It's Snowing! It's Snowing!
GUYS! Hey guys! I've got Brett Favre right next to me and now I'm about to talk to him! I used to try to TACKLE him, now I try to TALK to him. Ha ha ha ha. Huh.
Man it is really SNOWING down here! I don't know what it's like up there but down here it is SNOWING! And the SNOW is getting on the FIELD.
Whoa this snow is cold!
Guys, I asked around and some other guys are SHOVELING THE SNOW. Look at 'em go! Wheeee! Huh huh huh. WOW! How do they shovel in a straight line like that?
I'm gonna need a minute here, guys. Sometimes I need to catch my breath after I talk so much.
I wanna tell you, I tasted the snow, guys, and it tastes like WATER. REALLY COLD WATER. And dirt. But mostly water. You ever tasted dirt before? It's not that bad. I like hot dogs better, though.
Hey guys! GUYS! Look at me! The nice men gave me a ride in the snow plow! I sure do appreciate it. Otherwise I woulda had to walk across the field, and that's FAR.

Huh huh huh huh huh I made a snow angel! It's big, LIKE ME! AHHHHHHHHHH SNOW IN THE PANTS SNOW IN THE PANTS HELP ME CAMERA MAN! It's cold it's cold it's cold it's cold! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Back to you, Moose.
Ahh, Tony Siragusa. I remember the days when he was a Colt before he ate all of the black people and college graduates here and had to move on.
I hope Siragusa still has ears... he didn't exactly do a whole lot to protect them last weekend
someone was bored...
It's raining, it's snowing, the old man is...umm...doing something...
When Siragusa is talking, it's not his ears I'm worried about, it's mine.
The bucket, Tony! You forgot to dunk the ball in a bucket full of snow to how the quarterback prepares for snow. Sheeeesh.
Guys, guys! That snow kinda looks like someone opened a big ol' tub of vanilla frosting and covered the field with it. It's like a football sheet cake out here!
Oh, vanilla is OK but I remember one time I ate two containers of chocolate frosting when my Mom was making my birthday cake. She got mad, hit me with a broomhandle, and made me take a bath in the yard. The neighborhood kids laughed, I didn't - but then I did. It was a fun day.
why is Siragusa wearing a ring on his middle finger ?
@UU - His wife gave him that gold necklace 10 years ago and it still fits!
reasonable explanation CRM
You think there's someone in his ear repeating "DON'T TACKLE HIM TONY! I SAID NO!!! NO!!!"
I am suprised they don't have him in one of those kiddie harness. Except they would have to use some climbing rope because that would be the only strong enough to support that kind of weight.
It snows in Wisconsin? I had no idea. I suppose next you're gonna tell me that it gets humid in Miami and hot in Phoenix.
I should watch more (ie, any) sports, if the commentary is as chock full of vital information as this one seems to have been.
Why hasn't he choked on a pork chop yet?
Siragusa - Guys, even in the cold, I get so thirsty, and you know, you can just scoop up some snow and drink it down. I tried some lemonade flavored snow and you know what, it may look like lemonade, but sure doesn't taste like lemonade.
Hey guys! I'm doing and/or saying something perfectly mundane, but because I am rotund and jolly, it is somehow entertaining. I'm football's Horatio Sanz!
He should interview more drunk ex-players. Maybe then we'd have
a Siragusa snow angel would look more like a crop circle, I'm sure of it.
"I remember those cheers / They still ring in my ears / After years, they remain in my thoughts. / Go to one night / I took off my robe, and what'd I do? I forgot to wear shorts. / I recall every fall / Every hook, every jab / The worst way a guy can get rid of his flab. / As you know, my life wasn't drab. / Though I'd much... Though I'd rather hear you cheer / When you delve... Though I'd rather hear you cheer / When I delve into Shakespeare / "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse", I haven't had a winner in six months."
"Wait a second. Troy. Did you fuck my wife?"
For years now, I've been trying to come up with a comment that would successfully close a KSK thread.
Turns out, it was the Love Theme from Raging Bull.
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