Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Drop that cruller, fatty!
Mike Vick's Doggie Crunch-O's have arrived

NSFW language.

I miss Mike Vick. Sure he killed some dogs, but, dammit, he made last year's off-season slightly less miserable. This year we have nothing. Well, nothing except mocking Pats' fans and the occasional comic relief from YouTube.

Maybe I'm over-analyzing this video, but marketing a weed-based breakfast cereal seems counterintuitive since stoners sleep past noon and tend to skip breakfast. Still, it's not difficult to imagine Mike Vick getting high and staring into his Alpha-Bits looking for a message telling him how he's going to get out of the mess that his life has become.


Don Arturo said...

Since when is cereal only appropriate for breakfast?

Slothrop said...

Do you have to be high to see any resemblance between this guy and Ookie?

Winston B. Mcpotsworthy said...

Bad dawg.

Otto Man said...

Does he at least have the good sense to call them "Weedies"?

Chris(BessMervinGirlDetective) said...

I go coocoo for coco puff all the time, not just in the morning.

Big Daddy Drew said...

I got so high, I sat on the TV to watch the COUCH!

Otto Man said...

OT, but these fucking NFL Nutri/System ads are begging for the KSK treatment.

If I have to see the one with Jillian Barberie one more time, I'm taking hostages.

Does anyone find that skank attractive? She looks like she smells of Pall Malls and Valtrex.

Tom Brady's Man Chowder said...

wake and crunch?

Otto Man said...

wake and crunch?

Wake and Flake.

Josh said...

jesus christ, how long has a distorted head been periodically emerging from your banner? I just saw that shit and thought I was cheesing.

El Duké said...


You do see, distant and preoccupied. What would your reaction be if I showed you a tiger from the zoo?

Chris(BessMervinGirlDetective) said...

I am cheesing my f'ning balls off right now.

Pemulis said...

re cheesing. so many of my friends did not think that episode was funny at all, and then i told them it made much more sense if you had seen the movie heavy metal. i was then subjected to endless questioning as to why i had seen heavy metal

Chris(BessMervinGirlDetective) said...

@pemulis - because it's awesome.

J. Ro said...

@Pemulis, the only other friend I know who thinks that episode is hysterical has not seen Heavy Metal, but thinks its' all one big Eliot Spitzer gag because of the one scene where Gerald Broflovski has to apologize for cheesing, despite leading the campaign against it.

dick_gozinia said...

It makes much more sense if you've seen Heavy the line about "you never get a good look at her boobs anyway." Great stuff.

Also, this makes me think about Jack in the Box's new commercial for breakfast all day. Its so clearly aimed at stoners, its unbelievable. They use the term "college students", but we know what they really mean.

El Duké said...

Wait, some people haven't seen Heavy Metal? I saw it when I was 14 and I was a fucking Mormon.

Claude Balls said...

@john john

because of the one scene where Gerald Broflovski has to apologize for cheesing

When discussing or commenting on the show, do you typically refer to him as "Gerald Boflovski," rather than as "Kyle's Dad"?

Animal Mother said...

Does Armani make an orange jumpsuit?

A blunt in every box? Now that's what I call converging markets. Smoke the blunt. Eat the cereal. Watch the couch. Sleep. Repeat.

El Duké said...

You ever see a dog fight? You ever see a dog fight on weed?