Commenter Draft: Drinking Games
Big Daddy Drew is in a meeting this morning -- I know: I, too, thought the Dick Joke Symposium was next week -- so it's gonna be me, Captain Caveman, leading you through the draft this morning. Yeah, yeah. I like it when Drew does all the work, too. Less writing for me.
So, let's get to it: drinking games. As always, select one game at a time and wait ten picks -- not comments, but picks -- until you select again. These must be real games that you have played. Any arcane or obscure games require brief explanations so that others may go forth and get drunk in that matter.
Personally, I'm sad to say that I've moved beyond drinking games. They tend to be too loud, and that gets in the way of me getting mellow. I prefer drinking by myself. So, I'll be passing on the first pick -- I'll trade down for multiple picks next draft or something -- but I want to make ONE THING VERY CLEAR:That game where you throw the ping-pong ball at the pyramid of cups? It's Beirut. Beer pong is played with paddles. Only shitheads who don't know their drinking games call Beirut beer pong.
flip cup
This is going to be a tough one, as I firmly believe that drinking is a skill and not a game. But when in rehab...
Ok then .. quarters.
That's two week with the first pick (not even trying, just opened the page and boom)
Ladies and gents, I am THE DETROIT LIONS!
Ah, Asshole. The Calvin Johnson of drinking games.
I'm not a big fan of drinking games myself (although I do enjoy a game of "Drink the Beer") but if I had to choose I'd go with Speed Quarters. The "regular" variety is for pussies.
Beer Die
This is going to be short draft...unless us commentor guys have the ability to start making games up...oh wait, scratch that first part.
The "regular" variety is for pussies.
I do believe I just got served.
You wanna piece of me, big man?
Keg Laps. Take the hose of the keg in your mouth and do a lap around the keg while inhaling from the hose. First time you do one lap around the keg, second time you do two laps around the keg, and so on. Person who does the most laps without falling down/puking their lungs out wins.
That game where you throw the ping-pong ball at the pyramid of cups? It's Beirut.
i don't want to tell the ksk gay mafia how to play drinking games, but... (at least in Miami)
Beirut is where you bounce the ball off the table and into the cup.
Beer Pong is where you stand behind the designated line and shoot the ping-pong ball, freethrow style, into the cup.
oh, and with my 1st selection, i choose the annual george w bush state of the union address game. every time he mispronounces a word, you do a shot. anyone still standing at the end of the state of the union address address wins.
to my knowledge... nobody has ever won this game
What's the name of the drinking game on the Cosby Show where you had to think of city names by letter in a rhythmic pattern, and if you missed the letter you do a shot? I choose that game. Bill Cosby: when I think of you, I think of pudding pops and jello shots.
The ubiquity of flip cup vexes me greatly.
Fuck The Dealer.
Kings. Most fun for a party, and house rules run rampant.
Drinking is not a game.
It is what keeps me from killing.
It keeps the voices at bay.
BAJOW, which stands for "Big Ass Jug Of Wine."
Step 1: Purchase a jug of the shittiest wine imaginable. Carlo Rossi Sangria well in this case.
Step 2: Pass said jug around circle of 5+ people. Drink as much as humanly possible. Person to finish jug off gets to write, in Sharpie marker, the name of someone else in the circle's mother on the jug, and what vile things you would do to her sexually. Jug is then displayed in the home as a trophy.
Step 3: Vomit.
Power Hour
1 shot of beer, in a standard shot glass, every minute for one hour.
Never seen anyone finish without puking.
another variation on quarters: chandeleer, where everyone playing has a cup surrounded by a community cup in the middle.
Power Hour was a nice call. I think I made it to 32, puked nicely, but then took 33 on cue.
For my second, and likely last pick, I'll go with Caps.
(Teams sitting on the floor across the room from each other, legs spread, with full beers in plastic cups at crotch zero. If the other team shoots the beer cap into one of your cups, and you don't score on the return, you all drink.)
up and down the river.
@The Young Nucleus you stole my second round pick.
Damnit...Well I'm going to go with my favorite bar game; slip the ruphee
Beer Hunter
...these guys ripped it off of Bob & Doug McKenzie
I'll go with Mexican/21 (but the two-dice version) sort of confusing description here:
Nothing better than drinking too much while sporadically yelling "Mexican!" Wait, did I say nothing better? I meant nothing more pointlessly, racist. Good times.
Century club- it's power hour for men.
a shot of beer every minute for 100 minutes.
And yes, I finished.
The Bob Game; watch the old Bob Newhart show; every time someone says "Bob", take a drink.
Drunk Pool. Every time you make a shot drink 1 shot of beer. Every time you miss a shot, drink 2 shots of beer.
I never knew how to play pool until I started with this drinking game. Now I can't play without drinking.
Boat race.
does "drunk dial your ex girlfriend and make an ass of yourself" count?
does "drunk dial your ex girlfriend and make an ass of yourself" count?
Only if she's drunk and gives you phone sex.
Only for the spectators, Chief.
knockout pong
just like regular knockout, but with beer
place communal (ick) drinking cup in middle, filling to desired amount. in a group size of your choosing, each rolls a pair of dice in turn. if someone hits on 7 or 11, that person delegates another (or himself) to drink. the person who rolled the 7/11 resumes rolling the dice while that said drinker drinks from the communal cup. the drinker must finish the drink before a double is rolled, if he/she doesn't, that said person must drink again.
Power Hour
In college the power hour was how we pre-gamed before going out. Never puked.
