Friday, January 18, 2008

Hitler is a Cowboys fan

C'mon, deep down you've always suspected it.


Binny said...


MyBoysAreMyLife said...

@student - well done

So the Pats are Stalinist Russia? You know, destroy anything and everything to achieve the ultimate goal, no matter what.

zz said...

So who was on Hitler's fantasy team if he was trying to prove the superiority of the Aryan race?

Chris(BessMervinGirlDetective) said...

Can anyone tell me the name of this movie. I know I have seen it before.

Anyways carry on with the dick jokes.

Pemulis said...

get used to it, hitler!

El Duffo O Muerte said...

@zz: Brady to Welker all day long. Aryan superiority in Boston..never would've seen that coming.

Pemulis said...

Sage Roselfels as backup qb?

Barney said...

Any Patriots "final solution" involving the Dallas Cowboys would be a Pyrrhic victory at best - not there's anything wrong with that.

- Barney

Heraclea, PA.

Sorry I couldn't force any gay content into this. Except, you know, the Greek stuff.

Big Daddy Drew said...

The movie is called Downfall.

Anonymous said...

Great find, flubby. Now he's rooting for the Patriots? Slaughtering jews is one thing, but this is the last straw.

Maybe this makes Churchill a Charger fan.

Unknown said...

"Hitler wears old Cowboys jersey. Can't afford a new one."

I always knew that whole Holocaust thing was about more than just Jews.

Anonymous said...

Fucking. Brilliant.

Did Hitler ever play "slappy titties" with Goering? I'd lay even money that he did.

Otto Man said...

Beautiful. All that was missing was Himmler shouting "How 'bout them Cowboys?!"

bfreakin3 said...

Downfall is a hell of a movie. poor hitler shouldn't have trusted a turncoat like Wade though.

Chris(BessMervinGirlDetective) said...

This is Blondie, she's completely harmless.

Five Pound Bag said...

Turns out Eva Braun was a Redskins fan, so their marriage was doomed anyway.

Wooderson said...

That must be why he shot her, 5lb bag.

Leaking Geek said...

Hitler put a hole in his head so that God could see that he was a Cowboys Fan.

Brady's a douchebag said...

After Hitler decided to root for the Gaytriots, I expected the guy on the right to rip off his uniform, morph into a douche and yell "Ya betta ask somebodddaaaayyyyyy."

J. Ro said...

@ZZ: Unfortunately all his RBs were fullbacks. But man did he mop up in the Tight End department.

Otto Man said...

Well played, leaking geek.

Slash said...

Great movie, if you like seeing the Nazis get their asses kicked.

And Jerry Jones is kinda Hitlerish, Hitleresque, whatever. He ruthlessly annexed Arlington for his new stadium.

Jeff said...

I enjoyed this until I saw the word "loose" in place of "lose" in the subtitles. One word ruined it.

Animal Mother said...

Silky Garrard apologizes for sending Jessica Simpson to Dallas. She was supposed to bang Brady and take him to Cabo, but she got on the wrong flight.

And when did Jerry Jones grow a mustache?

DougOLis said...

I found this to be funnier than The Downfall of HD-DVD, but it's still ripping it off.

Otto Man said...

I enjoyed this until I saw the word "loose" in place of "lose" in the subtitles. One word ruined it.

Whew, I'm glad I'm not the only one.

I guess this is an appropriate place to be a grammar nazi, though.

jackin'4beats said...

Fuck you in the eyeballs.