it? No. i don't think so.

Scalabrine sucks. He was every celtics fans' scapegoat until this year when playing along the likes of greats like KG, Sugar Ray and The Troof have made it easier to mask his thousands of weaknesses. I haven't been to any games this year but I have been told that the cheers you hear when he enters the game are mostly sarcastic and I really, really pray that that's true.

Bodjo said...

Gah, sorry. You're right, that's probably a joke. If I wasn't on a vampire schedule right now my brain would probably work better. Damn exam week.

No Longer Active said...

miamidiesel@ Actually, George Allen was a senator that made the racial comment, you're thinking about Douglas Wilder who was Virginia's black governor, and he didn't say any such thing. And I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything like that, because every one has their own experiences which are valid, but I just think it's sad so many people, minorities and otherwise feel that Boston has three K's stamped on top of it...I'm especially surprised your relatives that were in the college communities, typically very liberal areas, felt the sting...

Anyway, throw some boobs up here or something Ape...we can all agree on a fine pair of tits...

J. Ro said...

@ dcd: you must of have missed the crucial sentence that said, "You know who else they elected?"

@ Tecmo: That it is, you are right, but damn if those woods don't house alot of fuckin hippies and plant workers.

Big Daddy Drew said...

I just would like to know what thebigo thinks.

Upstate Underdog said...

Ape, you forgot to mention the throw back Neely, Bourque, and Orr hockey jersey that Pats, Sox, and Celtic fan also has in his wardrobe rotation.

DeezeNutz said...

lack of minorities does not equal racists, dumbasses.

Since that is what nearly every commentor used for evidence of racists in the population, i now understand why most of you think NE is full of racists.

Its because you are all fucking stupid.

By the way miami diesel, MLK went to BU, dipshit.

The Last Unitard said...

Jesus Assfisting Christ! That was horrifying.

I think we need some sort of gate to keep "you people" out.

henry_finkel said...

Why the hell does anyone over the age of 12 wear a replica jersey anyway?

lost said...

Fairfax is conservative because it's full of spies, and they like to be paid. Monty County is liberal because it's full of people who are afraid to live in DC but don't approve of Ffx. PG is a great place to get shot by a cop. What do I have to do to start a MoCoFlaWa?

Now that the Celts don't suck anymore, I'd hope most of their fans would want to fill Scalabrine's roster spot with someone more useful, like maybe a fluffer for Garnett.

@unitard- by 'you people' do you mean Massengil idiots who use their butt-buddy's first name as their own?

Burma Jones said...

These race/Boston posts always go over so well. I really don't understand what racial demographics have to do with racist attitudes. I live in New Hampshire and 97% of the state is white. I know very few racists. But you can't expect people to apologize for where they live or what the racial breakdown of their community is. It seems like people who live in more diverse areas feel like it's somehow a badge of honor like X-mas Ape bragging about his 45% black high school. Who gives a fuck? There are probably more racists in an area like that simply due to more interaction and more room for bad experiences. I prefer KSK posts that are funny and lead to funny comments.

Christmas Ape said...

I don't wear it as a badge of honor. It was a middle class school regardless of its racial demographics . It was wasn't the hood, but it certainly wasn't some tony private school like Sidwell Friends either, which is what Andrew was trying to say was my background.

lost said...

I live in New Hampshire and 97% of the state is white. I know very few racists.


fuckit. nevermind.

lost said...

No Racism Here...

lost said...

Not A Klansmen in Sight...

lost said...

We've No Race Problem...

lost said...

'Cause Everybody's White...

lost said...


Burma Jones said...

yeah, Lost, I mean, I think that's kind of my point. In certain places in the country, race issues simply don't come up. Lots of New England is like that because the population is overwhelmingly white. That doesn't mean people are racist. It just means its not something that affects people's daily lives.

J. Ro said...

True story, I was at the Rangers game last night sitting in front of a Bostonian family. They commented about how shocked they were that "those kind of people" came to hockey games, when a black couple walked by. Later they asked my girlfriend about hotels that aren't in more "urban" areas. But again, not a lick of racism up there.

Chuck Sweet said...

Reading this post makes me fack up some smaht kids.

To answer everyone's questions and wrap up the discussion: 1) massholes are racist, 2) no one in New England cared about football before 2001, 3) no one in New England knows anything about football now, 4) Wes Welker doesn't deserve the Pro Bowl, and 5) there are no black Patriots fans.


lost said...

@burma-shave: ok. ? no black people=no racism.

is that your final solution to the problem of racism in America?

@chip f.u.: all true xcept 5). some of my best friends are black Patriots fans.

Upstate Underdog said...

I can't believe not one Mass-hole has not pointed out the fact that the governor of the state is a black guy.

wow, I would think that would be the first bullet you guys would use to defend yourself against the charge of racism.

lost said...

u.u- not one, but two

maybe you didn't realize dcd was a Massengil b/c (a) he's black and (b) his name isn't Marky, Ricky, Danny, Terry, Mikey, Davey, Timmy, Tommy, Joey, Robby, Johnny, or Brian.

they probably elected the brother just to 'prove' they're not racist. as though being next to Maine wasn't evidence enough.

JohnF said...

Last night on ESPN Mike Golic claimed that Wes Welker was "the MVP of the Patriots' offense" this season. Huh. Really. Not the two sure-fire Hall of Famers that light it up every Sunday? Nope, it's Wes Welker.
So clearly we have moved into Eckstein Country with the Wes Welker love fest. Welker is pretty much the textbook definition of "nice player," no more than that. Get a grip.