The Century Club, on the other hand... oy. Let's just say that the '80s were not kind to me.
i don't want to tell the ksk gay mafia how to play drinking games, but... (at least in Miami)
And that's why Miami is teh gay. Anyone who bounces is a pussy.
I better take golf before John Daly does.
In college the power hour was how we pre-gamed before going out. Never puked.
Exactly. And for my game I'll choose golf.
I puked on Century Club, not Power Hour.
Sorry for the mistake. It was a long time ago and, between you and me, I might have been drunk at the time.
Yeah, the Century Club is a bit like Custer saying "how many indians can there be?"
Seems like a good idea at the time, and then you're naked in the elevator covered in your own filth.
"Enjoy Parents Weekend!"
Wiffleball with a keg on each base.
"Never Have I Ever"
In a group you take turns. Someone says "Never have I ever..." followed by something they may or may not have done. Anyone who's done that act drinks.
Most fun when you have slutty girls around.
I don't have a pick, but I do have a recommendation. Kings--not a good game to play on a job interview.
Got flown to Atlanta for an interview when I was in college. The recruiters thought it would be fun to take us out after the first night. Played Kings in the hotel room before going out. I had to drink a full coffee carafe. With judgment sufficiently impaired, thought it was a good idea to drink way more than I should have. Broke the revolving door at the hotel. Puked in a recruiter's ravioli at lunch the next day.
Didn't get the job.
ONLY fun if you have slutty girls around.
My personal favorite from college was a drinking game with Star Wars (dorky yes, whatever, it worked). There were various categories we would draw out of a hat with Stormtrooper death being the one to avoid. Mainly because when the Death Star exploded you were fucked.
The Braveheart Challenge:
24 cans of beer
2 men
1 movie
you must equally finish the case before the movie ends
Fuck You Pyramid.
In other news, Geocities still exists!
High/Low - Great Value Pick
damn...Awful Chief got golf before I could.
I'll take Hi-Lo. Nice and simple. Gets you started on those nights where you will just kill youself.
And the only time I ever saw someone play BEER PONG with paddles was in Alabama. Need I say more?
I'm going to have to nominate Edward 40 Hands... it requires every participant to duct tape 2 forties to their hands... they can't be removed until both are empty.
If you need to open a door, pee, or anything else, you have to find someone to do it for you.
Drunk write stupid shite you have to do on each piece. Each time you move a piece to restack it, you have to take a drink and do what it says...then if you knock the thing over, you have to shotgun a beer.
examples of things to write on the pieces (drink, drink, run around the apt complex one time in your skivvies yelling "i have a beautiful pussy" if you're a guy and vice versa if you're a gal).
never done that...nope
some good photo finishes for the packets of information moving through the tubes this morning
case race ... your team has one case of beer to finish ... first team to finish wins.
Teams can vary in size but are usualy between 2 and 4 people.
And the only time I ever saw someone play BEER PONG with paddles was in Alabama. Need I say more?
Sorry, but here in NYC, it's all about the paddles.
And to counteract the Alabama factor, I know some Harvard guys who used paddles there. (Man, did that sound gay.)
"Lookin' out the window? That's a paddlin'. Staring at my sandals? That's a paddlin'. Paddlin' the canoe? Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin'."
I raise a toast to anyone who completed the Century Club without puking.
Most shot glasses are 1.5 oz., so we are talking one beer every 8 minutes, which would be 12.5 beers downed during the Century Club. Pretty damn impressive.
Power Hour involves drinking 7.5 beers in one hour, which isnt exactly pussified. However, I am humbled by the drinking prowess of the commenters. I'v always been known as a puker anyway. Puke and rally, my friends.
Avalanche is my 2nd round pick.
2 or more people are involved. One person is chosen to start the game. Everyone starts drinking at the same time and the person who started, drinks as long as he can. The person next in line can't stop drinking until the guy in front of him stops, and so on, and so on, until every person has stopped. Everyone rotates their position if the avalanche is competed successfully. Howver, the penalty for stopping before the guy in front of you is moving to the end of the line.
Damn, all the games I know or remember were taken. I'll throw Drunken Strip Poker out there for the hell of it.
I finished power hour once in college (without puking) the end of the night we were calling Penn State's D.P. Dough (a fantastic place for calzones) Dippy Doo. Good times.
Beer Pong (the kind with paddles) started at Dartmouth.
At Vanderbilt, Pong was the thrown game (beirut)... and only one frat house called it beirut.
A small, small subsection of students played Beer Pong.
A game my freshman RA taught me is Drunk Driver... You have a Driver and can have players including Shot gun, back seat and bitch. Driver lays out a pyramid of cards, starting with 7 and ending with one... he picks one of the 7 cards, and if it is a face card, he drinks and lays down 4 for aces, 3 for kings, 2 for queens and 1 for jacks, and drinks.
Those cards are then flipped over... this continues until he reaches the top of the stack (or runs out of cards)
Shotgun goes drink for drink, bitch and back seat match half.
I'll go with one I created...
the Princess Bride Drinking Game
rules are simple. Anytime anyone says "As you wish" or "inconceivable" - drink.
And we're talking shots of actual liquor. Not beer.
I am not responsible for death or hospitalization from any amateurs who try this (yes, I'm looking at you, Josh Hancock's dad!).
A variation on the case race...the triathlon.
3 person teams.
24-case of beer
An eighth of Mike Vick's favorite substance.
1 large pizza and a coke.
