Saturday, January 12, 2008

We're Gonna Take the Ball and We're Gonna Get Two or Three First Downs. Then We're Probably Going to Punt

If old age has granted me any wisdom, it's that I've learned to temper my expectations a touch. I'm a much more mature man than I was in those days.

No staying up past 11, no drives longer than six minutes. It wears me down. I'm just trying to keep it at an even keel these days.

Whew. Hey. Hold on, Aaron Kampman. Let's say we take a breather and head over to the Robeks for a boysenberry smoothie? My treat.


Brady's a douchebag said...

Nice pic of Matt. Looks like "Tommy Terrific" got him up the ass before he had to fly back to play Jacksonville.

Otto Man said...

Normally I'd be all over that photo like Grady Jackson on a honey-baked ham, but Matt Hasselbeck led me to a fantasy title this year.

Out of gratitude, then, I will not say that he looks like Billy Bob Thornton on an ether bender.

The Meast Lives Forever said...

Definitely another case of UFIA or Peter King's magic wand back in action!

Bodjo said...

Isn't it about time that Favre had a "4 'WTF' INTs off his back foot" day though?

Unsilent Majority said...

Seattle for the win, i'm tossing something on the moneyline just to piss off ufford.

in other news, The Hass would like an exotic nurse to rub oil on his head.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Maj, just like how Peter King picked AGAINST his precious Bretty Bear, and went with the Seahawks. The sports media, after a full week of Favre-slurping, has decided to pick Seattle just to jinx them into defeat.

I liked it better last week, when everyone thought we'd lose....

Anonymous said...

Also, in case anyone wanted to know why Hasselbeck has been bald since he turned 20, here is why:

Yeah, the dude got hit by LIGHTNING! That's a totally bad-ass way to go all chrome-dome, unlike the rest of those pansies who go bald due to genetics and stress. HASS GONNA SHOCK GREEN BAY WITH HIS NOT-THROWING-STUPID-INTERCEPTION ABILITY, BITCHES!!!

Vee said...

When did the Seahawks sign Lobot?

Anonymous said...

I wish I had the awesome ability to insert hyperlinks into my comments...BITCHES!!!

Anonymous said...

NHZ said...

Isn't it about time that Favre had a "4 'WTF' INTs off his back foot" day though?

He was well on his way in the Cowboy game before he got hurt. Maybe it's out of his system now.

Christmas Ape said...

Packers wasting no time in shitting the bed.

Unknown said...

Wow, not even five minutes in and it's 14-0 C-Hox. Uff must be pitching a tent at whatever tittie-bar he's at... and he's probably pretty happy about the game too

Otto Man said...

Packers wasting no time in shitting the bed.

They always say that between the crowd noise and the harsh weather, Lambeau is a tough place to play. I just never knew that applied to the home team too.

Grimey said...

I think Sean Taylor wants the Packers to win

smurphette said...

Holy fumble, Batman! Good thing Marcus Pollard isn't a Colt anymore.

After spending most of the day looking at wedding dresses with my college roommate who's getting married, Five Guys + beer + playoffs = 10 throwgasms.

pa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pa said...

hawks got screwed...check this pic out...1st quarter 4th down play

Grimey said...

No way, pratheep... I think this replay will prove that you're wrong

Christmas Ape said...

Way to blow 14 gifted points, Seahawks. You're, uhh, ahh, not so good.

Unknown said...

Jeez, 42-6 Packers after the first five minutes of the game. Peter King must be pitching a tent at his NAMBLA meeting... and he's probably thrilled about the game too.

gone said...

Fucking bums. I hope someone shoots John Marshall.

dickey simpkins said...

So how about them C-hox...being ah as mediocre as their lame ass division. At least it would have been more fun seeing Kurt Warner throw for 600 yards and 8 INT's.