Thursday, June 7, 2007

we r in yer innernets, killin yer memes pt. too

Welcome back to the latest installment of macroimpressionism. If you're already confused feel free to scroll down to yesterday's installment (and if you're still confused just go here).

That's it for me, I'm off to Vegas this afternoon so I ask all of you for your prayers (well just the gentiles, I bet Jesus hates roulette and skanks). You should probably expect a drunken check-in at some point.

If you should come across a boogeyman, or boogeymen, remain calm while barricading yourself behind the couch with a 12 gauge. Enjoy Robert Goulet and remember to tip your waitresses.


rar288 said...

Who doesn't love a good Chikin Bukkit?

Big Daddy Drew said...

Isn't Peyton asking for four?

Trader Rick said...

Always take your even money!

Christmas Ape said...

Vera said that?

Shaun Murray said...

dear jebus....

i ask you this fine (hungover) morning to guide UM through the wonderful city of Las Vegas. Please assure that he gets to every brothel, and every "titty" bar safe. i also ask you, lord, that you make sure UM meets the skankiest of the skank, so he may get "laid." In Jebus name we prey....amen.

BeaverFever said...

Jesus loves craps and always backs the pass line and presses his odds.

is that first picture t.o. ? does he have a bluetooth earpiece to go with his earphones ?

K-Rock said...

Jesus actually used to be known as "Double Down" back in his day.

Shaun Murray said...

somewhat off topic but who has heard the song "craig christ"

Unsilent Majority said...

I got hydroponic shit that me and Judas grow.

jubrand said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jubrand said...

Stephen Lynch is the balls.

Wormfather said...

@UM...Is J-Bug comming with you?

Anonymous said...

Make sure Hench behaves. He can get out of hand.


K-Rock said...

who is the guy next to kurt warner? might be ricky proehl

Becky said...

Saw Lynch and Hedberg together, freaking fantastic. Till Hedberg died a few months later, anyway, then it was just sad.

Is it weird that I MUCH prefer cracker talk to this lolcats business?

MyBoysAreMyLife said...

"We ain't scared of Al Qaeda, we're scared of Al Cracker!!"

/Chris Rock

Signal to Noise said...

"Black out like a champion today!"

Hedberg did stand-up at my college in the middle of nowhere when I was a freshman. I was on the committee that hired and booked acts, so we met him early and got to eat with him. He riffed on fast food for a good half-hour, and had everyone laughing.

jackin'4beats said...

Gotta love how Chris Rock so easily puts things in perspective.