1st team to finish wins. Obviously.
All this leads to a terrible case of the spins, puking and making out with unattractive women.
Get a standard freezer ice tray (7-8 ice slots per side) and everyone goes around trying to bounce a quarter into the slots. Right is give (1 for makingit in the first slot, 2 for the second, etc) and left is take. You shoot until you either miss or get a take.
The last slot, however, is the moosehead, where everyone at the table has to do a moosehead (ten fingers extended, hands to both sides of the head, you get the idea) and last one to do so has to kill their drink.
Works best with 5-10 people and beer.
Tequila Pursuit
Trivial Pursuit, but no 'pie'. Just shots of Tequila.
What's the name of my game?
Why do we play it?
To get fucked up.
Chasing Tails.
Get in a circle w/ a group of people around a table. Have alcohol and a quarter. First person starts... you bet anyone around the table a certain amount drinks based on what comes up when you flip the coin ("Billy-Bob... 10 on tails). If tails comes up, Billy-Bob drinks 10. If the opposite comes up... the flipper drinks double (eg - if heads comes up... flipper drinks 20). The flipper passes the quarter to the next person when he guesses 3 flips in a row correctly. If the quarter falls on the floor, the flipper must finish their beer.
Play until pass out or vomit.
Anchor Man
Need I describe it?
the chris kopech jacked my pick. We just called it "moose." Highly effective. The only difference is there was a community cup in the middle that you drank from for the moose slot.
If you hit three moose(head) slots in a row you get to make a rule.
Has anyone played MOOSE before?
basically like quarters except with an ice-tray and more rules.
We used to play Roxanne in college...
split up into 2 teams, put in the Live version of the song, and alternate drinks, once when Sting sang "Roxanne", the other team drinks on "Turn on the Red Light". the end of the song where its a non-stop festival of drinking was always the crowd pleaser.
s2n - i like the "3 mooseheads gets to make up a rule" idea. I'll try that next time.
Day of The Beast.
24 Milwaukee's Best Light must be consumed by one individual from the time period of 2 PM until midnight. Can consumer beer any way you want (beer bongs, shotguns, power hours, or out of can). A 'reversal of fortune' is grounds for disqualification.
that was taken. get your Ctrl+F on next time.
I'll go with the name game
The Pyramid game is the most brutal drinking game of all time. A brief explanation of the rules is at the site below.
@Ran, we had a think like that. We'd put on a Biggie album and...
Everytime you heard:
"Bad Boy" or biggie refer to himself you took a drink
Finally, everytime Puffy put himself in a song you finished your drink.
Circle of Death. Its like a combination of Hi-Lo and Bullshit except you could get yourself caught in a never ending loop of drinking. Its brutal.
Otto Man: yeah...Harvard guys + paddles does sound REALLY gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
tourette's. Kind of complicated, but high comedy.
Indian Poker.
What about Hockey
Team game that usually resulted in fights, and was played when there were no hot girls around. Which was alot at shitty Jesuit schools
land mine, a personal favorite.
phone calls:
Take a bottle of a liquor of your choice.
Pretend it's ringing, pick it up, put it to your ear, ask who they (the bottle) is asking for and pass it to anyone you'd like, telling them, "it's for you". That person then takes a pull from the bottle and the game continues in a random fashion until finished.
hey guys, what about moose and edward 40-hands? those games are good.
what? oh. nevermind.
the chris kopech - my personal favorite is the "no swearing" rule, although someone came up with the "talk dirty to your beer" recently, and that is endlessly amusing in a mixed game.
my favorite game is "watch a friend drink steadily from 1pm until night, try to light a campfire with gasoline, toss around a hatchet, go take a shower, forget to dry off, and then take another shower 10 minutes later because he forgot he took the first one."
Otto Man: yeah...Harvard guys + paddles does sound REALLY gay.
Don't think I haven't point that out. (Usually with a taunt of "Hey egghead, sing 'Fair Harvard' for me!")
Arrange 4 different size cups in a line. The first cup should be the smallest, with each cup increasing in size. Fill each cup with a healty mouthful of beer. Put the case of beer behind the fourth cup for a backboard. Bounce a quarter into the cups. Small Cup = Single, Second cup = Double, etc. Any shot that doesn't go in the cup is an out. Other team drinks whatever you hit and all the cups below it. Homerun cup can also be a money cup filled with liquor.
Beer Pong is only played with paddles
Sitting at RFK is 90+ degrees.
Played at Indiana University, named after a massive German Warship that took almost the entire British fleet to take down.
You fill a bucket up with beer and place an empty 8 ounce cup in the beer. Each person takes turns pouring in the cup. First person to sink it chugs the cup. Sink it three times in a row and you drink the bucket.
While playing with sorority girls, gently kick the table to sink the biz during their pour and get them drunk so you can later sink your biz in their orifices.
Survivor Taps (Taps is flip-cup... for those of you who don't know... which is everyone who didn't go to Illinois)
Same as regular Taps/Flip Cup... cept the losing team votes someone off... but still has to drink the same amount of beer as the other team. One person may end up having to drink and flip like 5 cups, while the other team has 4 players and 5 beers to divy up. That person may DESTROY the other team and be famous for it still 3 years later. That person may be me. That was awesome. Play till one team has no one left.
Pound 6
At any point in the night, simply tell someone to pound 6. They drink for a 6 count. Can be verbal, hand gestures, texted, etc. If told to pound 6, you MUST pound 6. Most appropriate after a stupid comment or act. Sounds stupid, but me and my friends are simple.
