Thursday, June 21, 2007

Or Was It... MURDER?!!!!!!!

This clip is 5 seconds long. I dare you not to watch it 40 times in a row.

Credit to flubby, who always finds the best shit.


Otto Man said...

Christ, that's good.

Seamus Furr said...

I couldn't make it all the way through. What happens?

Pemulis said...

i love all the "related videos" on the right hand side if you actually go to the youtube page.. you can watch assholes act like assholes

BeaverFever said...

btw, did anyone else watch the yankees/rockies game last night ? there was a fan behind homeplate holding up a sign that read "fire millen". i can only image they mean matt millen, and it seemed weird that someone would be showing that sign at a baseball game in denver.

Ian said...

@beaverfever: Why is that weird you think that Millen's suckitude is confined to Detroit? It reaches much further than you imagine.

Murderface said...

Does it look to anyone else like the chipmunk is about to break up laughing at the end?

Biggus Rickus said...

Isn't youtube all about assholes acting like assholes so assholes can comment on what awesome assholes they are? That and allowing me to see the four funny clips from SNL each season without having to watch that collossal turd of a comedy show.

Oh, the video's funnier on the seventieth view.

BeaverFever said...

good point vanilla. i'm just gald i'm not a lion's fan.

also, image should be imagine in my previous post.

Wormfather said...

...and I'm a jets fan.

Raskolnikov said...

Reche Caldwell's pet.

Wes said...

That's the bestest thing ever.


A Fastidious Hat said...

Dweeze said...


Ian said...

I keep coming back just to watch it again and again. I've got a fever and the only prescription is... more dramatic chipmunk!.

twoeightnine said...

I absolutely hate the new YouTube.

David said...

Look, I'm tired of this Fire Millen crap. He's all about TEAM SPEED: If he takes WR's with every top 5 pick for the next 50 years or so, he'll have the most TEAM SPEED on the planet. As a Bears fan, I don't know how anyone in the NFC North will handle all that TEAM SPEED.


yarichris said...

Mike Vick is shitting his pants right now, hoping to god the gopher doesn't find the other doggy graveyard

Suss said...

WWE thinks this chipmunk killed Vince McMahon

Crapass said...

Hey David Caruso, nice take.

Now let's do it again, but this time, try it with a little more drama.

Slash said...

I saw it earlier today on another site (sorry), and it's fucking greatness. Yeah, replace Caruso with the chipmunk, and I'll start watching.

SammySenrab said...

I could watch this on a continuous loop for the rest of my life, and it still would not be enough.


casserolemistake said...

You wanted glasses, but here's a mustache and a monocle...

Wes said...

The good people at ytmnd have gotten in on the act.


Dana said...

I've played this at least 40 times and e-mailed to everyone in my office. Funniest ever. Thanks, BDD!

Julie said...

I keep waiting for this to stop being fucking hysterical. Nope, not gonna happen.