Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm just mad about Saffron. Saffron's mad about me.

The career of an NFL cheerleader is as exciting as it is fleeting. After leaving the life of pom-poms in their wake retired cheerleaders usually go on to live relatively mundane lives. Every now and then somebody special comes along, you just might not know it at the time. Take for example former Dallas Cowgirl Aahoo Jahansouzshahi (although for some reason she adopted the stage name of "Sarah Shahi")...

Not bad at all, but whether or not she'd have been worthy of enshrinement in the Friday Cheerleader Post is debatable. The olive-skinned nineteen year-old with the DNA of a Shah and the tits of a goddess was always hot but in the years since her "retirement" she's moved on to full-fledged sexpot.

Now we're getting somewhere.

As you can see Sarah has become a favorite of the magazine world. In addition to gracing the covers of fitness magazines she's twice been named to the Maxim Hot 100 list. Not bad for somebody you've never heard of.

Holy fucknut, Batman!

More recently she's transitioned from stationary spooge target to a rather legitimate actress, and now I really want to fuck her. Unfortunately I'm not the only one...

Warning: May Contain Tony Soprano "O" Face

All that sexiness and the crucial drug connects? I may have to turn in my talis.

Believe it or not that was the very same Sarah Shahi from last week's breakthrough episode of The Sopranos. Although she's done quite a bit of acting in her past fucking Tony Soprano can immediately triple your Q rating. If you already knew Sarah before it was probably from her role in Showtime's The L Word, a delightfully sexy show about a bunch of ladies who just haven't managed to meet the right man. If you aren't familiar with the show I'd recommend checking OnDemand to see if the second season is available for your viewing pleasure. Granted, I've never "seen" the show but from what I can tell from the stills it's a winner all the way around...

There's more then one way to get stoned in Iran

If you're interested in seeing more of this Persian princess you might be in luck (and if you aren't interested you should probably get tested for The Gay ASAP). She's got a new pilot hitting the small screen this fall, unfortunately it's on NBC (your favorite fourth place network) so it's destined to fail. Throw in the show's description (a wrongfully convicted detective leaves prison to re-join the force) and its star (Adam Arkin = Douche) and the show probably won't last more than a month. But fear not good readers, I'm always looking out for you. So enjoy this fantastic bonus picture of this week's muse (side effects may include tightening of the pants and general euphoria)...

Have a good weekend, and if you get a chance check out Andre Berto on the undercard of tomorrow's fight (it shouldn't last more than half a round and it will be well worth your time).

Big thanks to The Big Lead and Datehole Dateholer for dropping the knowledge


josh said...

my cowboys-hating mind is at war with my tits-loving penis.

Rob I said...

Talk about art imitating life, just last month I murdered my cousin and then flew to Vegas to fuck his ex.

Raskolnikov said...

In honor of the greatest Iranian wrestler ever:

I'd give her the Cameltoe Clutch.

Captain Caveman said...


Unsilent Majority said...


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't kick her out of the cave.

BeaverFever said...

nice break from decicing whose ass we would like to kick.

now that is a celebrity(?) whose ass i would like to lick as opposed to kick.

Coz said...

This is something I already knew.

Arabs = Bad
Persians= Good

Write that on your hand for future reference.

twoeightnine said...

What's the point of having a sex scene on HBO if you don't show boobies? Preferably not Tony's boobies. Definitely not Tony's boobies.

That girl can move though, I bet she used to dance.

Julie said...

Giiiirrrrl crush. I should have drafted her damnit. I've been a fan since her brief stint on Alias.

Anonymous said...

I bet she's furry when left unattended.

Anonymous said...

Persian rug joke.

Big Daddy Drew said...

Aahoo Jahansouzshahi?

I ordered that with dolma at Moby Dick last night and it was sensational.

Ian said...

I'm wondering how many more times the 'seed of shah' tag is going to be used.

Anonymous said...

And...... graduate of Southern Methodist University.

Oh, yeah, we may cheat at football - but we have stunningly hot women on campus! So, it's okay.

Trader Rick said...

she embiggened that role with her cromulent performance, and in doing so embiggened us all. in the pants.

Chris said...

Oh, you're welcome.

Otto Man said...

Well said, Chief.

"Now my *pants* are chafing me!"

Slash said...

Persian chicks are hot.

jackin'4beats said...

WOW. She was hot as a Cowboys Cheerleader but she is SMOKIN' now. DAMN. Didn't even recognize her on the Sopranos last week, but I knew she was completely and utterly lickable.

Arabs = Bad
Persians = Good

I'm sure I won't forget this for quite some time.

Unknown said...

I'm retroactively selecting Sarah Shahi for my team from the draft a couple of weeks ago. Go ahead and put her there with the rest of my roster. If only I could turn that fantasy draft into a reality. Then I'd show everybody. *Sigh*

SlickBomb said...

I'd overthrow that Shah. And what I mean by that is "have sex with."

Unsilent Majority said...

you want to have sex with Sarah's great great grandfather?

Master4Caster said...

T.J. Whoshyomama now?

Ryan The Intern said...

UM, there is no such thing as gratuitous sexiness. Unless it's Planet Unicorn sexiness. And even then that's debatable.

Grimey said...

I will just say this... the "roulette on peyote" scene was fucking awesome.

Mike said...

Excellent work, UM.

MoonshineMike said...

I'm glad I saw this sunday morning and not friday night when I left work and have been drinking ever since. I would never left the house.


ColeTrain said...

I have never met a non-hot Iranian/Persian woman.

Why do we want to bomb them again? Oh, they hate us for our freedom.

JoSCh said...

Fucking Donovan! I hate you guys.