Waterfall still in the board? YOINK
The Big Labowski Drinking
Everytime someone says "fuck" you have to drink.
Bet Your Liver
1. fill cup up with as much beer as you want
2. flip a coin
3. guess wrong: drink cup. guess right: pass cup to next person and repeat step 1 & 2
if someone doesnt puke youre not playing it right.
How about favorite drink instead? The Ambassador: take a pint glass, fill it with vodka, and give it to me.
Well done chief -- beer die is the finest mix of alcoholism and hand eye coordination in existence (besides driving, of course)
Victor, you'd like Dan's Cafe in DC
@ Ken Dynamo: We play that as arrogance and its more fun with a massive jug and everybody drinking something different.
I will take Ring of Fire, it seems to get played far too much here at Glasgow and is the way we start most of our better nights out now.
Are we playing International Consumption Rules for all of these?
3 man. I'm a sucker for dice games.
I will take hoe down. A modified set of rules can be found here.
Nothing beats the waterfall aspect of Circle of Death, wherein everyone starts drinking at the same time, but you cant STOP drinking until the person on your right stops. Its great when you can two-fist beers and makes the poor noobs at the end of the line all pissed off.
Black & Red
It's as simple as it sounds. Guess the color of the card that is about to be flipped. If you're right, you make someone drink. If you're wrong, you drink.
It scares me a little how many of these games have done serious damage to my liver.
Created Pong AND inspired Animal House. My college RULES!!
This debate begins and ends with Stump. The entire middle is occupied with Stump as well.
Name me another drinking game where you get to throw hammers through the air and recklessly swing them at nails.
Educate yourselves, and then find some stumps:
In drinking games where you can make rules, the best rule to make is "Little man". Before anyone can drink, they have to take the little man of the rim of their glass, or he drowns. When they are done driinking, they muts put him back on. Its the best rule to get someone fucked up, cua no one remembers to go throug the motions. Only problem is, someone has to pay attention to everyone drinking and watch for the little man.
Pardner, I would have to say the Brent Musberger drinking game
Prize Figher-
Two fighters, and two trainers. The fighters roll dice against each other, and the high roll drinks (both drink on ties). The trainers fill up their fighters' drinks, provide encouragement, and take pulls from their drink of choice. Five three-minute rounds - player who drinks the most is TKO'd. Best played with beer shots, unless you'd like to go to the hospital after one round.
NBA Drunk
Involves playing NBA Live ... you have to take a shot (liquor) anytime your opponent dunks on you, hits a three, or blocks your shot. Needless to say I may not recommend this game if you desire making it through the night without broken bones.
i usually just play "drink until i pass the fuck out" and it works out nicely.
wv: uulap, strangely similar to the noises i make before i pass the fuck out.
Pendant of Life
Inspired by Legends of the Hidden Temple, this variation on Taps/Flip Cup involves EVERYONE.
No teams here - everyone chugs and flips at the same time. The last one to get their cup flipped is out. The game continues until one player is left victorious. They get the pendant of life (usually mardigras beads or whatever you can find around)
Then on the next round, everyone is back in again, except the person with the pendant of life is safe for the first time they get last flip. Pendant of life switches to whichever player is the last standing in each round.
Box whip. Basically at the end of the night, you take all the empty cases, fold them up and whip your friends in the face with them as hard as you can.
We never had a name for it, but:
Watch the ‘Army of Darkness’. Any time someone gets hit, drink.
oh yeah, yesiamahooker.
For those that don't know it is intricate and can lead to a world of pain.
Thunderstruck - It's a short game, but a fun one. Get a few people (the more you feel like drinking, the fewer people you need). Put on Thunderstruck by AC/DC. First time you hear the word thunder, the first person drinks until the next "thunder", and so on in a round. It's not unusual to finish 3+ beers over the course of the song, and it's even more fun to make a scene while playing it in a crowded bar.
Three man teams
First team to finish a case of beer (24 or 30), half 1/8th of pot and a large cheese pizza wins. Puking is automatic disqualification. It's alright to puke after you've finished.
I'll take Terrapin -
Two teams, usually 4-5 guys per side. Funnel as many beers as possible during the 16 minute run time of the Grateful Dead's Terrapin Station. If you puke before it's over your beers come off the board. It's brutal.
Five In Five. For serious chuggers only. Finish five beers in five minutes without booting. Recommended strategy is to kill the first three as fast as possible, force down the fourth, and then down the fifth and pull the trigger to re-rack.
And yes, I went to Dartmouth, and my family does have a history of alcoholism.
wow - joe, terrapin is stupendous.
this isnt really a drinkin ggame but it is a game you ahve to get drunk to play: Chair Jenga. or Furniture Jenga.
Just stack all the chairs and furniture up in a big pile and play like regular jenga.
Dartmouth has it's alcohol inspired hijinks, Harvard has its sports and academics, but Yale will always be first in gentlemanly club life.
Awful Chief -- You, sir, have the boorish manners of a Yalie.
Liars' Dice. and i'm not the same ben as the other ben. i think i need a psuedonym.
Sorry about not getting tenure at Brown, Otto.
I'm late - who schedules meetings on a Friday?!?
Fuzzy Duck
The "Other" Big Lebowski Game:
Drink a White Russian whenever the Dude drinks one. Eight or nine total, I forget.
tough draft get here late... at least I learned some cool games.