Rant_Casey said...

It's true. I live in Boston and I'm racist... but against the Jews not the Blacks. The only reason I love Welker is because he's the closest thing to Troy Brown we've got these days.

Unknown said...

It's nice that a post by a whiny Steelers fan who has realized over the last two weeks that his team has NO chance prompted an actual discussion about race issues.

So New England is the only place in the U.S. where racism exists? I didn't realize that.

Rant_Casey said...

What? Ray-Ray is Jewish? Uh, I was just kidding about that racist comment... I love Jews! And Blacks! And Murderers! And Teams that lose to the Dolphins! Go Ravens!

PantsB said...

The most popular player other than Brady on the Patriots? Troy Brown. There are way more Moss jerseys than Welker, and more Seymour jerseys than Light or any of the white OL.

People love to pretend Boston is somehow as racist as the South because there is an Italian area, some Irish neighborhoods, Jewish neighborhoods, and black neighborhoods. Problem is, thats how it is in every city. Its just that Boston was such a leader in making sure fire hoses and nooses weren't what maintained those neighborhoods in the South that insecure people like to pretend Boston neighborhoods are somehow morally different than Harlem, Chinatown, Little Italy, etc.

Charlie Green said...

@burma jones: "It seems like people who live in more diverse areas feel like it's somehow a badge of honor like X-mas Ape bragging about his 45% black high school. Who gives a fuck? There are probably more racists in an area like that simply due to more interaction and more room for bad experiences."

Wow, way to show your racist colors. Living around black people is certain to make a person racist, so you live in New Hampshire to get away from it all.

Unknown said...

Let's ignore for a second that generalizing about a group of people because of their geographic place of origin is almost as bad as generalizing based on the color of one's skin, and take a look at this post from a different angle.

Was it supposed to be funny? "You're all racists lol". Was it the mass-hole voice that was supposed to do it?

Generally this blog is pretty damn funny. This one left me scratching my head.

Unknown said...

Really, Jake? I think the idea of "Irish" and "Italian" neighborhoods (quotations marks needed since the ancestors of these people came across the pond more than a century ago) would seem pretty ridiculous in Dallas, Phoenix, Seattle, etc.

Boston's too European in its sensibilities to be called truly American. So is Manhattan, in its own way.

Toothie14 said...

@crazy little thing

Ah-HA!! So it is YOU who is showing your true, racist colors. So everyone who lives in New Hampshire just MOVED their to get away from minorities? You are presuming that there is something bad about minorities that people should want to get away from...interesting.....

Charlie Green said...

Um, peter, I think you missed the point.

Rant_Casey said...

@eric (AKA cum_dumpster_eric@freewheelingcocktwinks.com)

"Boston's too European in its sensibilities to be called truly American"

Are you serious??? Boston is not truly American? What the fuck is it then? Where do you come up with this shit?

Unknown said...

Barry (aka lame, dickless asswipe that needs to come up with stupid-ass fake e-mail addresses to feel cool),

Any city that insists on having such ridiculous ethnic ghettoization even among white people who are 6th or 7th-generation American citizens doesn't deserve to be called American. And let's not even get started with all the pathetic class obsessions, like the upper classes insisting on speaking with different accents and showing different mannerisms than the lower classes, and vice versa. Thoroughly British.

Robocats said...

@ Peter

I don't know what "strongest" black communities means, but I've been to Taunton. Nice try. It seemed significantly whiter than any place I've been in my life. Anyway, I don't think a list of towns in Massachusetts that contain black people proves much of anything, other than that there's pretty prevalent de facto segregation.

Robocats said...

Just as a side note: Everyone living in the MA-RI area isn't a Patriots fan, thank God (this week was the first time and maybe only time I've been glad to meet a Cowboys fan). So the argument about black people living there is a straw man anyway.

Unknown said...

My favorite comment was the one about how randy moss is only as open as he is because wes welker draws coverage underneath. Because, as we all know, slow white possession receivers scare DCs a lot more than fast guys who can score from anywhere. "NO URLACHER NO WAY" is a close second for hilarious racism.

Rant_Casey said...

@eric - AKA eric_the_viking_boat_cum_queen@rehiremiketice.com (that's a before and after, Sajak)

It appears you may be on to something. That something closely resembles a sybian machine.

Are you trying to say that people who's families have been here for 6 or 7 generations are not yet Americans, or don't 'deserve' to be called Americans? What does it take to become an American in your (bloodshot from cum) eyes?
Where do you live? When was the last time you were in Boston?

Unknown said...

Barry (aka still dickless asswipe who's now so lame that he also needs to steal Drew's lines),

I'm talking about the culture of the place, you rhetorically challenged fucktard, not whether individuals deserve to be called Americans (as citizens, they obviously are). As I pointed out, there's no other place in America where you see such pathetic, hopeless, European-style obsession with ethnic segregation and class identity (though the NY area has some of this too).

Even a shit-for-3-brain-cells tool like you could pick up on that much.

Unknown said...

I've lived in Boston since 1997, and by far the most popular althlete since I've been here is Pedro. Yes, the Boston media is probably biased toward white players, but as far as the general fan base goes, that is definitely not true.

allie said...

having only lived in three places- maine, massachusetts, and north carolina- I'd have to say north carolina is by far the most racist. percentage of minorities definitely does not inversely correlate with racism.