Wednesday, January 23, 2008

LaDainian Inaction Figure Includes Kung-Fu Bench Grip

Even if kids spend the overwhelming majority of their time with video games, it's not for a lack of realistic toys to play with. Take, for example, this fine toy tableau of LaDainian Tomlinson seated comfortably on Charger blue pine. Clearly, this is the regular season edition, missing as it does the puffy coat and dark visor. The sullen expression is well articulated, though. Leave it to Spawn creator Todd McFarlane to capture that so flawlessly. He knows from angst.

Thanks to reader Vipul for the tip.


Animal Mother said...

That would go great next to the fantasy football trophy LT helped win for me.

Thanks for never sucking in my playoffs, LT!!

Phony Gwynn said...

No, no, no. Look at the cleats.

They'd never get that dirty after two rushes for five yards.

Big Daddy Drew said...

He's glaring at the Marmalard doll, which is shame fucking a waitress doll.

Stephen said...

The Marmalard doll comes with removable ACL.

*Protective Casing Flies Open* = Value Drops

Phony Gwynn said...

I'll wait for the Jimmy McNulty "fucking a blonde on the hood of a car while flashing his badge" doll.

Comes with a tiny bottle of Jameson.

Otto Man said...

If you get the deluxe model, you can buy the little Vizio HDTV for him to watch.

Just like on Super Bowl Sunday!

Chris said...

i only wish he was wearing the helmet and that big ass coat.

Leaking Geek said...

McFarlane Toys has put out a limited edition Super Bowl Sunday LT wearing shorts, a head band and a knee brace, sitting in a barco-lounger holding a box of tissues, a glock 9mm and a bottle of Mad Dog 20-20.

Get yours while LT is still available kids!

Pemulis said...

I feel gypped, i bought an earlier model and all it does is sort mail.

futuremrsrickankiel said...

Where's the Tony Romo sitting on the ground weeping softly after a fumbled snap doll?


MyBoysAreMyLife said...

I'd like to see a midget-sucking Kenny-Irons'-dick doll.

You know, just for the sheer shock value....nothing else.

Anonymous said...

I want the Manning face doll or the Tom Brady headbutting his offensive line after throwing his 5th TD against the fucking Dolphins doll.

Or, the beat red, Matt Hasselbeck just threw an interception Mike Holmgren doll.

Animal Mother said...

How about the "Donovan McNabb bent over puking in the middle of the Super Bowl" action figure?

Just fill with Chunky Soup, then pull his string and watch him hurl.

Fun for the whole family

Chris(BessMervinGirlDetective) said...

What about the Ray Lewis doll? Come complete with bloody knife and the best defense attorney money can buy.

MyBoysAreMyLife said...

Brett Favre doll with PeterKing sucking his dick and John Madden eating a Ham Sandwich from Brett's outstretched hand.

Animal Mother said...

@ Chris

That sounds like the OJ doll, only with a Ravens jersey instead.

twoeightnine said...

This is almost as awesome as the Steve McNair sacked by Air figure.

Now that's realistic.

smurphette said...

The Shawne Merriman dolls sold well last year, but sales dropped off this season because all the action figures looked smaller and kept getting knocked over by miniature running back toys.

twoeightnine said...

I'm sure these guys are just as effective as their real life counterparts.

the great bambi said...

fuck all those, i want a TO crying behind sunglasses doll

dlchambers said...

How about an Osi Umenyiora Hot Carl action figure? Comes with 8000 calorie bowel recharger and $3k of toy money.

Danny said...

The face looks more like Antonio Cromartie..

Sixth Lord said...

Come on guys leave LT alone or he'll pout, stomp his feet in place and walk away from all of us.