I like bar olympics... the events:
Foos Ball
Beirut (yeah there are bars that have tables)
Golden Tee or Videogame Trvia
Loser buys the pitcher and drinks a shot.
The Purple Rain drinking game.
My friends and I created this game last year on our inaugural Purple Rain night to celebrate Prince's birthday. It's fairly simple. Put on the movie and drink when:
1. There is an exterior shot of First Avenue.
2. The fake backstage area of First Avenue is shown (it so doesn't look like that in real life).
3. Someone calls Prince "The Kid."
You can use your drink of choice, but it's much more fun if you drink Purple Rain-flavored Mad Dog. And by fun, I mean horrible.
fuck i miss college.
I created a Big Lebowski Drinking game in college. (I flirted with a "every fuck = a drink" rule, but I didn't like the taste of charcoal nor did I particularly care for the hospital across the street). Instead the rules are as follows:
Every time someone says the word dude: Drink
Every time Brandt calls the Dude Mr. Lebowski: Drink
Everytime they mention the rug: Drink
Everytime Walter tells Donny to Shut the Fuck Up: Drink
Everytime the Dude is either drinking or getting high: Drink
During all Jesus rants: Chug
WHen the dude says "The Dude abides" finish what you have left.
I always passed out with a beer in one hand, with my other arms around an oversized jug of pretzel rods...good times had by all.
@ken dynamo: bet your liver is fantastic
May I also suggest SoCo Hold 'Em, it's pretty basic, shots of SoCo are what you bet. The max per hand is 2, 4 people will finish a handle of 100 proof SoCo in less than an hour.
Shoulders is a good time as well.
Note: I'm assuming the draft has devolved into people just throwing out random drinking games. Correct me if I am wrong.
I like to play drink your ass off all night and hope you don't get fired the next day for showing up late and stinking like booze.
That's my favorite game.
Not a drinking game per se, but an amazing time nonetheless.
Waking Up in the Hood
anyone who vomits during power hour is a bitch. Also, fuck the name beirut or whatever you call it. how gives a shit what someone calls it. potato patato doesn't mean shit. I still call it beer pong not beirut and you can kiss my ass if that bothers you.
also for the record the only acceptable picks should have been asshole, beer pong ( beirut for the gays), four kings, mushroom cloud, power hour, and drinking to certain phrases in the state of the union all other games are queer.
Beer Russian Roulette is always fun. You don't get really drunk, but you can thoroughly torment your friends. Plus, you get to quote the scene from The Deer Hunter like 400 times.
Go Blue!
It is similar to the Cosby Show game. One person starts by saying a famous person, say "George Washington". The next person drinks until they can come up with the name of a famous person whose first name starts with "W" - Washington's last name. Goes around in a circle until everyone is drunk enought to go out.
Whoops - forgot the name of the game - it's called "Think While you Drink".
My bad. Happy Hour starts early on the east coast.
good call on the india poker. Its a great way to get drunk in 20 minutes.
How about Towers? Anyone?
Do they not play Three Man in the US? it's standard. you learn that one first at boarding school in canada.
Opinion: games where you have to watch tv/ movies/ state of the union addresses/ etc. are not games. they are drinking while watching tv. Bor.Ing. and lame.
boat race
@BDD you sir have confirmed your genius. Boat race is the drinking game of ruggers everywhere and taught me how to gulp beer REALLY FAST.
dsanchez: Your rant leads me to believe you are the type of guy to wake up with a sore ass and a new friend every time you go out drinking.
Although I have never commented before, I am a religious reader of the KSK weekly commenter drafts, and enjoy them immensely.
Yet never has anything been said so inane/vagina-like that has prompted me to post. Until now.
TO: "ottoman" and "bluehose"
You have to be the biggest pussies to ever play a drinking game. Never finished a power-hour without puking? Or never finished period? Are you fucking 5'3" or twelve years old or something? MAN THE FUCK UP AND LEARN HOW TO DRINK.
You are both a serious disgrace to drinking gamers worldwide. I feel embarrassed for you.
Jason, thanks for setting these bitch-ass drinkers straight.
Waking up out of jail is the only drinking game I'll ever need.
Survivor Flip Cup:
Just like regular flip cup, only the losing team at the end of each round has to vote off a player. The catch? The exiled player's cup remains, and someone has to drink+flip it. One of my frat brothers once won five straight rounds as the last man standing (5 on 1, 4 on 1, etc), it was legendary.
Eh... people who don't have a tolerance for booze don't bother me... I wish I didn't have a tolerance, but back in college I was 300lbs and could drink anyone under a table... it's just expensive. (Well, I did once win $100 drinking a half a handle of rum in 2 minutes... with no vomitting)
People who mock others alcohol tolerance are generally not the most hardcore of drinkers... I'd rather drink with someone who can't drink much but can handle it, than someone who thinks they can drink alot, but not handle it.
I love how some guys get so incredibly defensive on drinking game names. If you need me, I'll be at the bar talking to girls, getting drunk and going home with the fat friend.
And Alex, settle down. It's a hypothetical mock draft for drinking games. Save the fratboy talk for the dude flipping quarters across the table from you.
Burnsy, buy yourself a beer, and pretend like I paid for it.
You have to be the biggest pussies to ever play a drinking game. Never finished a power-hour without puking? Or never finished period? Are you fucking 5'3" or twelve years old or something? MAN THE FUCK UP AND LEARN HOW TO DRINK.
First of all, Alex, I said I puked (a little) in the middle of Century Club and then, without missing a beat, made the next shot and every one after that. There's an asterisk next to the stat, but I made it.
