Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Week 13 In Pictures, Now With Words!


Big Daddy Drew said...

I'll get over you
I know I will
I'll pretend my ship's not sinking
And I'll tell myself
I'm over you
'Cause I'm the kind of wishful thinking

/soft rock!

Captain Caveman said...

That's not any soft rock, that's from the Pretty Woman soundtrack!

/hangs self

Phony Gwynn said...

I'll take Wilco's "Wishful Thinking," thank you.

Randy gives his family shitty tickets

That one fuckin' slayed me. Well done.

rocksolid said...

A little disapointed we don't have Billick's blowing kisses!

Big Daddy Drew said...

It's no "House of Stone And Light"!

Imaginary Friend said...

"Two Chargers, One Cup" was great.

If you don't get it, you probably don't want to.

Gourmet Spud said...

I had to stare at the first one for thirty seconds before I got it.

I guess that makes me stupid and racist.

Gourmet Spud said...

And I'm still laughing at "I Iz Ticklish."

Anonymous said...

I read the first one and didn't get it. Then I read through all the other ones and came back to it and went "Oooooooh, that's not Byron, it's David Garrard, I get it!"

Anonymous said...


Beat me to the punch, I'm a stupid racist bastard as well.

Unknown said...

BDD and CC knew what that song was?

Doesn't this bother anyone?

I had to google it I am proud to say.

Chris(BessMervinGirlDetective) said...

Damnit, about the only thing exciting that happened at the titans game this weekend was when the cheerleaders came out in the rain for their third/fourth qaurter dance in slutty school girl outfits. Damn shit cell phone camera...

the great bambi said...

the bullet just couldn't handle the sex cannon's throwgasm

Matt said...

+1 for the Wayne's World reference in the Coughlin pic.

Matt said...

And why is that fat woman's Romo jersey inside out??

smurphette said...

LOVE the Garth shout-out.

Chris said...


"Two Chargers, One Cup" isn't really that bad, but the pic reminds me more of ass to ass from Requiem for a Dream.

You want bad?

You ever compete in the BME Pain Olympics?

For the love of God, don't.

WC: zarqudgu

The fuck?

Anonymous said...

Same reason the Favre jersey is reversed-they flipped the image to conform to Anglicized left to right readers.

Or she was swinging on a swingset and went over the top bar, but given her girth I don't think that's likely.

testing thing said...

You sir, are my new hero! Those were great. And as a lolcat afficianado you got those spot on!

Drew Smith said...

OK call me gay, but the last pic was fucking cool - or I'm missing an instance of sarcasm, of which I should be totally ashamed...

Rick said...

A helmet-less Roy Williams is now my desktop icon. Thank you, KSK!