Saturday, December 29, 2007

The GIANTS are WINNING at the HALF? What The S--t?

I'd like to thank the Giants for pissing away their playoff chances for my entertainment this evening. Already, they've lost a linebacker and an offensive lineman. And a really, really dumb challenge.

Still, there's something to be said for running into this brick wall of a game head first and trying to knock it down. Yeah, the task appears futile, but those in the vicinity appreciate the spectacle.


Admin said...

Hey Giants Defense, learn to fucking tackle someone on a third down.

Ryan L said...

need another reason to hate the pats? They stopped wearing the "21" sticker for Sean Taylor after the first week. I noticed they had a 91 instead of the 21 and googled why. 0They thought it was too much having bothe the Taylor sticker and the 91 for their guy who died in a boating or jet ski accident in the off season. What is a fat black guy doing on a boat or jet ski?
Several other teams are no longer wearing it but the pats quit after just one week.

Unknown said...

As a Steeler fan, i've been rooting against the Pats all year, and as a new yorker I enjoy seeing Elijah play well. I'm sure there will be people ragging on Eli for the pick and the clock management issues but let's give credit where credit is due. He put the Giants on his back tonight and carried his team. Granted it ended up not being enough but no one can say Eli didn't do everything possible to give the Giants the chance to win this game tonight.

Now if Pierce had decided to back up any of that jawing he was doing all week leading up the this game and actually stopped someone on ANY third down tonight maybe the outcome would have been a lil different.

Great game, even if the final score makes me wanna punch a newborn baby in the balls.

Otto Man said...

As a New Yorker, I can't wait to see the papers tomorrow.

Those last four minutes were fucking brutal. Maybe someone can explain to Coughlin and Eli why they call it the "hurry-up offense."

ColeTrain said...

@ryan l

Because he was rich, bitch!

Unknown said...

I've never seen a more blatant disregard for the fact that THE FUCKING CLOCK DOESN'T STOP UNLESS THERE'S AN INCOMPLETE PASS OR YOU GET OUT OF BOUNDS!!! Did they miss that day to catch up on some classes on making that "How can this be happening to me?" face?

Bobby Big Wheel said...

Cmon Jeffrey, everyone knows it's Elisha, not Elijah. It's because Stage Mother Archie Manning wanted to make his youngest the easiest to make fun of.

Christmas Ape said...

Wow. Can't imagine what possessed anyone to call Pats fans racist.

Shoopmonster said...


Do me a favor and kill yourself. kthxbai.

ColeTrain said...

Robert, Deadspin is the intellectual father of KSK.

Think first, then speak/write.

Anonymous said...

The Pats should stop wearing that #91 sticker, they're just memorializing some dumbass who killed himself because he went boating without knowing how to operate the fucking boat.

See? I can act like a condescending asshole and talk shit about a dead person without letting little things like facts get in my way, too.

Jon said...

Russell: so that makes you, Wilbon, and half of KSK's readership. =D