Second, we did it fifteen minutes after we rolled out of an all-you-dare-eat pizza buffet. Not the best planning.
Third, since you asked, I'm 6'3" and 220 lbs. I've pretty much given up drinking out because it's virtually impossible for me to get drunk. The last time I booted was 2001, when I consumed thirteen straight Maker's on the rocks.
Fourth, fuck you.
And fifth, fuck you.
I love how some guys get so incredibly defensive on drinking game names.
The last time I had an argument about a drinking game, I was 19. Get a life, Jim Bob.
I call the Goodfellas drinking game. That's where you drink every time they say "fuck". It's important that the rule is short and easy to remember because you're going to be drinking a lot.
@ farmacy:
Thanks brother, and I ain't picky so it'll just be a Miller Lite.
I'll also draft the Simpsons drinking game and trade it to Otto for future draft picks.
Done and done.
To go off on a mild tangent, what's interesting to me is how drinking games change from frat house to frat house (or dorm room in my case, as I didn't bother pledging)... and from school to school... there are almost as many different sets of rules for the same drinking games as there all colleges/frats that claim to be the source material for Animal House. [Even my dad, who was an SAE at Tulane, claims his frat is an influence on the movie (they had their own D-day)]
ok, before i make my pick i am obligated to say the following things:
1)my college was cooler than your college
2)i can drink more alcohol than you
3)my drinking game involves a legendary story that may or may not have actually happened
did i miss anything or does that cover it all?
oh yeah, and my pick is the final four challenge, one shot of beer for every ball that goes through the hoop during the final four. good times.
Honestly, the best drinking games are any where you make people do any random action... the best one I played is tentatively named "the chicken game", you make "chicken glasses" with your hands (OK symbol turned into glass on your face)...First player starts with "Bawk" and points their hand in a direction. "Bawk" and gesturing with your hand moves action to the same direction, "Bawk Bawk" and gesturing with your correct hand moves action to the opposite direction, grabbing both ear and yelling "Peck Peck" skips the next person and keeps the order, and "Cockadoodle-Doo" (yelled) and pointing at someone moves the action to them... it can be rejected with a "Fuck You" and a point back, and it is the "Cockadoodle Doo" callers turn again, with the same direction going.
Mess up and you drink and start the next round.
it's not hard, until you've had a few drinks... then it just gets harder and funnier.
Burnsy, tonight at the bar, I will buy a cute girl a drink and hope through some karmic action a similarly cute girl sleeps with you tonight. Don't be a fool, wrap your tool.
In that case, I'll need to pick up some Hefty bags.
No, I won't.
+1, humorless moron.
I had a friend shit himself on spring break due to a gravity bong and a long game of Kings with one sober person... (NEVER play a rules based game with a sober person, you will end up with someone shitting themself).
Is that a legendary drinking story?
This is my next draft pick, BTW.
It's Plinko but for booze.
Is that a legendary drinking story?
One Halloween began with asshole and ended the next morning with one of the guys waking up in the homeless shelter wearing nothing but a speedo.
Another night began with three-man and ended with a friend rushing late to work the next day, only to be told by his boss that he should go to the bathroom and wash up. Once inside, he found that someone had written "I DO BONG HITS" on his face in magic marker.
Those may not be legendary, but I sure like remembering them.
Haha... I think we are all legendary in our own minds...
I think my favorite "way to drunk" story is when I visited my sister at Colby, and her basketball friends had gotten a prefrosh WAY to drunk... the kids was a senior in high school trying to keep up with Juniors in college... it was ugly.
So he was demanding more to drink, and the Colby guys realized that him going to the hospital wasn't a funny way to end the night... so finally one of them looks him square in the eye and say "Listen, we rigged up the sink in the bathroom, and the BLUE tap [cold water] dispense straight vodka... go pour yourself a glass"... so the kid goes and pours himself a glass, and all of them are pretending to not what him to drink it... he gets this HUGE shit eating grin on his face, and chugs it... they celebrate, and challenge him to do it again... and again, and again... finally the kid drinks about a gallon of water, and they let him go and pass out...
I still have his proud grin etched in my memory, as he thought he was so impressive... and we didn't have to go to the hospital, which was nice.
please forvie me for not spelling it too.
I apologize.
NEVER play a rules based game with a sober person, you will end up with someone shitting themself.
farmacy, I have read this many times now, and each time I like it a little bit more. True greatness.
Haha... I'm glad you can appreciate that advice.
Fourth, fuck you.
And fifth, fuck you.
HAHAHAHA. I kept thinking about that Jay-Z track. Fuck you pay me. Fuck You Pay Me. FUCK.YOU.PAY.ME
It always amazes me how someone could get that angry because they think they can drink more than someone else. College days swiftly pass and for most of us so does our need to get that shitfaced. But the stories last us a lifetime.
Keep em going fellas.
And the tap water story is pure genius.
No, no, no. My need to get shitfaced is still with me. Unfortunately it involves actual drinks now, as opposed to vodka and whatever is in my mini-fridge. It's also called alcoholism as opposed to a social or mixer or binge-drinking.
There is always one douche bag in the crowd isn't there? In fact, you may be more of a schrute bag.
One day, you will meet someone who can drink more than you and I sincerely hope on that day, you die of alcohol poisoning.
Further, as I stated above, I am a puker. Always have been, always will be. However, I always continue on. If that makes me a pussy, so be it. Puke and rally, schrutebag. Puke and rally.
