Wednesday, April 2, 2008

LOLNFL: The Offseason Edition


Original images by Getty via Yahoo(!) Sports


Punch Rockgroin said...

Is that Maria Sharapova? Huh...
I guess I'd still hit it.

Grimey said...

I like how Franco Harris looks exactly like Gabe Kaplan these days

Steve said...

Thank you for the Welkah. Bill Simmons is becoming a bigger douchebag by the day. I can't wait to see the Celtics swept by the Pistons or Cavs.

Anonymous said...

Is no one else freaked out that the Maj went to the future to post this? Or did I sleep through Wednesday?

smurphette said...

@the costanzo:

Been there, done that.

/Ape and Punter

Kenneth said...

So have your lawyers fielded any calls from the NAACP or Jesse Jackson's camp yet today?

Wow. You don't have to like it but you gotta respect it.

Otto Man said...

I like how Franco Harris looks exactly like Gabe Kaplan these days

I made that exact joke last year, and nobody fucking got it.

You complete me, Grimey. You complete me.

Big Bill said...

So true!!! He's Gabe's black twin! Anybody see a spin-off show in his future?