Tuesday, August 7, 2007

California...Knows How To Party

Probably the only thing better in life than watching two teams in pads try to beat the shit out of each other is watching two guys without pads try and do the same. I don't know what it is about football that gets people's pugilistic passions pumping. Maybe the alcohol? Yeah. Probably the alcohol.

The Undercard.

Dude in Chargers jersey (hey--throwbacks!) takes issue with the congregation's assessment that the San Diego Zoo is no longer America's Favorite Zoo. Tempers flare. Beer is not dropped.

The Main Event.

You can catch the preamble to this little skirmish in some other clips, but this is where it all comes to a head. It's like COPS, but without the cops.

Do we still have time to get an NFL team in LA for 2007?


MyBoysAreMyLife said...

A soccer team is more appropriate for L.A.

WV- yectu. Sound of me spitting everytime I see Jim Rome on TV

Camp Tiger Claw said...

How about I shove that salmon sashimi with avocado mousse up your broke ass, motherfucker?

bcj said...

USC games are freaking insane. Dude I know was there with his young son and they got PEED ON by some drunk guy for wearing Cal colors.

All the old Raider fans are now SC fans and they are crazier than ever.

MoonshineMike said...

So can anyone make out the second one? It feels like the Love Boat ran aground picking up Isaac's liquor.

Anonymous said...

fuck, that reminds me i got to call my family this week.

Anonymous said...

your old ladies are tired of your shit.

Anonymous said...

This is why I moved out of that God forsaken region of the world. What that fucking area needs is about a 11.7 earthquake. Kill em all from Redding to fucking Mexico.

Charlie Green said...

Queensbury rules your ass? Flubby must feel awful lonely right now.

PUNTE said...

@ crazy little thing: + 0.1

Grimey said...

Can we make Kimbo Slice an honorary Chargers fan?

Unsilent Majority said...

city of angels

Otto Man said...

So that's why dipshits insist on wearing team jerseys to NFL games -- so they can tell who's on their side when the fussin' and a fightin' breaks out.

All this time, I thought they wore those in case Norv Turner needed a last-second sub and looked to the crowd for help. "You in the Tomlinson jersey! Put down the nacho hat and get in there at tailback!"

whowillsexmutombo? said...

Based on a control sample of 2 people, it seems that men who wear the baby blue Chargers jerseys get the shit kicked out of them every
time they go outside.

See what I did? It's a conclusion, and I jumped to it.

swing4 said...

I love the voice at the end saying, "It's not worth it."

Clearly he needs another beer and something to prove.

Calvin's got a job said...

was that natrone means?

none said...

watch it grimey. is a proud product of miami-palmetto sr. high.

although. rumor has it that the reason he got kicked off the Bucs practice squad several yrs back was for fighting (literally) with Warren Sapp. so you might be on to something there

Moof! said...

If you think that's bad you should have seen footballs ultimate grudge match: Saskatchewan Rough Riders versus Ottawa Rough Riders.

Pemulis said...

thats what you get for wearing sky blue

Anonymous said...

dude choose your fighting venue better. don't waste busted ribs on a chair back....catch them mark ass busters in the concourse.

Chris Harris said...

You stay classy San Diego!

Unknown said...

That is a very rare thing caught on those cameras........the SD fan that actually gives a shit!

naptown drew said...

Football stadium fights are awesome because if you're in one, you know who to slay and who's got your back by their jerseys. It really takes the guesswork out of things.

Sideburn said...

@whowillsexmutumbo +1 tommy point

Tom, Kal fans (and their kin) deserve to get pissed on regardless of venue, and only slightly less than ND fans and 'Ruins.

USC games at the Old Lady are an odd mix of Losangelonians.

JAMMQ said...

Nothing spells fun like trying to punch someone, but actually punching hard metal chairs, tackling someone in a tiny aisle, and the possibility of getting cheap-shotted by some douchebag.

And the token girl screaming, you've got to have the token girl screaming. It's music to my ears.

That all sounds fun to me.

J Money said...

Oooh, California fans posturing, being drunken assholes and then causing a melee that has more falling down than actual punches landed. Tough stuff.

Chargers fans, go to the damn beach, you 80-degree-all-season sissies.

And Raiders fans, yeah, whooooohooo, you paint your faces with white makeup! So does the frumpy older lady who works the reception desk at my office. Solid.

Any of these guys would get possibly murdered in an East Coast stadium.