It always amazes me how someone could get that angry because they think they can drink more than someone else.
Yep. They always seem to be the type who tries to prove their manhood by holding their hand over a flame.
Or, in the frat scene, talking about how big their dick is. There's a general rule of thumb that all ladies understand -- less talk means more cock.
Otto Man:
Dude, come on.
You say you puked halfway through a power hour, and then claim that you actually puked halfway through a century. Which means you still failed to do a power hour. Do the math.
I don't care what conditions there were for the failure. If you puke halfway through a century, you cannot stomach 6 makers on the rocks, let alone 13.
It's one thing if you can't hold your liquor - that's fine. But don't try to lie about it and then come up with bullshit about how you "can't get drunk".
Ah, the Drinking Gestapo has finally arrived. Otto, we'll rescue you from lockup Monday.
In the meantime, Happy Hour calls. I'll be drinking pure grain alcohol with a rubbing alcohol kicker just so no one calls me a pussy or chastises my drinking ability and the connection it holds with my actual manhood and/or libido.
Peace, I'm outta here.
I sure do miss me some football.
You say you puked halfway through a power hour, and then claim that you actually puked halfway through a century. Which means you still failed to do a power hour. Do the math.
Hi. I'm a grown man, 34 years old, with a fairly intense full-time job, a wife, and a child on the way.
As the above description might make clear, I haven't actually played any of these games in well over a decade. When someone said "a shot of beer a minute for an hour," I thought that was a good fit, only to be reminded later that I had, in fact, done the Century Club and not the Power Hour.
Also, as a grown-up, I don't give a flying fuck what you think about my drinking abilities. I did puke midway through the Century Club, and I did drink thirteen Maker's in a row. One came when I was eighteen, another over a decade later. I'd like to think my game had improved a little.
I can't believe I'm still talking about this. I really don't care if you believe me. And I really can't believe you care enough about an anonymous stranger's drinking habits and history to demand that the record be set straight.
The fact that you give a shit about this is simultaneously hilarious and sad, like the suicide of a clown.
NBA rookie/sophomore game:
Drink a shot of beer for every dunk. Double-shots for dunks by white guys.
David Lee killed us this year.
AnalRapist: The Bismark was doomed by 6 airplanes, not the entire British Navy.
BTW, I'm sure my ex could outdrink you all. She was 5'2", 105, and used to do beer bongs of White Zinfandel. I respectfully bow out to her expertise.
categories: it was a safe bet someone would get laid after that one
Otto, my friend-
Allow me to quote some of the gems you have given us today:
"There's a general rule of thumb that all ladies understand -- less talk means more cock...Third, since you asked, I'm 6'3" and 220 lbs."
Your penchant for irony is uncanny.
"I'm a grown man, 34 years old, with a fairly intense full-time job."
I think the emphasis should be on "fairly intense," considering the amount of postings you have put up to defend your drinking abilities on this "fairly intense" work day.
"Also, as a grown-up, I don't give a flying fuck what you think about my drinking abilities."
Surely you don't give a "flying fuck." You're a grown man! No need to defend your drinking abilities in one of your 17 daily posts during your "fairly intense" work day, am I right?
"I can't believe I'm still talking about this. I really don't care if you believe me."
We all can see that you don't care, Otto. Clearly its been a "fairly intense" work day, you should go home enjoy 13 Makers on the rocks to reward yourself for all the hard work.
PS - bluehose:
Stealing the term schrutebag, very clever. Also, wishing death upon someone for calling you a pussy shows you were obviously not emotionally affected in the least. Wipe your tears away, bluehose, its all in good fun.
OK... no critiquing anyone's drinking skills. Whatever... we all have our drinking story moments. Mine ended w/ me running home, clotheslining myself w/ a metal pole sticking out of a dumpster I didn't see... not remembering the next morning (having to be told by my roommate's sober boyfriend who was walking home with us why my collarbone hurt and I couldn't lift my arm), and having to call the student health center to find out how long my tetanus shot was good for.
Back to drinking games: Pub golf.
Pair up, or go single, it doesn't matter. Go on a bar crawl to 9 or 18 bars, depending on your level of intensity. At each bar, there is a "par" set. For example, drink a Guiness in 3 sips/lift of the glass. Like golf, you gain points if you go over. If you go under, lose points. If someone on your team pukes during the night, add a point. If both members of the team do a shot at a specific bar along with their par assignment, subtract a point (no more than one mulligan shot per bar). Have a good time.
otto man is a genius for taking caps.
Caps is the scarlett johansson of drinking games.
And beer pong is like the sarah shahi, but hotter.
And don't tell me that beer pong is called beirut, fuck that. I'm not naming possibly the best drinking game ever after a shitty lebanese city full of sand, shit, bullets, and bombs.
The dumpster story reminds me of another story...
2 of my cousins, while in high school , threw a party in their parents house, as high schoolers are want to do, and they successfully got away with throwing a party... as they were cleaning up, they continued to drink and smoke pot...
So one of my cousins, in his infinite wisdom, drives to a dumpster to get rid of all the cans, bottles, and cups. He is exceedingly wasted. He manages to throw everything into the dumpster, and when I say everything, I include his keys with that.
So there stands an 18 year old, stoned, drunk kid at 2am, with his keys in the dumpster, and he does the only logical thing, and climbs in after them. Unfortunately the dumpster is too deep for him to get out of.
