KSK At The Movies: We Couldn't Find the Tom Brady or Matt Leinart Screen Test
As much as I am a lover of warm weather, summer is the season of stale cultural retreads. No worthwhile TV. Scads of bland popcorn flicks and remakes. Sure, a few football players helpfully implode their careers in the service of futilely attempting to slake our insatiable lust for football news, but truthfully, fresh Mike Vick dogfighting jokes probably won't last us through June, the discovery of a doggie Dachau or no. And because I'm enough of a low-level functionary at work, I can't get much time to enjoy the summery splendor - I worked two out of three days over Memorial Day weekend, don't have enough money to take any exotic vacations, bitchbitchbitch, etc.

Anyway, there are always at least one or two media-related gems that keep me going. Hopefully, The Simpsons Movie will be one. Another such movie is this week's Knocked Up, Judd Apatow's follow-up to The 40-Year-Old Virgin. In a bit of viral marketing, the filmmakers released this outtake with Michael Cera, best known as Arrested Development's George Michael, fabulously and petulently botching a key scene. It's no Lily Tomlin having it out with David O. Russell, but it's all done in a winkingly good humor and fine watching nonethless.
Outstanding. That kid has so much passion, no wonder he taught Ann the ways of the secular flesh.
he still seems pissed that maeby wouldn't let him past second base.
off topic, but when will we see KSK's first post on the UFL ?
i uh dn't get the family circus, please explain.
Superbad looks better than Knocked Up, but it's all genius to me.
beaverfever: later today
larry burns: it's sort of a riff on our combined fondness of re-captioning Family Circus comics and lolcats. Please try to keep up.
So, wait... I'm slow on the uptake -- is this realy a melt-down on the set or is it just a well-done phony?
excellent, eagerly awaiting the ufl post.
the ufl has xfl/wfl/usfl writeen all over it. i'd like to see it though so we can watch mark cuban fall flat on his face.
i r lurvin teh lolcat joeks, xmas aip
k bai
hooker- at least he got to go in head first
larry, this might get you up to speed on the family circus/lolcats cartoon. http://lolcats2.com/
also featuring george michael and amazing looking: Superbad.
that's the red band trailer, with all the swearing, sooo.. nsfw-ish?
j money, it's a shoot they did for Apatow and Cera's upcoming Superbad comedy. They released this and some media outlets picked it up as real, which is generating a lot more attention for the film. Seth Rogan was picked to star in Knocked Up from the start.
i dont care if it is a fake, i would punch him in the face, for being a terrible actor, and a bitch.
And here I am thinking that directors are treated like GODS on the set.
See, shoudl have had Mel Gibson direct this, no way you talk back to Mel.
"Fuck this noise, fuck all of you, this is bullshit."
This statement is applicable to so many situations.
yeah, i might have to use that line at work the next time people piss me off.
That wasn't just gay, that was McSweeney's gay.
cera's trailer he made for himself after arrested development got cancelled was pure genius. i forget the name but it's on youtube and all he does is talk about how awesome he is. it's hilarious.
I learn something new everyday here at KSK.
are you serious, this can be a movie in itself.
You havnt posted here yet, but Matt has something to say to you in a post on the last article. Comment Gallary is awaiting your response.
Thank You.
That Cera clip is indeed pretty friggin hilarious, and Knocked Up should just be a blast .. .The world needs many more good R-rated comedies, especially in summer
Michael Cera is going to run the comedy game in the next five years. This only makes my case stronger.
"Outstanding. That kid has so much passion, no wonder he taught Ann the ways of the secular flesh."
Hee Otto!
I can not fucking wait for Knocked Up, Judd Apatow can do no wrong.
How do we not get pictures of Jean Grey in posts that mention Ape's pussy?
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