So he gets trapped in a dumpster... has to call his brother, who comes and gets him out... I dont think he even managed to find his keys.
Also, Alex, I can out drink you... and your frat.
So can my sister... she can also beat your ass in flip cup.
Alright, I'm taking:
the movie "Drinking Games" that has a drinking game version where you can play along with the movie.
I Never (because seriously, only pussies call it "Never Have I Ever")
Otto is my dog. Recognize.
I had 9 beer, 3 Smirnoff Ice and 2 bloody mary's today during a client golf outing.
I'm sure that's a game, right?
Oh shit I'm an alcoholic.
Golden Keg. Two teams of 12 men. Two kegs. Pour out all the beer equally into cups for both sides on a large table. Each man gets 2 pukes. Second one he's out and the next is in. Whomever finishes or whichever team has has less cups at the last man's second puke wins. It's a sporting event for the ages.
Alex, I'm flattered by all the attention. Honestly, I am. But as I said before, I'm already taken. Sorry, pumpkin.
Thanks for all the support, folks. It's been fun talking with Clint 2.0, but I didn't want to hog him.
Booze Ring Toss. Make a ring out of straws and throw it at the back-bar. Whatever it rings around you take a shot of. Bad things happen.
Beer Balls. Two teams of two, on opposite sides of a table, each person puts a full beer can in front of them. Teams take turns throwing ping pong balls at the other team's cans -- if they hit the can, they chug their beer as fast as possible until the other team retrieves the ball and puts it on the table. Goal is to finish your beers before the other team.
Time Machine.
It's Century Club, but double time. Yes, a shot every 30 seconds. That's some mean efficient puking you have to do just to keep playing.
Oh, and try it with Canadian beer, motherfucker....
Day of The Beast.
24 Milwaukee's Best Light must be consumed by one individual from the time period of 2 PM until midnight. Can consumer beer any way you want (beer bongs, shotguns, power hours, or out of can). A 'reversal of fortune' is grounds for disqualification.
Light beer is for children and the elderly....
And since there's nobody else around right now, and after almost 200 selections I think I'm safe...
Pass The Rum
Someone, say John, has a bottle of rum. Yell out their name, "Hey John, pass the rum!" They take a drink, pass the bottle, you take a drink.
"Hey Billy, pass the rum!" I take a drink, pass the bottle, they take a drink.
Serves its purpose nicely.
Golden Keg. Two teams of 12 men. Two kegs. Pour out all the beer equally into cups for both sides on a large table. Each man gets 2 pukes. Second one he's out and the next is in. Whomever finishes or whichever team has has less cups at the last man's second puke wins. It's a sporting event for the ages.
Is there no time limit? This just sounds like a 24-person kegger... not that there's anything wrong with that.
I know I'm really, really late on this one, but some of us felt the need to take a 3 day work week...
I haven't seen Whales Tales taken yet, and although it's not very popular, found a decent enough set of rules. The drunker you are, the more you fuck up, the more you drink...
beirut is actually an offensive name because it is making reference to the bombs dropped on Beirut a decade or so ago.
Does drinking hockey count?
Fill the water bottles with beer, and they stay ice cold for 2 hours cause it's a fucking hockey rink, and just play hockey. No set rules, but if you get back to the bench and sucked in any way on your shift, your teammates yell drink. Leads to suspensions when done in league games. Leads to more suspensions when done in league games against another team also drinking beer while playing. Never seen a ref do it.
This is exclusive to the Austin area but can be applied to your choice of establishment that has a pre-determined cutoff for a specific drink
The Trudys Challenge:
At Trudys in Austin the Mexican Martinis are so potent that there is a max of 2 period... but there are three locations... hit every one in order in the direction back to your house and drink the max (or have to ask for more than the max and be officially CUT OFF) make it through all three and leave the last location and not puke... YOU WIN.
Got most of the way down before it turned into a pissing contest without seeing these taken. Think I have awesome value here.
1. Ring Of Fire
The rules on wiki are different to how I play. Theres no communal pint, no toilet card, no snake eyes etc. We normally try to get a variety of drinks being drunk, eg someone on vodka based, someone on whiskey etc for maximum nastiness on the communal pint.
2. 21's
3. Fives
4. Spartan, one shot of beer a minute for 300 minutes. For those who conquer century's too easily. This was made up after seiing 300.
5. For any english people out there the 'soccer saturday drinking game' is fairly brutal.
6. Pub Treasure Hunt.
2 teams, each team has to go to another pub/bar every round and steal/borrow the item on the treasure list in order. Last team to collect each item sees off their drink. Start small like a lighter, or shot glass. work your way up through chairs, tables etc until kicked out. Excellent afternoons to be had with this one.
just catching up, otto i also got your back. we may not agree on politics , but that doesn't matter you always have good posts. seriously, i stopped coutnign how many beers i could drink or drank in one night when i was in high school.
btw, being a dad is awesome. good luck when your child arrives. it will change your life.
just for posterity's sake, here's my college house's greatest invention, the Celebrity Age-Guess Drinking Game.
all this requires is IMDb and some honesty. Best played with at least 4, having a beer bong on hand is also useful.
Go around a circle and throw out the name of an actor, actress, or any other celebrity who's age can be verified with IMDb. Everyone guesses the age of the celebrity. They can only be deceased 10 years or less, and the age is counted as of the current date.
every year your off? One pull off your drink of choice. 12 or more? Beer bong/beer buddy/shotgun.
one time somebody thought Charlton Heston was in his 50s. that ended poorly.
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